September 3, 2024


AB 3162 and AB 1983 are officially on the Governor's desk!


Governor Newsom has until September 30th to sign both into law or veto.

As a reminder, AB 1983 will fund spay and neuter programs and AB 3162 will proactively ban octopus farming and the sale of farmed octopus in the state.


We are hopeful Governor Newsom will sign the bills into law since both received broad bipartisan support, will cost VERY little or nothing to the state, and represent the compassionate values of Californians.


But the Governor MUST hear from all of us. He needs to know there is support for this legislation. He needs to hear from you!


Please either call or use the Governor's contact page to send your support for both bills!

If you choose to call, the general switchboard number is: 916-445-2841


Better yet, go to the Governor's website, and follow the prompts - steps below. You MUST go through the process for each bill individually.

Step 1:

In the first pulldown, click: "An Active Bill"

In the second pulldown, click: "AB 1983 - Income taxes: voluntary contributions: Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund."

Remember, repeat the process for "AB 3162 - Octopus: aquaculture: prohibition."

Click "Leave a Comment" and the "Next" button

Step 2:

Next screen, click on:


Then, in the "Message subject," please type: "Request for Signature" 

In the message window, feel free to say something simple, like the message in the picture below, but you may elaborate if you would like to share your own reasons for supporting the bill.

In the next screen fill in your name and email and then submit. That's it! Simple!

Remember - you MUST go through the process for each bill!

The whole process will take less than 5 minutes and means so much!

We cannot thank you all enough for the action you take for the animals! Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work.


With gratitude,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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