CWA Monthly Updates
For California Local WIC Agency Directors October 2016
In This Issue
Action Items

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We are excited to see you this week for engaging workshops on mental health and leadership, educational visits with Capitol staff and important meetings with our WIC and MCAH colleagues. It is always fruitful when we get together to learn, problem solve and plan. We have many reasons to be proud of our commitment to WIC and the families we serve.

Here at CWA we are busy providing and planning many professional development opportunities, publishing issue briefs and reports on WIC and breastfeeding, and leading advocacy efforts to protect and promote WIC, breastfeeding and preventive care.

Read on for the updates and news you need, and let us know what you think of this new format!

Happy Fall from all of us,

Karen, Margaret, Sarah, Meghan, and Lena  
CWA Local Agency Support
Survey: Nutrition and Lactation Salary and Language Needs
Thanks to the staff at the 27 agencies who completed the survey. There was data for each region. CWA has developed an analysis and summary document, available on the CWA member's webpage. If you have questions, let us know. We hope you find the information useful.
Job Posting Webpage
Local agencies and the state are posting jobs on the dedicated Job Opportunities webpage. Look for opportunities related to WIC, public health nutrition, or breastfeeding support, posted for up to one month. It's linked on the upper left of every Flash, too. ACTION: Email Margaret Aumann with the following information about your job opportunity: job title, employer, location, final filing date, and a link to more information.
Engaging Families - Impacting Caseload
What If logo
Improving WIC Together
Thank you to everyone who completed the What If survey on WIC improvements. We are completing an issue brief and survey summary for release this fall along with a webinar on December 14. Improving WIC and maintaining a cutting edge program will take collective efforts, but with strategic analysis and planning, we can look excitedly ahead to our half-century mark.  
WIC Can Help - October Resources for Mental Health
Poor mental health of parents is associated with childhood food insecurity, independent of family income. Children can also experience mental illness; even babies' mental health matters.  Even with barriers to services, like access, stigma, and insurance, WIC Can Help families get the support they need.
Policy Updates
2017 Legislative Agenda
We're starting to dialogue with many stakeholder groups about potential legislation for 2017. Our 2016 bill, AB 2589  was very successful in igniting important conversations about including WIC in electronic linkages and the planning that will require. It also addressed the quality of breast pumps provided by health plans as well as state breastfeeding measures and data. We are working with author Assemblymember Gomez and co-sponsors at California Primary Care Association (CPCA) on next steps through both legislative and administrative advocacy. ACTION: Let us know your thoughts! Contact Sarah at  
Hospital Report Release
Working with our partners, UCD Human Lactation Center and CA Breastfeeding Coalition, we will release the Hospital Breastfeeding Report and Fact Sheets on October 25. If you missed the preparatory webinar, you can email Sarah for a link to the recording. Using 2015 data, the report and fact sheets will highlight the improvements and meaningful strategies that have made California hospitals a national showcase for quality maternity care practices and breastfeeding support.  ACTION:   Get this story in your local newspaper, radio station and social media! The report, fact sheets and media materials will be posted on an embargoed webpage, on October 19 Contact Sarah for information to access the materials to prepare a story  or work with your  media
Education Events
Online Learning Collaborative
Here's a fabulous opportunity to continue learning best practices for engaging all families in WIC... and you don't even need to leave your office! Any organization can participate in The Learning Collaborative.  California WIC local agency leaders are hosting two webinars with special guests sharing strategies to engage men and dads and welcome African American families, conference-call discussions, and an online forum to share tips and resources with your peers in the Collaborative. ACTION: Register for a webinar, RSVP to Sarah for a conference call, and make a user account on the Learning Collaborative forum! Then, invite your colleagues to join! Find links for everything here.

Thank you to Camille Medina, Delta Healthcare, Wesley Hibble, Riverside; ToncĂ© Jackson, PHFE;  Brandi Gates and Renee Alton, West Oakland Health Council; Vanessa Castillo, Planned Parenthood; and Rebecca Gills, American Red Cross WIC for being our leader trainers. It is not easy to be on a state training team, but they jumped in, after serving on the Ask the Community First Task Force, to continue this important work to include all eligible families. 
WIC Works Webinars
In the coming months, CWA will offer several opportunities for you to learn from the comfort of your own desk! We'll explore best practices for Engaging Men & Dads, Welcoming African American Families, and Reaching Millennials. Learn about Nutrition Preventive Services and the What If Survey Results, too.  ACTION:  Check out the details on our  WIC Works Webinars page, and register now!
Education Day & Capitol Visits
We are very happy the 2 nd annual Fall Education Day is here! Big thanks to the CWA-MCAH Action planning committee for their work to select important topics and excellent speakers on maternal mental health, strengthening and protecting families and invigorating leadership. Opportunities to network are planned in the day, and as always, CE units will be provided for RDs, RNs, and lactation. We'll have a huge turnout for  Capitol Education Day! Over 60 folks have signed up to attend Capitol Education Day. Our elected representatives will hear important information about critical WIC services provided in our communities, and plan to visit WIC clinics in their districts. Go WIC Ambassadors! Thanks to the CA Dental Assn. for hosting us in their conference room.
Spring Conference 2017
Engaging Families for Healthier Outcomes is under construction! Thank you to the Conference Curriculum Planning Committee that is meeting and selecting speakers and issues. We are working on the Trade Show, meetings, physical activities, team building and networking. Let us know if you would like to suggest ideas or want to be part of this important event!  ACTION:  Last call for speaker and topic ideas! Contact Margaret if you have an idea . Get ready for local agency sharing, be a physical activity leader, and form a team for our annual competition!
Social Media
Don't be left out! Join us on social media channels to see interesting articles, cute pictures, policy updates, relevant infographics and CWA news and resources! Action: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and join our followers on Instagram
WIC Watch Now Online
Our Fall 2016  WIC Watch magazine is hot off the press and will be mailed to local agencies next week. You can read it online now , as always, but new this time are hyperlinks to resources throughout! We appreciate your contributions, and hope the hyperlinks are an added benefit to you. ACTION:  Feel free to share the WIC Watch link with your colleagues and partners!