Announcements, information and updates from CWAG Members and Associates

October 25, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

*The CWAG Winter Dinner is very close to being sold out, be sure to register today to ensure your spot. We anticipate closing registration in the next week due to space limitations.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 CWAG Winter Dinner, Tuesday, November 27, 2018 in Charleston, South Carolina. We invite your participation in this Endowment Dinner benefiting the programs and goals of the Attorneys General. 
Attorneys General and private sector supporters will join together for a dinner and informal discussions at The Dewberry Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. This highly personal and engaging dinner includes participation from approximately 25-30 Attorneys General. Attend this year's event and participate in this premier opportunity for exchanging views and forging relationships.
You may register as either a current sponsor using one of your allocations under your annual membership, or as a new sponsor. If you are an existing sponsor who registered for the 2018 CWAG Annual Meeting, you may use your same registration code to register for the Winter Dinner. If you need your code re-sent to you, please contact Meeting Manager Ale Stephens. To register online, go to the   2018 CWAG Winter Dinner Registration Website . Click on "Register" and enter your name, last name and email address, then select your attendee type.

To register as a new sponsor, review the 2018 Membership Information Package and contact Meeting Manager Ale Stephens.

Along the top of the registration site, you will find tabs with complete details about the schedule, hotel accommodations, suggested transportation and more.
~CWAG Meeting Manager Ale Stephens,  or 303.304.9206

The next meeting of the Cyber Security Working Group will be held in conjunction with the CWAG Winter Dinner in Charleston, South Carolina at the Dewberry Hotel. The Working Group session will be held on Wednesday, November 28th, from 9:00-11:00 am. A light breakfast will be provided.
Please RSVP directly to Lauren Niehaus at  to attend our next session. Please be sure to separately register for the Winter Dinner on the  CWAG 2018 Winter Dinner Registration Website .
Articles on topics relevant to the work of Attorneys General around the nation.
( Note: Subscription may be required for access .)
Modern Prometheans: Government Regulators Need to Understand and Appreciate Tech to Avoid Stifling Innovation, Says Utah AG Reyes
October 23, 2018
Sean Reyes, the Attorney General of Utah , has a perspective on technology somewhat unique among government regulators. Reyes often refers to tech inventors, investors and entrepreneurs as modern-day Prometheans, harkening back to the titan of Greek myth. According to lore, Prometheus stole fire from the gods, gifted it to mankind and, as a result, was punished eternally by Zeus and his fellow Olympians. To Reyes, modern technology, like ancient fire, has enriched mankind in sundry ways but can also be abused and cause great destruction. As AG, he says it is his job to guard against those abuses but hopes regulators will more fully appreciate the benefits of tech innovators and the sacrifices they make.
To combat this problem, Reyes uses networking and education — and that’s what makes his involvement in organizations like  the Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG)  so vital, he says. Click below to read the full article.
Attorney General Becerra Leads Coalition Opposing Trump Administration's Suspension of Fair Housing Rule
October 16, 2018
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, leading a coalition of 16 attorneys general, submitted a comment letter to the Trump Administration urging the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reverse its efforts to delay and dismantle critical fair housing regulations. The letter was submitted in response to HUD’s proposal to amend the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, which provides jurisdictions with the data and tools they need to reduce racial disparities and concentrations of poverty in their housing and community development initiatives .
Attorney General Becerra is joined by the Attorneys General of Delaware, Hawai’i, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Virginia, Washington and the District of Columbia.
AG Coffman Announces Funding for First-of-its-Kind Pediatric Mental Health Initiative
October 16, 2018
Colorado Attorney General Cynthia H. Coffman announced that her office will provide a $2.8 million grant to launch a transformational initiative that will increase access to mental health services and support for young people across Colorado. Attorney General Coffman’s Office was joined by Jena Hausmann, President& CEO of Children’s Hospital Colorado, Andrew Romanoff, President and CEO of Mental Health Colorado, and young people from the community.
The Attorney General’s Office has a longstanding commitment to mental health and runs the Safe2Tell program, an anonymous way for students, parents, school staff and community members to report concerns about their safety or the safety of others. Since 2011, suicide has been the No. 1 most reported concern to Safe2Tell.
Attorney General Becerra: Court Reinstates Borrower Defense Rule
Students Defrauded by For-Profit Colleges Now Eligible for Financial Relief  
October 16, 2018

Attorney General Becerra issued the following statement in response to the U.S. District Court ruling reinstating the Borrower Defense Rule. The ruling grants immediate relief to students of now-defunct schools who were enrolled when their schools closed, and who otherwise meet the requirements for closed school discharge.
AG Ken Paxton Calls Attention to Domestic Violence on Go Purple Day
October 18, 2018
For the fourth consecutive year, on the third Thursday in October, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the OAG employees participated in Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) Purple Thursday event. Every year, OAG employees are encouraged to  Go Purple!  in support of survivors and to raise awareness of and take a stand against domestic violence.
To learn more about DVAM and find other ways to participate, visit the  Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) Go Purple! Campaign  and the  National Network to End Domestic Violence  websites.
Attorney General Lori Swanson Files Lawsuit Against Pharmaceutical Companies Over Deceptive Price Spikes For Insulin
Price Hikes More Than Doubled the Cost Of Diabetes Medication
October 16, 2018
Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson filed a lawsuit against the nation’s three major manufacturers of insulin used to treat diabetes after prices more than doubled in recent years. The lawsuit alleges that the drug companies—Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, Novo Nordisk, Inc., and Eli Lilly and Co.—deceptively raised the list prices of insulin, making it less affordable to patients in high deductible health plans, the uninsured, and senior citizens on Medicare.
Attorney General Becerra Issues Tips for Consumers During International Charity Fraud Awareness Week
October 22, 2018
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra issued tips for consumers as part of the first annual International Charity Fraud Awareness Week, which begins on October 22, 2018. The event is a coordinated international campaign to help charities and consumers avoid charity fraud and to promote safe and wise donations. Throughout the week, Attorney General Becerra will share tips on charitable giving, and provide information on forms of charity fraud and how to build preemptive defenses for all affected.
AG Brnovich Seeks to Outlaw Hashish for Medical-Marijuana Patients in Arizona
October 22, 2018
Attorney General Mark Brnovich is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to declare hashish possession a crime for medical-marijuana patients, but a former state health director says that’s a misreading of the voter-approved law.
State-licensed dispensaries sell hashish and other products and edibles made with marijuana extracts, all apparently with the knowledge and approval of state health officials.
But in new court filings, Brnovich contends that the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act approved by voters in 2010 legalized only the use of the marijuana leaves and flowers, and preparations of them, by people who have a doctor’s recommendation to use the drug.
Attorney General Josh Stein Leads Coalition to Urge CFPB to Protect Military Servicemembers from Financial Exploitation
October 23, 2018
Attorney General Josh Stein led a coalition of 33 attorneys general calling on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Acting Director Mick Mulvaney to continue protecting military servicemembers against predatory lenders under the Military Lending Act (MLA). The attorneys general urge the CFPB to reconsider its reported decision to stop examining lenders to ensure they are complying with the MLA. Attorney General Stein is leading this coalition, along with Nebraska Attorney General Douglas Peterson.
Attorney General Stein and Attorney General Peterson are joined in sending this letter by the Attorneys General of Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
Attorney General Becerra and Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz Announce 45 Arrests, Dismantling the Largest Criminal Street Gang in Riverside County
October 19, 2018
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz announced Operation Eastbound and Down, an effort to dismantle the largest criminal street gang in Riverside County. The Operation included the arrest of 45 individuals and the seizure of 63 firearms, including 13 assault weapons.
The six-month investigation began following a spike in violent crimes in the Riverside community, including murder, drive-by shootings, and assaults. The spike of crimes resulted from the release from custody of gang members and associates who began fighting to regain control and power. As a result of the operation, gang members and their associates will be charged with various crimes. These charges include attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery, illegal possession and trafficking of firearms and narcotics, and conspiracy to commit criminal activity. The Riverside County District Attorney will be prosecuting the cases.
The  Special Operations Unit  is a collaborative investigative effort between the California Department of Justice and California Highway Patrol that provides statewide enforcement to combat violent career criminals, gangs, and organized crime groups, along with intrastate drug traffickers
Attorney General Laxalt Releases Nevada’s First Model Domestic Violence Protocol for Cross-Agency Response
October 24, 2018

Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt announced that his office created Nevada’s first Domestic Violence Model Protocol for Cross-Agency Response. The rsource was created to assist victims of domestic violence by providing local law enforcement with a protocol to foster stronger relationships with local domestic violence service providers.
Updated American Indian Law Deskbook Is Now Available

The American Indian Law Deskbook  is a concise, direct, and easy-to-understand handbook on Indian law. The chapter authors of this book are experienced state lawyers who have been involved in Indian law for many years.

American Indian Law Deskbook  addresses the areas of Indian law most relevant to the practitioner.
Topics include:
  • Definitions of Indians and Indian tribes
  • Indian lands
  • Criminal, civil regulatory, and civil adjudicatory jurisdiction
  • Civil rights
  • Indian water rights
  • Fish and wildlife
  • Environmental regulation
  • Taxation
  • Gaming
  • Indian Child Welfare Act and tribal-state cooperative agreements
Follow the 31 AG Races in 2018 on this Interactive Website
A significant number of states, 30 and the District of Columbia, have contests for the Office of Attorney General. Cozen O’Connor’s State Attorneys General Practice hosts an interactive map for those interested in following the races throughout the country. The State AG Election Tracker includes state-by-state AG candidate snapshots, filing deadlines and primary election dates; daily news, insights, polling and fundraising data; and the ability to sign up for real-time election-night updates via text and email. Access is free.