God is our refuge and strength.

Psalm 46:1

Thoughts on Today's Verse
Where can we go when all the walls fall and all the armies crumble and all hope is lost? To the eternal God, who is our Father. He preserved Israel through the most difficult of times, protected the Bible from those who would eradicate it, and has led his Church through troubles and triumphs through the centuries. He will do the same with us until he brings us home to himself.
It Is Well With My Soul 
Guy Penrod | David Phelps
I’d Rather Have Jesus |
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
From the Upper Room
My part of the country has experienced many destructive storms this summer. They often bring large hail — sometimes as big as baseballs — that can crash through windshields of cars, destroy crops and buildings, and even kill our livestock. The psalmist, seeking to bring courage and hope to God’s suffering people, wrote about such destruction. As we read the verses of Psalm 46, we can be comforted through the many storms we have experienced. When we see entire houses destroyed and businesses blown apart by the weather, we begin to realize how vulnerable we are. So we turn to God for strength in the midst of our weakness and fear. When we turn to God in the face of storms of any kind, we can find our faith deepened and realize we are not alone. God, “our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble,” is the one who causes fear to dissipate and gives us courage to forge ahead through every adversity we may face.

Prayer: God of eternity, open our eyes to see that you are nearer than we can imagine, closer than a friend or brother. Amen.
Al Trucano* (Nebraska, USA)

Prayer Through The Ages
Let nothing disturb or dismay us, O God, for all things are passing
and you alone are unchanging. All things are wrought in patience, O God,
and those who possess you lack nothing. Our sufficiency, O God, is in you alone, now and always. Amen.

Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)

Our Prayers and Prayer Requests
O consuming fire, O Spirit of love, descend into our hearts and there transform us until we are fire of your fire, love of your love, and Christ himself is formed within us. With you as our refuge and strength we pray...

For Mary and Tom Kovoor who ask for prayers for the family of Siby Cherian. Tom’s cousin who passed away unexpectedly last week.

For protection for the vulnerable the elderly, the poor, those with health issues and all who are essential for the meeting of our primary needs.

For the many who have recovered from Covid19.

For doctors and scientists diligently working to heal the sick.

For all persons on the frontlines, especially Alayne Snyder, Dr Johnny and Riny Kovoor. and Erik Lindholm who are risking their lives to help those who are sick and dying

We have hope because you are always with us. We know you are listening as we pray...

For friends who have moved afar but are still close in our hearts: Marilyn Van Tine, Pauline and Marty Bluver and their entire family and Erna Burton.

For the Reinhardt family, Sophia Kovoor, Sean Hitch, Kathy and Mike Weinlein and all of our friends who call Valhalla home but are scattered to other states and around the world at the present time.

May we act with humility to not just preserve our own safety and health, but to look beyond ourselves and think of how our actions will affect others.

May we be alert to the ways we may help those around us, and give us the grace to step forward without hesitation to be men and women for and with others, for Your greater glory.
We ask for guidance for parents, children, youth and teachers adjusting to new ways of learning.

God, our refuge and strength and ever-present help in trouble, hear the prayers...

We offer our thanks and praise that You are with us, we are not alone!

We offer to praise you for the many blessings you have given to us.

For your blessing on our church and all churches, pastors, staff, and congregations as we offer your Love and Grace to all and to receive the financial support to do so.

That the Holy Spirit will move among us and through us to find new opportunities to be your faithful disciples and spread the love of Jesus Christ in the world.

For those prayers too personal to share with anyone but You.

Lord, All we have needed You have provided! Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto us! Amen.
Valhalla United Methodist Church | 200 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla NY 10595
914-949-6252 | valhallaumc@verizon.net | https://valhallaumc.org/