CWA Monthly Updates
For California Local WIC Agency Directors November 2016
In This Issue
Action Items

Join our All-Agency Conference Call
Tuesday 11/22 at noon:
Dial In: 302-202-1110
Passcode: 511440

:: 530-750-2280
Our world was rocked with the election, but we will move forward. It won't be easy, but we are collectively strong and have nearly a half century of proven service to fellow Americans with strong bi-partisan support. As never before, we will need to educate all decision makers, public and private, about the WIC program and how it benefits their constituents and communities. We will need to work collaboratively with many social services and diverse partners, as we expect challenging times for sister programs that provide critical safety net services to the families WIC serves.

In our clinics, we will continue to provide the outstanding service of which California WIC employees can be proud. Together we will focus on modernization and strategies that address the frustrating issues preventing full participation and serve the needs of young families.

This is not the first time in history when times are very tough, and it won't be the last. Here at CWA we are taking the long view and we know that our WIC community and larger safety net servers will come together to protect our legacy in alleviating poverty.

Please read the information below to join us on an All Agency Call, this Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 12-1 pm. Can't join us? We will post a recording on your Member's webpage. Also, please refer to the letter, also posted there later this week, that provides first steps for moving forward.  

Karen, Margaret, Sarah, Meghan, Lena and Laurie  
CWA Local Agency Support
All-Agency Conference Call
CWA is working with other groups to identify potential impacts to the WIC program and social service programs in the coming months and years under a new administration. ACTION:
Please join an All-Agency Call, this Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 12-1pm, Phone 866-266-8848/no password. Can't join us? We will post a recording on your Member's webpage. Also, please read the letter, also posted on your Member's webpage, providing first steps for moving forward to protect the WIC Program.  
Hospital Breastfeeding Report
We have received good feedback from the release of the report and the valuable framing message of data needs and gaps. Thanks to the many partners who make this report and fact sheets possible. This report has a wide window of opportunity in your local newspaper, radio station and social media! ACTION: Reach out to reporters with this bright, positive story!  Let Sarah know of any meetings, action steps, or outcomes in your community that followed the release of the report:
Engaging Families - Impacting Caseload
WIC Works Webinars
Our Fall WIC Works Webinar Series, designed to help you implement strategies for engaging families, provides learning opportunities even more relevant post-election. We all are hearing the debate and predictions on the future of health care reform and the ACA. CWA will continue our work with partners involved in health reform. We remain committed to using health reform as a strategy for maximizing the use of local nutrition and breastfeeding experts.  At the level of direct services, payment models such as value-based purchasing and pay for performance could very likely continue to expand as strategies to slow health costs. This is a time when WIC staff can continue their efforts to maximize WIC participation, by working collaboratively and reaching beyond their WIC programs to provide nutrition and breastfeeding expertise as valuable partners in community programs. RDs and lactation professionals can earn 1 CEU for these upcoming webinars.  ACTION:  Get more information and register for each webinar here .

Nutrition Preventive Services-Nov. 30
Learn about emerging strategies for innovative ways that WIC and community partners are providing nutrition preventive services. Plus, we will introduce a brand-new presentation platform CWA developed to help you educate others about WIC, its role in public health and health care reform, and more.

Millennials in WIC-Dec. 7
Join UC Berkeley grad and CWA consultant Maggie Rasnake in exploring general guidelines for communicating with "millennials" and specific steps to keep WIC valuable and relevant to clients in their late teens to early thirties.

Exploring WIC Improvement Concepts-Dec. 14
Using your input from the What If Survey and additional research, we will provide you with short and long term strategies to modernize and address the needs of serving young families.  We can all play a part!

Inclusion of Men and Dads and Supporting African American Families
If you missed these October webinars, you can listen to the recordings and access the materials. They are PACKED with actionable items for local agencies. We can't provide CE units, but you can sure get ideas to help you in your agencies!
Debt Counseling and Financial Literacy
The holidays, end of the year and election anxiety call for us to provide lots of support about avoiding  or getting out of debt and how to be financially literate and resilient. ACTION: Be sure to use these timely resources with participants and staff.
Policy Updates
Capitol Visits: Huge Turnout!
Over 60 folks attended Capitol Visits on October 19. This momentum needs to continue. We need WIC Ambassadors more than ever. State legislators and staff need to visit all local WIC agencies and have a strong understanding of vital WIC services. These staff can be very helpful allies in protecting WIC in the coming years. Read this advice from a former staffer This is not lobbying, but is fully allowable Program Education.  ACTION: If you did not participate in Capitol Education Day, contact Sarah to sign up:
State Legislation - 2017
At this time of year we dialogue with many stakeholder groups, potential authors and co-sponsors about potential state legislation.  We might identify a legislative need as an outcome of the election. We have a long history of successful breastfeeding legislation, and there could be more effort here. We will also look at legislative and administrative opportunities to improve WIC participation. CWA will need to confirm legislative ideas and an author by end of December to meet legislative deadlines. ACTION: Now is the time to speak up with ideas! Call Sarah and discuss your ideas, ASAP: 530-750-2280.
Education Events
Fall Education Day a Success!
We had a very successful education day with nearly 250 WIC and MCAH staff learning together for the 2 nd year in a row. CWA values the opportunity to work collaboratively with MCAH Action on this joint effort. Feedback on speakers and topics was very positive. Many thanks to the planning committee for their work to bring our staff quality professional education.
Annual Conference 2017
Your Conference Curriculum Planning Committee is quickly pulling together the conference agenda. We are working on the Trade Show, meetings, wellness activities, team building and networking. Registration will open the first week of December. Here's a sneak peek at our theme and graphics! ACTION:  Get ready for local agency sharing, be a wellness activity leader, form a team for our annual competition! Stay tuned for more info. 
Local Agency Roster Updates
It is very important during these challenging times to keep us updated with current contact info. ACTION:  Send local agency contact updates to Meghan:
Social Media Connections
Post- election is an important time to stay connected! Join us on social media channels to see interesting articles, heart-warming pictures, policy updates, relevant infographics and CWA news.  Action:  Follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram
CWA Office Is Moving!
By December 15 our new address will be 3120 Freeboard Dr. #101, West Sacramento, CA 95691. New phone and fax numbers to come.