Cedar Valley Nonprofit Association
Cedar Valley Connections

Issue 153
March 13, 2017
Dear Nonprofit Supporter,
Welcome to Cedar Valley Connections, a newsletter to connect the leaders of the nonprofit sector. 

Marketing Meet-Up...

Please join the Marketing Meet-Up Group on April 20, 2017 from  Noon -1:00  p.m.at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa (3117 Greenhill Road,Cedar Falls). Please click here to RSVP.
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Me gan Horn will be our guest speaker.  Megan is a market ing  specialist at Far  Reach, a development and marketing company. She develops and implements result-driven integrated mar ke ting strategies for Far Reach and its clients. She graduated from UNI with an undergraduate degree in marketing, and is currently finishing her MBA through UNI as well. She got her start in social media at a local advertising agency, and has watched the industry evolve rapidly in a short time. Megan is a word nerd with a fer ocious curiosity about how marketing drives a business' bottom line.
New Member...


CVNA would like to welcome Riverview Center as the newest member to our organization.  

Nonprofit Leadership Awards Luncheon...
Member Spotlight...
Founded in 1987, 1Vision rebranded in 2014 combining its two original firms: Vision Media Services and Vision Development Services. 1Vision provides: counsel, service, and tools in advertising, branding, capital campaigns, development and fundraising, digital marketing, feasibility studies, graphic design, logos, marketing strategies, media management, public relations, signage, social media engagement, video production, and web design. We aren't a traditional advertising agency; we're a creative marketing consultant and a partner to nonprofits and charitable organizations.

1Vision partners with you to create clear, concise, and compelling messages. Passionate about non profit organizations (many of them faith-based), 1Vision generates more donors and customers, larger gifts, and campaign success. Collectively, we have helped raise over a billion dollars for world-changing projects, because of some of the greatest clients in existence.

To read more on this great organization, please  click here. 

Waterloo Community Foundation has been a valued member of the CVNA since 2015-- thank you for your continued support.
Nominations Please...
The Iowa Women's Foundation (IWF), with support from its Board of  Directors and supporters, is now accepting applications for its 2018 grants. In 2017, IWF  awarded more than $108,000, the largest amount in their history. Economic self-sufficiency  for all of Iowa's women and girls is central to the mission of the Iowa Women's  Foundation and to our grants program. To be successful, proposed projects must focus  primarily on serving the needs and aspirations of women and girls. To this end, six specific  areas have been identified as the most critical barriers for Iowa women and girls, and all
grant applications must address one of these barriers. These barriers include: employment, childcare, housing, education/training, transportation, mentorship An RFP is available online at  Deadline to submit nominees is May 31, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.

"For over twenty years, IWF has been committed to sustaining programs that improve the lives of Iowa's women and girls. By investing in the economic self-sufficiency of the women of Iowa, we significantly improve the status of our families, our communities and the Iowa economy as a whole.
Webinar Opportunities...
Online Communications - The Basics
Tuesday for 3 Weeks
12:00-1:00 p.m. CST
Regular/Discount: $120/$95

Every nonprofit needs a solid online communications foundation. This course will help you define your communications goals, practices, and strategies. We'll help you refine your "SMART" communications goals, learn what kind of content engages your stakeholders, understand the purpose and best use of each online communications channel, develop an editorial calendar, track success against goals, and choose how to invest your time and money. By the end of this course you'll have a firm understanding of how to create an online communications plan that meets your goals, connects with your audience, and drives engagement.

March 14: Channels and Tools There are so many channels and tools, and each is useful in slightly different ways. We'll look at current internet, social media, and tech trends to help you choose the right communications channels for you. We'll also walk through the best uses of website, email, social media, and mobile content to maximize your communications efforts. Course Partner Marketing Packet 5
March 21: Developing a Plan and Making it Work Executing communications can be creative and fun-once you've done the planning. We'll show you how to get organized, develop a robust editorial calendar, and make sure your content is going out at the right time, on the right platform, to the right people. We'll also cover common online metrics to help you learn whether your communications efforts are working. This week we'll also cover frequently asked questions about budget and staffing for communications success.

Remember as a member of the CVNA you can take advantage of these webinar series at the discounted rates.  Please contact Holly for password if interested in signing up for this webinar series.
Job Openings...

Job Title:   Development and Communications Director

The Cedar Valley Arboretum & Botanic Gardens is seeking a full-time, Development & Communications Coordinator. This entry level position is responsible for a wide variety of tasks within our organization, ranging from updating our website to planning events. The duties of this position will be different every day of the week. You will often be the face of the organization, answering phone calls, responding to emails, meeting with people in person, and greeting visitors to the gardens. Applicants may visit our website at  cedarvalleyarboretum.org  to learn more about our organization and its mission. 

Send a resume, cover letter, and a list of three (3) references to  office@cedarvalleyarboretum.org. Deadline to Apply: April 2nd, 2017

Job Title:   Director of Investor Relations

The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber invites an experienced sales professional and advocate for economic growth to join our team as a full-time Director of Investor Relations. This mission-critical role will be responsible for achieving revenue goals through creative and effective investor recruitment programs.   Qualifications include 3-5 years of B2B sales, marketing or related work experience, and familiarity with the business community and decision makers a big plus. 
Complete job description at  www.cedarvalleyalliance.com

Please send resume, salary requirements & references to: ssommerfelt@cedarvalleyalliance.com . Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber, 10 West Fourth Street, Suite 310, Waterloo, IA 50701.
Things Happening Around the Cedar Valley...

 Please join the Waterloo Schools Foundation as we celebrate the Waterloo Community School District

What:   Sparking Academic Excellence Breakfast
When:  April 18, 2017, 7:00 - 8:30 AM 
Where: Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center 
Cost:    $25 per person; Sponsorship available starting at $250

Mingle. Explore student booths. Hear from celebrated alumnae, Julie Miller Jones. SEE why WE believe in our schools. Contact our office 319-269-5129 or info@wcsfoundation.org before March 31st if you are interested in attending. 

Get your tickets now for The Larrabee Center's WIN-WIN Raffle and you could win $1000 CASH!  16 Prizes in All! Full list of prizes on our Facebook Page.  Winners will be announced on KWAY (99.3 FM) on Monday April 3, 2017 at 8:30 AM
Tickets are just $10.00 each and are on sale March 1st-31st at Trinkets & Togs locations in Waverly and Grundy Center. Show your support for adults with disabilities and the elderly in our community! 

2017 Empty Bowls Tickets  Now Available!
Our biggest event of the year, Empty Bowls, will be happening on  Friday, March 31st from 6:00PM - 9:30PM at the 5 Sullivan's Convention Center.  We will be celebrating this event with delicious soups from the minds of brilliant local chefs and you will receive a symbolic bowl.  In addition, we will be holding live and silent auctions that include over 65 items ranging from handcrafted artwork, jewelry, sports memorabilia, mini vacations and Chicago Cubs game package. To make this event more exciting, we will also be revealing a big announcement! 

For more information about Empty Bowls,  visit this link  and order your 
tickets today!  You can also buy tickets by calling the Food Bank at 319-235-0507.

Thank You...
On behalf of the UNI Nonprofit Leadership Alliance I just wanted to extend a belated thank you to all of those who participated in our UNI Nonprofit Explor-A-Ganza Event. Our NLA students had such a great time and we hope your organization did as well. Many of our students left the event with a greater knowledge and understanding of the different organizations and needs in the Cedar Valley. Thank you again for taking a few hours out of your busy schedules to meet and talk with our students. We are so thankful for your hearts and willingness to help connect students with internship and volunteer opportunities.These experiences will help our students to become more prepared to enter into the nonprofit workforce. 

Thank you so much again to Holly Dusenbery and the Cedar Valley Nonprofit Association for helping organize this event! Please enjoy some  photos of the Explor-A-Ganza event on February 13, 2017! 

State Representatives News Updates...

Please click here  for the most updated information from Bob Kressig

Please click here for the most updated information from Sandy Salmon

Please click here for the most updated information from Walt Rogers


Please click here for the most updated information from William Dotzler

Please click here for the most updated information from Bill Dix

Please click here  for the most updated information on Timi Brown Powers


Please click here for the most updated information on Ras Smith

We Don't Want You To Miss A Thing!

Have you renewed and joined yet?  Don't miss out on our upcoming programs and networking opportunities!


 In our first two years we have: (continually being updated)
  • 75 member organizations
  • 5 investors
  • 1,350 program registrations
  • 86 hours of programming
  • 153 e-newsletters
  • Grant Gurus workshops
  • 158 jobs advertised
  • 20+ organizations connected with 50 UNI students 
  • added additional educational training workshops to our members
  • won the "Gift of the Heart Innovation" award in 2013
  • Partners with Idealware
Check out the other benefits of membership HERE If you are interested in joining CVNA, you can access our application form online HERE

If you have any questions, please email CVNA Coordinator at 
Share your good news with the CVNA and be featured in future e-newsletters.   Have you implemented an innovative idea?  Are you hiring?  Have you created or updated your website?  Are you hosting an event?   Let the CVNA spread the word. 

To submit an item for the next newsletter, click on the
submit news  page.  Please note that only member organizations who have submitted membership applications may post items.  The newsletter is published every two weeks.




CVNA Meeting Dates
CVNA is pleased to announce the topics of our upcoming education events for the year ahead:  2017
  • April 6th - NP Luncheon 
  • April 20th - Marketing Meet-Up
  • April 27th - Grant Gurus
  • June 1st - Lean Experimentation
  • June 22nd - Grant Gurus
  • August 3rd - Board Engagement
  • September 28th - Grant Gurus
  • October 5th - Effective Meeting Planning Design
  • December 1st - Legislative Forum
There will also be some added"special training" presentations for 2017 so for  the most updated
information please visit our resources section and stay tuned to our web-site for additional information.
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Jean Trainor

The Guernsey Foundation
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