Call for Participation
einstein steam

New York State's Museums in Action:


March 30-April 1, 2014  Marriott, Albany, New York
Sponsored by the Museum Association of New York

What is STEAM?


STEAM = Science and Technology integrated through Engineering and the "Arts", all based in Mathematical elements.  


Innovations emerging from the intersection of the sciences, engineering, arts, and design are transforming our economy, culture and learning contexts.  Innovation stemming from interdisciplinary creativity is a major contributor to the development of new, sustainable economies and harmonious, cooperating societies. 



STEAM is a movement championed by Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and widely adopted by institutions, corporations and individuals.




Why did we choose this theme for the Conference? 

Museums + STEAM

While teachers are limited in the classroom and traditional schools are only just

considering merging disciplines, this is something that museums already do! And we do it well! Museums' non-traditional educational environments are perfect for this cross-curricular approach to teaching. Many museum programs have already
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been adding the A for Arts into the STEM programming. This includes visual and performing arts, humanities, social sciences, language arts and history. Whether it be through exhibitions, scope of collections or educational programming,museums have the natural capability to excel at STEAM initiatives!
Submitting a Proposal 


We welcome proposals from a wide range of institutions and practitioners, within and outside the museum community, to encourage lively discussions that offer new perspectives on our work and create new connections to each other.  This year we're doing things a little differently...


You spoke and we listened!  

Sunday's sessions and workshops will address topics that were specifically requested by conference attendees in our survey. (These will not follow the conference theme.) We're looking for sessions and workshops that address the following:

  • 101 Courses (collections management, outreach and communication, education, etc.)
  • HR/Administration Issues
  • Earned Income Generation (gift shops, food services, rentals)
  • Designing Museum Spaces (reworking buildings or building new)
  • State Initiatives - REDCs, Common Core, Path Through History
  • Distance Learning
  • State Impact/Advocacy

Monday's and Tuesday's sessions will follow the conference theme: STEM to STEAM.

Here's a sampling of what we're looking for:

  • Have you successfully integrated art and design in your science or history museum?
  • Are you exploring math or technology at your art museum?
  • Do you have great ideas for ways in which museums can collaborate with their surrounding communities through STEAM?
  • Have you created exhibitions that cross boundaries of art, science, history?
  • Do you have collections that span history, art, math and technology?
  • What events could museums create to promote STEAM initiatives?
  • How do you market your collaborations and STEAM programming?
  • What are your motivations for implementing STEAM at your museum? 
  • Does your STEAM initiative reach beyond the education department?
  • Does your organization reach out to STEM professionals to help with your STEAM projects?
  • Have you had success in facilitating a teacher advisory committee to advance your STEM to STEAM initiative? 
  • Has your organization encountered any obstacles in STEAM initiatives?


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Full Proposal Deadline September 20, 2013

If you have a fully formed program proposal, you may fill out the proposal form and return 

it to Museum Association of New York by September 20, 2013


If you have an idea for a discussion topic but need assistance developing your presentation plan or finding additional contributors, consider utilizing the MANY Member e-forum at nysmuseums@googlegroups.com to solicit additional presenters & perspectives. 



www.museumsinconversation.org for additional information and to download the 2014 proposal form.  

If you have any questions or are looking for assistance with developing a proposal, contact Dana Krueger, Associate Director - Programs in the MANY office at 800.895.1648 or by email