
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


Thursday, March 3, 2022

ITGA News & Announcements

Call for Nominations for the ITGA Presidential Excellence Award

ITGA is accepting nominations for the Presidential Excellence Award. This award highlights the extraordinary accomplishments of ITGA members. Submissions are due April 8, 2022. To learn about last year's Presidential Excellence honoree, click here.


Earn Your Certificate in Town Gown Relations

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Register for the ITGA 2022 City & University Relations Conference

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National & International Headlines

Be a Good Neighbor Video

This video was created with Northern Arizona University (NAU) students in mind. It provides an overview of what Flagstaff has to offer, encourages community engagement and highlights the neighborhood liaison position. The video was shot in the neighborhoods adjacent to the NAU campus.

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Lunch With a Leader: Bridging Town and Gown

A collaboration between Huntington University and the local Chamber of Commerce brings community leaders together with university students. The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to meet and learn from leaders in their fields of interest.

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Not In Our Backyard

Seldom are the stakes of housing politics so explicit as in a recent, unprecedented announcement made by the University of California-Berkeley that it would have to admit 5,100 fewer freshmen then it had planned to comply with a court order limiting enrollment on environmental grounds.

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College Park Mayor to Head Racial Equity Group for Local Officials

College Park Mayor Patrick Wojahn will take a leadership role among other mayors and leaders across the country as a recently-appointed vice chair of NLC's Race, Equity and Leadership Program. Wojahn said he is excited to serve in his new role.

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These Cities Are Driving Sustainability Efforts

Many US cities deserve accolades for their ecological efforts in recent years. Whether it is a focus on parks, water, housing, or farmers' markets, these cities all serve as examples of what we can achieve when we decide to put the earth first.

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International Town & Gown Association

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