The First Sunday of Lent

It is tempting to skip observing the Lord's day when worship takes place on line in a different form then we are accustomed to. Yet here we are approaching the first anniversary of worshipping together/alone via an email shared with/by members of our congregation.

We look forward to when we can worship in our sanctuary but until then we will praise God with joy, ferver and spirit. Let our worship be pleasing to God.
Opening Hymn - Hope of the World
Call To Worship
Here, at the outer limits of Lent,
we are called to walk:
to the paper-thin edges which cut us
     to the soul;
to the workplaces which weary us;
to the people who confuse us;
to the faith which threatens us.
Here, at the corner of Steadfast Love
and Faithfulness, we are called to wait:
when our clenched stomachs awaken us;
in the moments of unbearable sorrow;
with the angels who would carry us.
Here, where time is fulfilled,
where God's Kingdom is as near to us
as our neighbor, we begin Lent:
with the Beloved, whose tears wash away
    our fears,
with the God who will not let go
    of our hands.
The Opening Prayer

You love us, O God.
Like a mother
who upholds her son through
the temper tantrums,
the ball-broken windows,
the smart-alecky remarks:
you love us, O God.
Like a father
who walks his daughter through
the terrible twos,
the giggling fours,
the confusion and chaos of adolescence:
you love us, O God!

You give to us, Holy Brother.
In the tears crevassing our cheeks,
in the depths of our sighing;
in moments of exquisite joy
and the lingering days of loneliness:
you give to us - yourself.
In the chorales of morning birds,
in the silent prayers of our hearts;
in a night sky splattered with stars,
in a cross stained with blood and tears:
you give to us - yourself.
You dance with us, Gentle Spirit.
In baptismal waters soaking our knees,
when desert dust chokes our hymns:
you dance with us, Gentle Spirit.
in jail cells and courtrooms,
on the journey to death,
and striding forth from the tomb:
you dance with us, Gentle Spirit.

God in Community, Holy in One,
in any season, but especially in this Holy Season,
you love us, you give yourself to us, you dance with us;
and so we lift the prayers Jesus has taught to us, saying,ven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.
Praise Hymn:
Great Is The Lord
Praise Hymn:
More Like You
Time For Our Children - Wild stories about Jesus - Mark 1:9-15 - animated stories about Jesus straight from the Bible.

The Jewish Scripture: Genesis 9: 8-17
I Can See Clearly Now - Pastor Kevan, guitar and Miles Walter, piano
The Gospel Lesson: Mark 1: 9-15
The Message - Pasto Kevan asks us three questions during these forty days of Lent.
The Morning Prayers

God looks at the most broken soul and sees an angel aching to take flight. God sees our worst faults and washes them away in the waters of life. God hears our prayers of confession, and whispers sweet grace in our hearts. Let us pray together...

For Mary and Tom Kovoor who ask for prayers for the family of Siby Cherian. Tom’s cousin who passed away unexpectedly his week.

For those who have died from Covid19 and other illnesses or in acidents or natural tragedies.

For the many who have recovered from Covid19. For doctors and scientists diligently working to heal the sick.

For all persons on the frontlines, especially Alayne Snyder, Dr Johnny and Riny Kovoor. and Erik Lindholm who are risking their lives to help those who are sick and dying

For friends who have moved afar but are still close in our hearts: Marilyn Van Tine, Pauline and Marty Bluver and their entire family and Erna Burton.

For the Reinhardt family, Sophia Kovoor, Sean Hitch, Kathy and Mike Weinlein and all of our friends who call Valhalla home but are scattered to other states and around the world at the present time.

We offer our thanks and praise that You are with us, we are not alone!

For all leaders seeking to bring safety to their citizens and for all people who are heeding the guidelines, regulations, and sheltering in place.

May we act with humility to not just preserve our own safety and health, but to look beyond ourselves and think of how our actions will affect others.

May we be alert to the ways we may help those around us, and give us the grace to step forward without hesitation to be men and women for and with others, for Your greater glory.
We ask for guidance for parents, children, youth and teachers adjusting to new ways of learning.

Protection for the vulnerable the elderly, the poor, those with health issues and all who are essential for the meeting of our primary needs.

Provision for all needed medical supplies and stamina and strength for all personnel.

Blessing on our church and all churches, pastors, staff, and congregations as we offer your Love and Grace to all and to receive the financial support to do so.

Holy Spirit move among us and through us to find new opportunities to be your faithful disciples and spread the love of Jesus Christ in the world.

Come to our aid, Lord. Open our ears to hear your voice in these troubled times, may we listen and be prudent and may we draw ever closer to you as we offer these prayers, asking your help through Jesus the Christ. Amen.
The Offertory
Holy God, we offer our gifts to bring healing to the broken, hope to those in despair, light to those in shadows, and grace for all your people. 
Closing Hymn - When Jesus Came to Jordon
The Benediction
Trusting in God, let us go from this place.
Taught all we need, we will bring hope and peace to others.
Trusting in Jesus, let us go into the world.
Given all we need, we will go to serve those around us.
Trusting in the Spirit, we will not be tempted to stay, so let us go.
Baptized in hope, we will go to welcome others as God’s Beloved.
Valhalla United Methodist Church | 200 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla NY 10595
914-949-6252 |