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Participate in Calflora’s 10th Annual May Photo Contest!

To join the contest, upload plant photos here during the month of May. Publish and then "like" your photo to add it to the contest. We made this video tutorial for you.

You may also add photos via Calflora's phone app Observer Pro for Apple or Android.

Support Calflora

We rely on your donations to keep this incredible plant resource running. Donate by May 14th to double your donation!

Add petals (or ray flowers) until we reach $40,000. Make your most generous gift today or mail a check to 1700 Shattuck Ave #198 Berkeley, CA 94709.

Calflora is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization EIN 31-1689940. Donations are tax-deductible.

May Photo Contest Q & A:

Q: What if I don’t know the name of the plant?
A: Add it to Plant ID Help group.

Q: How many photos may I enter?
A: Unlimited: enter as many photos as you would like.

Q: How does voting work?
A: One "like" equals one vote. You must be signed in to Calflora to vote. You may vote on as many photos as you would like: one vote per photo.

Q: What does the winner win?
A: the traditional fame and glory, PLUS a prize!

Photos should be as close to original as possible. Permissible photo manipulations are limited to cropping, rotation, and basic adjustments to brightness, contrast, and white balance.

9th Annual Calflora Photo Contest Winners (2023)

Cirsium occidentale
by Mary Ann Machi
2nd place 2022
Pholisma arenarium
by David Greenberger
2nd place 2020
Paeonia brownii
by Eric Engles
1st place 2021

Reply to this email with questions, and let's see your best shot(s)!

Donate to Calflora
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1700 Shattuck Ave #198
Berkeley, CA 94709