June 21, 2024


A bill supported by SCIL is in trouble and needs our help!

California lawmakers are considering a bill that would help protect wildlife from cruel and deadly rodenticides. Urge your state senator to vote yes on AB 2552, the Poison-free Wildlife Act, authored by Assemblymember Laura Friedman.

The Poison-free Wildlife Act would restrict the use of deadly pesticides that that cause animals to die slow and painful deaths by preventing their blood from clotting. 

The Poison-free Wildlife Act builds on last year’s AB 1322 by restricting the use of the anticoagulant rodenticides that are sickening and killing California wildlife including mountain lions, San Joaquin kit foxes, Pacific fishers, and spotted owls. 

State officials have documented that over 88 percent of raptors and 95 percent of pumas tested have been exposed.

Exposure to these poisons can decrease immune system response and cause internal bleeding, severe skin diseases, and death. 

Four unborn kittens of a mountain lion killed in a vehicle strike in 2022 tested positive for anticoagulant rodenticides, and 95 percent of deceased mountain lions tested in 2021 had been exposed.

Bald eagles—our national symbol—are also frequently poisoned by anticoagulant rodenticides.

Viable, cost-effective alternatives exist to address rodent infestations. Integrated pest-management strategies that prevent infestations.

California’s wild animals have a right to live poison-free.

Currently, Chair Dave Min (D-Irvine) of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee has indicated that he is opposed to the bill or considering watering it down.

Please call the Committee Chair and Vice Chair today and urge them to VOTE YES on AB 2552 to protect wildlife! 


Senate Natural Resources & Water Committee:

Chair Dave Min: 916-651-4037

Vice Chair Kelly Seyarto: 916-651-4032


AB 3162 and AB 1983 will be voted on by the full Senate as early as July 1st!

Follow the link to find your senator. Then click on their name to go to their website and look for contact information. You can call the capitol or district office phone number to reach them.

Please call your state senator and urge them to Vote “YES” on AB 3162 & AB 1983!

Click to Find Your Senator

AB 1983, the P.E.T.S. Act, authored by Assemblymember Brian Maeinschein (D-San Diego) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, will reinstate the tax check-off program which collects approximately $300,000 annually for spay and neuter programs.

AB 3162, the OCTO Act, authored by Assemblymember Steven Bennett (D-Ventura) and cosponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation and Animal Legal Defense Fund, will ban octopus farming and importation of farmed octopus.

Getting the bills we are sponsoring this year through the legislature and signed into law will require resources. If you’re able to contribute now to help us save and protect animals, we’d be most grateful. No amount is too small.


On behalf of SCIL and all the animals, thank you!

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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