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Call for Heritage Award Panelists Now Open!

In recognition of Pocomoke Homelands (Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties) receiving a 2024 Heritage Award in the category of Place, four generations of the Pocomoke Indian Nation gather at Shad Landing State Park Discovery Center in Snow Hill.

Maryland Traditions, the traditional arts program of the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), is seeking panelists for the Heritage Award program. Each year, this program recognizes six people, places, or traditions in Maryland for long-term achievement in the traditional arts.

MSAC relies on a wide array of experts from across the state to do the important work of evaluating applications. Panelists are selected with a focus on diversity of experiences, diversity of location (applicants must be Maryland residents), and expertise in varying artistic disciplines.

Click here to learn more about eligibility requirements on our "Ways To Get Involved" page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a panelist do?

  • Evaluate Heritage Award nominations on their own time, with digital submissions due in December
  • Attend one virtual orientation in the fall and one synchronous virtual panel meeting in December, as scheduled by MSAC staff
  • Receive compensation of between $375 and $550, depending on the number of nominations evaluated

Who are we looking for?

  • Individuals with backgrounds in a variety of arts administration and cultural worker roles, or who are interested in learning how MSAC grant applications are evaluated
  • Individuals who are already familiar with Maryland Traditions, Heritage Award or the Folklife Apprenticeship programs
  • Traditional artists of all kinds, including former grantees of the Heritage Award or Folklife Apprenticeship programs
  • Individuals from multiple regions, especially western Maryland, southern Maryland, and the Eastern Shore

How do I apply to be a panelist?

  • Submit an application via SmartSimple by clicking the Apply Now button below, registering as an Independent Artist, and following these steps:
  • Under the “Funding Opportunities” tab, select "Public Call"
  • Under Narrative, select "Panelist" from the dropdown options.
  • Select "Maryland Traditions Heritage Awards" from the grant program dropdown options
  • Click "Save Draft" to populate the application
Apply Now!

Deadline: Friday, August 30, at 11:59 p.m.


Visit the Heritage Awards page.

Contact Folklife Specialist Ryan Koons (ryan.koons@maryland.gov) for assistance.

The Maryland State Arts Council is committed to making sure all Marylanders can access its programs and services. For application assistance, please contact the appropriate Program Director. Guests with further accessibility questions or who require accommodations may fill out the Accommodations Request Form or contact the MSAC Office Secretary at msac.commerce@maryland.gov.

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