“Consider the blameless, observe the upright;
a future awaits those who seek peace”

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I Will Trust in the Lord

Hail to the Lord's Annointed

You have designed us with emotions, as a way to connect with each other and the world. But all too often, people let feelings drive them, which can lead them into trouble. Those at the Capitol who acted on their anger today inflicted pain, and their rampage left only damage in its wake.

Lord, I pray right now that You will make me into a sower of peace. The Apostle Paul wrote that You are a “God of peace,” and I want to follow Your Ways. Show me how to let love motivate me to speak and act, and give me a desire to encourage instead of tear down.

Help me, God, to be bold as I go out. Right now, there are people who don’t even want to think about peace. So I ask for Your grace to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Doing that may not change the world, but it will remind people that there is a better way.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today's Prayer & Prayer Requests
Prayer through the Ages
Give to us, O Lord God, a heart that is teachable, that we may know what is pleasing in your sight; a life attuned to your Spirit that we may be guided in your ways and a mind ever watchful that we may rejoice in the coming of your kingdom; through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
Today's Prayer
As God’s people, it’s natural and right for us to grieve when we see people decide to use violence as a way to solve problems. The Lord wants to soothe the hurt we feel, and to teach us that we can be part of making a difference going forward. Being in His Presence and His Word will equip us to be active in bringing more of His peace to the world.

Today we pray...

Heavenly Father, we live in a world where the security we once seemed to enjoy has been eroded right away and so many dark clouds of unknowing seem to be looming on the future's unpredictable horizon. All that seemed to be so secure and reliable has turned to sawdust in our hands and evaporated like the morning mist.

But Lord, we praise Your name that we can entrust our future in Your safe-keeping, knowing that Your love surrounds us and that Your grace is sufficient, no matter how black the circumstances of life may appear. Thank You, Lord, that You hold the world in the palm of Your hand, and nothing can snatch us from that secure position in You.

Thank You, that we are accepted in the beloved and loved by the Father and thank You, Lord, that no danger may overtake any of Your children that is not permitted by You, and which will not be used to fulfill a just and glorious purpose.

Keep our hearts from unnecessary fretting or worry and in the power of the Holy Spirit, may we build ourselves up in your most holy faith, by praying in spirit and truth and walking the way of righteousness. May we learn day by day to prevent our eyes from focussing on the trials and tribulations that are coming on the earth, and rather, help us to look to Jesus, knowing that in all things He is the victor, and we are securely positioned in Him through time and into eternity. Thank You, in Jesus' name,

For those sick with Covid19. God, heal and sustain bodies and spirits.

God, protect our vulnerable populations and our elderly and those suffering from chronic disease. Provide for the poor, especially the uninsured.

For our friends working the Covid19 front lines: Alayne Snyder, Drs. Johnny and Riny Kovoor. and Erik Lindholm.

Lord Jesus, as we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those needs known only to ourselves and name them in our hearts.

We pray for all families as they face the ups and downs of family life in the age of the coronavirus.

We ask for all these through Jesus the Christ, Amen. 
Valhalla United Methodist Church | 200 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla NY 10595
914-949-6252 | valhallaumc@verizon.net