
Thank you for submitting your photos and voting in Calflora's 10th Annual Photo Contest. Here are the winners:

Calochortus Category

Calochortus plummerae

Plummer's mariposa lily

by Emily Sluiman

Any Other Flowering Plant Category

Castilleja ambigua ssp. humboldtiensis

Humboldt bay owl's clover

by Mary Ann Machi

Gymnosperm Category

Hesperocyparis abramsiana var. abramsiana

Santa cruz cypress

by Amy Patten

Grasses and Grasslike Plant Category

Pleuropogon hooverianus

North coast semaphore grass

by Emily R. Allen

Fern and Bryophyte Category

Bartramia stricta

Bartramia moss

by Jordan Collins

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Calflora Independent Nonprofit EIN: 31-1689940

1700 Shattuck Ave #198

Berkeley, CA 94709 
