July 7th, 2023

Hello The Loisaida,

Ecolibrium is a multi-disciplinary Climate Science Literacy and Environmental Justice project by the Loisaida, Inc. Center that studies, surveys, and analyzes environmental conditions at the hyper-local level with the goal of improving public health and quality of life for our neighborhood and continuous Lower Manhattan community.

Loisaida Inc. has assembled a diverse, multigenerational team of local and national collaborators, college students, recent graduates, high school seniors, and professionals working in the fields of data science, architecture, and engineering who all seek to improve public health and monitor environmental conditions in the Lower East Side (“Loisaida”) neighborhood. The project is funded through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Environmental Justice award.

Ecolibrium’s first phase will culminate in a comprehensive hazard map of the Lower East Side and a multimedia campaign and interactive exhibition that utilizes independent media resources to enhance public awareness of environmental health hazards affecting us.

This year, our team is entering a competition to win the HeroX Buildings UP Prize, which "supports actionable and scalable solutions to advance energy efficiency and efficient electrification upgrades in existing U.S. buildings." Read more below to find out how you can support the Ecolibrium team in this competition!

Support ECOLIBRIUM in the HeroX Buildings UP Competition

Letters of Support Due July 12th

Is Your Building Ready to Go Electric?

Loisaida wants to help building owners and cooperators find affordable pathways to upgrade.

The Ecolibrium Program at the Loisaida Center, along with Cooper Square Committee invites your building to participate in Buildings UP, a Nation-wide competition held by the US Department of Energy to help communities adapt to climate change.

Loisaida, Inc., with support from professionals in the fields of architecture and engineering, is applying to this competition in order to raise funds to help buildings determine a pathway towards energy efficiency, renewable energy/storage, zero-emissions heating/cooling, and ways to offset costs and increase climate-related employment.

Our mission is to accelerate building efficiency and electrification upgrades through aggregation and economies of scale, to increase local climate-related employment opportunities, and to maximize impacts and benefits that offset the costs, while reducing GHG emissions.

With your participation we can help buildings identify their needs and maximize benefits under the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation, and NY State NYSERDA incentives and rebates.

How to Participate

Deadline for participation letters is July 12th!

If you are a NYC building owner or manager, download the letter template using the button below, fill out the fields, and email it (as a .PDF file) to Alex Lee at AlexL@coopersquare.org by July 12th. If you own/manage more than one building, fill out a separate letter template for each building. 

Download the Support Letter Template
Email Alex Lee at AlexL@coopersquare.org

Stay Connected!

Donate & Support

Loisaida Inc. | 646-726-4715 | info@loisaida.org | loisaida.org

710 E. 9th Street New York, NY 10009

Loisaida Inc. is a federally certified 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an affiliate of the Acacia Network