News & Updates
January 26, 2022
Can you get all of these correct? (Answers below)

1. What does it cost for a 30 second ad to be aired during the Super Bowl?

a. $2.5 million
b. $3 million
c. $4.5 million
d. $5 million
e. $6 million

2. Beer accounts for the lion’s share of Super Bowl sales with how much money?

a. $8.7 million
b. $9.1 million
c. $9.9 million
d. $1.2 billion
e. $1.6 billion

3. Americans drink ___ million gallons of beer on Super Bowl Sunday

a. 310
b. 325.5
c. 349.5
d. 364.5
e. 375

4. Which company spent the most money on advertising at 42 million dollars during the 2020 Super Bowl?

a. Anheuser-Busch
b. Proctor & Gamble
c. Amazon
d. Pepsico
e. GM Motors


  1. e.
  2. d.
  3. b.
  4. a.
January Meeting Minutes
Here are the minutes from our January 11, 2022 meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lauren.

Volunteers Needed

We will be having the HIPS trailer at Northeast and Cal-Wheat's Parent-Teacher Conferences in March.

We are asking for a couple volunteers to help with the coalition table to go with the HIPS trailer. Here is the information for both conferences:

  • Northeast Parent- Teacher Conferences (HIPS Trailer)
  • Wednesday, March 9
  • 3:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
  • Northeast Middle School

  • Cal-Wheat Parent- Teacher Conferences (HIPS Trailer)
  • Tuesday, March 15
  • 3:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.
  • Cal-Wheat High School

If you would like to volunteer for either, please sign up on the google doc here:

Coalition Survey

The coalition has teamed up with ECIA in regards to helping with sustainability and fundraising. A coalition survey has been created to gather opinions from coalition members to help us plan for the future and how the coalition is doing. If you haven't done so already, please take a couple minutes to complete this short survey.

Speak Out Against Suicide Open House

Speak Out Against Suicide will be having an open house for their new building on February 10 from 4-6 p.m.

Stop out and see their new building!

Marijuana vaping among teens has more than doubled since 2013

Teen vaping of marijuana doubled between 2013 and 2020, indicating that young people may be swapping out joints, pipes or bongs for vape pens, according to a new study.

Fill Out Coalition Membership Agreement

All members who have filled out a coalition membership form are considered members and have voting rights. If you have not filled out a membership form, please do so.