A Nature Mystery
There isn't anything special about the underside of these Elm leaves...

...or is there?

Can you discover the real subject of this photo?

A careful eye will reveal the secret!

[See "Nature Mystery Revealed" below for answer]

Calling Volunteers! Fall Workday Schedule
Help us maintain the health and beauty of our public nature preserves!
All events will maintain safe practices and social distancing.

In order to properly prepare for these volunteer days, please RSVP in advance to Stewardship Manager Matt by Email: mschultz@phlt.org or Phone: (301) 395-1244
Learn Preserve
Wednesday September 2nd
9 AM - 12 PM

Join stewardship manager Matt Schultz to control invasive mile-a-minute vine from the beautiful Learn Preserve. Mile-a-minute is a fast-growing vine that can smother native vegetation along stream-sides and forest edges. It is a prickly plant, so bring sturdy gloves to protect yourself!
Yankee Run Preserve
(Mt Pocono)
Wednesday September 9th
9 AM - 2 PM

Join us for a United Way Day of Caring event at Yankee Run Preserve, where you can help us mark a new loop trail from Devils Hole Rd to the historical pump house! If time permits we will also pick up litter that washes into the preserve from Route 940.
(*Note: this event will be slightly longer than other workdays)
Pomeroy McMichaels Creek Preserve
Wednesday October 7th
9 AM - 12 PM

Help us remove and pile invasive shrubs from the meadow at Pomeroy McMichaels Creek Preserve. These cut shrubs will later be used to create in-stream habitats along the McMichaels Creek!
Pomeroy McMichaels Creek Preserve
Wednesday October 14th
9 AM - 12 PM

Help us remove invasive Japanese barberry to protect an area of the preserve known for its spectacular spring wildflower displays. Please wear sturdy gloves and dress for the weather.
Fieldstone Farm Preserve
Wednesday November 4th
9 AM - 12 PM

Help remove invasive shrubs to preserve the natural beauty of this photogenic preserve.
Glen Run Preserve
Wednesday November 11th
9 AM - 12 PM

Remove invasive shrubs to protect natural features and keep trails clear on this heavily visited preserve.
Can't attend any workdays? Sign up for our volunteer list and tell us about your interests!

Show your support through a donation today.
Thank you for supporting Pocono Heritage Land Trust!
Photo Credits
Ray Roper: Yankee Run Preserve / Pomeroy McMichaels Creek Preserve (photo 1)
Candace Roper: Pomeroy McMichaels Creek Preserve (photo 2)
Neil Boushell: Fieldstone Farm Preserve; Lori Jean: Glen Run Preserve
Appreciate the Natural Elements with these Eco-Holidays
September 4 - National Wildlife Day

September 16 - National Collect Rocks Day

September 18 - World Water Monitoring Day

September 26 - National Public Lands Day

September 27 - World Rivers Day

Nature Mystery Revealed!

Did you find it?

Attached to the underside of these Elm leaves is a caterpillar with remarkable camouflage!

Aptly named the Elm Sphinx (ceratomia amyntor), this caterpillar is actually quite large, easily the size of an adult pinky finger. After its pupation stage, it will spend its adult life as the Elm Sphinx moth with a 5 inch wingspan.

It's amazing that something this large could be so good at hiding!
Thanks for playing!
Pocono Heritage Land Trust | phlt.org