June 12, 2024

Great News for Octopus and

Spay and Neuter Funding!

Today, AB 1983, the P.E.T.S. Act, authored by Assemblymember Brian Maeinschein (D-San Diego) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, passed the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee with a unanimous vote of 6-0. The bill will reinstate the tax check-off program which collects approximately $300,000 annually for spay and neuter programs.

On Tuesday, AB 3162, the OCTO Act, authored by Assemblymember Steven Bennett (D-Ventura) and cosponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation and Animal Legal Defense Fund, passed the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee with a unanimous vote of 11-0. The bill will ban octopus farming and importation of farmed octopus.

Both bills will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee in the coming weeks.


We Need Your Calls Now to Ensure Students Know They Don't Have to Participate in Animal Dissection!

AB 2640 will ensure that students are notified of their right to opt out of animal dissection and be informed of where the animals being used are sourced from and what chemicals they will be exposed to if they partake in dissection.

AB 2640 is being voted on in the Senate Education Committee next week, Wednesday, June 19th at 9 am, and the opposition is fighting to weaken the bill!

Please call the Committee Chair and Vice Chair today, and the other members if you have time, and urge them to VOTE YES on AB 2640! 


Senate Education Committee:

Chair Josh Newman: 916-651-4029

Vice Chair Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh: 916-651-4023

Sen. Dave Cortese: 916-651-4015

Sen. Steve Glazer: 916-651-4007

Sen. Lena Gonzalez: 916-651-4033

Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas: 916-651-4028

Sen. Scott Wilk: 916-651-4021

Getting the bills we are sponsoring this year through the legislature and signed into law will require resources. If you’re able to contribute now to help us save and protect animals, we’d be most grateful. No amount is too small.


On behalf of SCIL and all the animals, thank you!

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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