Thoughts on Today's Verse
This Psalm of despair, referred to by Jesus from the Cross, is also a Psalm of hope and faith. The history of God's faithfulness with his people Israel is an ongoing reminder that we can trust him to deliver us. While in our human reckoning of time God's answer may be slow in coming, his track record in history reminds us that he will answer, deliver, and bless his people in his time. In our worst of nightmares, we can be reminded that God is faithful and is attentive to our cries of despair, lament, grief, agony, and fear.

The Thoughts on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to
Music Videos
I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
God of Our Fathers
Today's Prayer & Prayer Requests
Prayer through the Ages
Shine upon us, O Lord, with the light that surpasses all other light. Cleanse us with the fire that consumes all other fires and fill us with the love that transforms all other loves; for your own name’s sake. Amen. 

Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

Prayer of the Day
We ask, dear Father, that you bless your people everywhere who find themselves in difficult situations. Empower them with your Spirit and bless them with a change for the better in their dire situation. Please hear the cries of your people and act swiftly for their protection, preservation, and vindication. In Jesus' name we pray...

Thank you Heavenly Father for always being present in our lives in one way of another.

Thank you for your Hope and Faithfulness.

As more people get sick, healthcare workers and first responders are working longer hours with fewer supplies and with more risk of contracting the new coronavirus themselves. Renew their energy and sustain them on long shifts. Bring Your protection upon them as they work with patients.

Thank you for your Love and Salvation through your son Jesus Christ.

For those who are ill: For Charlie Cassidy, who had surgery. For Joan Whearty who will be having hip replacement surgery.

We ask that You keep the coronavirus and its new strains from continuing to spread.

For our friends working the Covid19 front lines: Alayne Snyder, Drs. Johnny and Riny Kovoor. and Erik Lindholm.

Be present now to people who need Your loving touch because of illness. May they feel Your power of healing through the care of doctors and nurses.

Thank you for your Holy Spirit that gives us comfort and guidance in our daily lives and walks.

Give government officials the ability to safely handle people arriving from other countries.

Help people decide to stay home instead of traveling or going out needlessly.

Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of isolation from people receiving treatment or under quarantine. Protect their families and friends and bring peace to all who love them. 

Thank you Abba Father You are loving God and faithful to your word, promises and plans.

Be with people making decisions that affect the lives and futures of our families, communities, countries, and the wider world.

Holy Spirit, as families adjust to everyone being home we ask that You guide people in their new realities. Give spouses grace for each other. Prompt worn-out parents to speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children.

Thank you for this verse and your Holy Word that gives strength, hope and confidence.

Give peace to people feeling financial strain during these times of uncertainty, bring them comfort and peace, reminding them that You are there for them. Provide for them in their times of need.

Thank you Lord! We pray through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Valhalla United Methodist Church | 200 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla NY 10595
914-949-6252 | |