Eight Education Grants You Should Keep on Your Radar

CalFIRE Green Schoolyards Grant

Deadline: April 28 at 3 p.m.

·       Implementation Grants: Between $1,000,000 and $30,000,000 per applicant including $2,000,000 max. per school campus included in the project.

·       Planning Grants: Between $75,000 and $1,500,000 per application including $100,000 max. per school campus included in the project. 


CDC Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program

Deadline: April 11

The DFC Support Program funds community-based coalitions that engage multiple sectors of the community to prevent youth substance use. The DFC Support Program provides grants up to $125,000 per year for five years to community coalitions to strengthen the infrastructure among local partners to create and sustain a reduction in local youth substance use.


After School Education and Safety (ASES) Frontier Transportation Grant

Deadline: April 17

*For current ASES Grantees only for additional transportation needs.


NEA Challenge America FY2024

Deadline: April 27

Challenge America offers support primarily to small organizations for projects in all artistic disciplines that extend the reach of the arts to groups/communities with rich and dynamic artistic and cultural contributions to share that are underserved. Challenge America features an abbreviated application, a robust structure of technical assistance, and grants for a set amount of $10,000. Grants require a cost share/match of $10,000 consisting of cash and/or in-kind contributions. Total project costs must be at least $20,000 or greater.


US DOJ COPS School Violence Prevention Program

Deadline: May 17

The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards directly to States, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the jurisdiction of the grantee through evidence-based school safety programs and technology.



FY 2023 Preventing School Violence: BJA's STOP School Violence Program

Deadline: Grants.gov: May 8, JustGrants: May 15

Through this opportunity, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks applications for funding to support and assist county, local, territorial, and tribal jurisdictions in improving efforts to reduce violent crime in and around schools.


CA Dept of Education (CDE): Tobacco-Use Prevention Education: Grades 6-12 Tier 1 Cohort S

Deadline: May 5th

Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) funds support health education efforts aimed at the prevention and reduction of tobacco use by youth. TUPE in grades six through twelve is funded through a competitive application process. Tier 1 funding consideration to local educational agencies is based on projects that propose to enforce the local educational agencies adopted tobacco-free policies and administer the California Healthy Kids Survey.


CA Dept of Education Middle School Foundation Academies Planning and Implementation Grant

Deadline: June 16, 2023

Middle School Foundation Academies (MSFA) Planning and Implementation Grants will be funded at $1,000,000. This funding is for 14 planning and 13 implementation grants for middle school career academies ($25,000/$50,000 per Academy). The funds are from Proposition 98 - Career Technical Education Initiative is included in the 2023-24 State Budget. The program aims to establish MSFAs to prepare students for participation in a complete, high-quality career technical education pathway at the local high school.




California Department of Education: Dual Language Immersion Program Grant

Deadline: TBD

Eligible: schools, school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or consortia of the aforementioned entities

The DLIG is authorized under Assembly Bill 130, Chapter 44, Section 158 of the Statutes of 2021. The bill appropriated $10,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to be available through the 2024–25 fiscal year for the DLIG.


If you would like California Consulting to write this application for you, please call our headquarters at 323-728-9002.

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