No Vacation for Hunger
When school's out, kids still need to eat. Check out our WIC Can Help page to learn more about summer food programs that provide free, nutritious meals to kids 18 and younger in community settings.
Exercise and Aging
The research shows that regular exercise can help with just about everything, but in case you needed another reason - it also slows down aging. A study showed that a group of older people who had exercised all of their lives, when compared to a group of similarly aged sedentary adults, had the immunity, muscle mass, and cholesterol levels of younger people!
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FY2018 - Avoid Shutdown, Again? FY 2019 Appropriations Process Begins
Congress is still working on funding the
remainder of FY2018
which must be done by March 23 to avoid a third government shutdown. A House vote is expected this week, followed by a Senate vote based on the House outcomes, with the result being an Omnibus funding bill. Appropriators have requested that members of Congress submit their requests for FY2019 appropriations by the end of March. The National WIC Association is working closely with members of Congress on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to communicate our FY2019
funding priorities
for WIC. Thanks to Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) and Congressman Roger Marshall (R-KS) for their leadership in drafting and circulating a bipartisan "dear colleague" letter in support of full funding for WIC in FY2019.
NWA Leadership Conference Success!
WIC staff from across the nation came together to learn about key issues at the National WIC Association's Leadership Conference, and also to share vital data and information about WIC services with our DC representatives. We can be proud of our CA WIC Ambassadors, including two current WIC moms, who, in visiting every CA Congressional office ensured our decision makers are informed about WIC. Check out a few pictures on our
page. ACTION: Invite your representative and their staff to
visit your clinic
. All representatives agree, a visit to WIC is an impactful experience. Need help?
Contact Sarah
and work with our Ambassadors. Check the
legislative calendar
to plan ahead.
Conference Countdown!
We look forward to hosting 900-plus attendees, exhibitors and sponsors at
Bridge to Health: Advancing WIC to Support Today's Families
CWA's Annual Conference & Trade Show, April 29-May 2 in San Diego. In just six weeks, attendees will be presented a rich opportunity to learn from stellar speakers on pertinent topics, such as disaster preparedness, increasing access to food, and being a trauma-informed provider. We will honor some colleagues, fit in some meetings, network with companies and organizations that support WIC, and stay active with physical activity. Sound like a lot? It is!
Still need to register? It's not too late!
online by April 13th! Onsite registration will also be available.
Don't forget to submit your Local Agency Sharing application by March 15th!
Childhood Obesity Not Down - Except for WIC Kids
obesity is not declining
or American children as a whole, an article in
SNAP Under Threat, Already Inadequate
The Trump administration recently proposed massive, across-the-board cuts to SNAP, but even without those cuts, a new analysis finds current benefit amounts don't cover the full cost of meals for the vast majority of recipients. The report compared the maximum, per-meal benefit allowed by the food-stamp program with the average cost of meals purchased by low-income households in the United States. The researchers found that in 99 percent of counties those meals regularly cost more than even the maximum benefit disbursed by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - on average about 27 percent more. The reports add to a growing body of evidence that SNAP benefits may already be too small to fully prevent hunger and related health risks. In light of the Trump administration's calls to reduce spending in the program, advocates are pointing to studies like this to argue that the program cannot take further reductions.
More Women in Office, More Family-Friendly Government?
Women have
long been under-represented
in elected office - it was just this year that the nation saw 25 percent of state legislative seats held by women, but that will likely climb soon, as
more than twice as many women are running
for Congress in 2018 compared with 2016. That means that
city, state and national legislative offices will need
to find ways to accommodate young parents, especially nursing mothers. Despite many states having laws that require lactation accommodations, statehouses around the country are not always up-to-speed. The same goes for parental leave; this spring Sen. Tammy Duckworth will be the first sitting senator to give birth in office. She says there's
no precedent
for maternity leave in the Senate, and that her situation illustrates the importance of having a full range of women's experiences reflected in the lives of those who represent them.
2018 Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace Awards
The California Breastfeeding Coalition will present the California Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace Award in collaboration with Senator Wiener and the Sacramento Breastfeeding Coalition at the State Capitol on May 8, 2018. Nominate your local employers who support lactating employees by creating breastfeeding policies, ensuring all staff are aware of their policies and talking with expectant parents about accommodating their breastfeeding needs when they return to work.
Click here to download and submit a nomination form
by Thurs. Mar. 29. Come to the awards ceremony:
Tues. May 8, 2018, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, State Capitol.
Maternal and Child Health Learning and Training Portal
MCH Navigator
, from Georgetown University,
is a learning portal for maternal and child health professionals, students, and others working to improve the health and well-being of women, children, and families. It provides a searchable, web-based resource inventory of learning opportunities that catalogues the content and skills addressed by each training in the collection. It provides assessment tools and learning guides to assist learners in addressing their strengths and weaknesses in leadership competencies and offers access to trainings to address needs.
Formula Marketing Report
Save the Children has a report on the marketing tactics of six manufacturers of infant formula. "
Don't Push It: Why the formula marketing industry must clean up its act
" indicates that the continued global growth of the formula milk industry stems from powerful marketing campaigns and strategies like incentivizing healthcare workers to distribute formula to new mothers. The report calls on the formula industry to publicly commit to upholding the established International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, calls on investors to support companies to increase compliance with the Code, and calls on governments to protect breastfeeding by incorporating the Code into domestic law and regulations.
Public Health Breastfeeding Infographic
This is the new CDC infographic titled "
CDC's Work to Support and Promote Breastfeeding in Hospitals, Worksites, and Communities
." This resource highlights the public health problem associated with low breastfeeding rates, the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies, and the supports needed for mothers to successfully breastfeed. It outlines CDC's efforts to promote breastfeeding and notes the increases in breastfeeding initiation rates and the percent of births in hospitals with recommended maternity care practices.