
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


Thursday, March 31, 2022

ITGA News & Announcements

Call for ITGA Award Nominations

ITGA is accepting nominations for the ITGA Presidential Excellence Award and the Larry Abernathy Award. Both awards highlight the extraordinary accomplishments of ITGA members. To submit a nomination or view 2021 award winners, click here. The deadline for submissions is April 15.


Join us for the UKTGA Webinar:

Making Social Media Great Again

2:30 pm (GMT) April 7, 2022

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Register for the ITGA 2022 City & University Relations Conference

Invest in your career and in yourself!


Job Posting: The University of Vermont is seeking a Conflict Management Coordinator. Learn more here.

National & International Headlines

Changing the Narrative About Student Homelessness Through Art

This project at Portland State University seeks to change the narrative around homelessness with a series of research-based comics. These comics were created with a research team, community partners, artists and research participants.

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To Tackle Inequity, Look Closer at Student Experiences

There has been increasing research internationally on how COVID-19 pandemic has affected the higher education sector and its students. This Australian study shows how the pandemic has increased barriers to higher education participation.

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What a Legal Battle Says About College Housing Affordability

College students across the country are facing a crisis. It is not just the cost of attending college, which has steadily been climbing. And it's not the stress of getting into post-secondary education. The problem is housing. For students, the issue is pertinent.

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University Gives Landlords Funding to Improve Student Safety

Officials at Temple University have revealed plans to improve student safety, including providing off-campus landlords with funding. Temple announced the new grant program after a campus survey found only 56% students felt safe in their surroundings.

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How Miles College Leads the way with Public-Private Partnerships

Less than a year after Bobbie Knight became the first woman president of Miles, the Miles College elected to make her permanent. Since then, Miles has seen enrollment over 1,500 and a 500 percent increase in private gifts.

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