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May 19, 2024

This Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024, we will launch a year of celebration as we mark an important milestone in our church's long history. May 2024 marks 100 years since the Sanctuary was dedicated for worship. We hope you'll join us to celebrate and give thanks for the past, praise God for our present, and dream dreams for a vibrant future ahead as the people of God in this time and place. Wear your best Sunday-red outfit to worship!


Pentecost Sunday

100th Anniversary of Our Sanctuary's Dedication

Sermon by Rev. Rushan Sinnaduray

"The Vision of Pentecost"

10 AM – Sanctuary


Windward and Pohnpei ministries will join!

View the worship bulletin

10 AM Online

Via Zoom or Facebook

Webinar ID: 871 4936 7567; Passcode: cuc

Services are also posted for later viewing on YouTube and

Following the service, we'll have a potluck. Stay for food and fellowship!


Children (birth to age 3)

The Nursery will be open during the 10 AM worship service.

Children (age 3 to grade 5)

Sunday School will be available during the 10 AM worship service.


Youth (grades 6 to 12)

Meet in the Youth Room at 10 AM.



Honoring 2024 Graduates

We will acknowledge 2024 graduates on May 26 and would like to honor the graduates among us. If you, or a loved one, are a 2024 graduate of any level, please let us know so we can honor and celebrate these accomplishments together!


Submissions may include a photo of the graduate, the graduate's name, school/future school, area of study.


Please send what you'd like shared to by Wednesday, May 22. (Remember that the information will be viewable by the public so share with caution!)

CUC Children's Ministry will offer Compassion Camp again this summer for kids ages 3 through grade 5. Sign up your keiki for a week of fun and growth as "God's Global Kids: Learning to Love the World."

July 22-26, 2024

Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 12 PM, at the CUC Honolulu campus

Suggested donation of $40; limited space available

If you're interested in volunteering, contact:


Got E-Waste?

View the May 2024 issue of The Spire.


  • As we celebrate Pentecost, may we welcome and embrace the Holy Spirit's movement, work, and call within and among us.

  • As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Sanctuary's dedication, give thanks for all that has happened in this space of worship over the last century and all that has been done and will be done in the wider community because of what was experienced within the Sanctuary's walls.

  • Pray for students and teachers as the school year comes to a close.
Share Prayer Request


UCC Officers Issue Statement

UCC General Minister and President Karen Georgia Thompson and Acting Associate General Minister Shari Prestemon released a statement amid the ongoing unrest on college campuses across the globe and offered continued solidarity with people and our partners in the Middle East.

In part the statement reads, "we press for a permanent ceasefire, the delivery of abundant medical and humanitarian aid, the immediate release of all hostages and prisoners, and resolution to the core issues so that a lasting and just peace may prevail."

Read full statement


View this week's

Coconut Wireless

The Coconut Wireless is a weekly e-newsletter of what is happening in and around the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ. Get word on the latest news, events, learning opportunities, and more. Connect, share news and resources with sister churches.


Volunteer at the CUC Thrift Shop

  • Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 9AM3PM
  • Volunteers are needed to assist customers on the sales floor
  • Contact Joanne Matsumoto

Volunteer with the Flower Committee

  • Fridays or Saturday mornings
  • Contact the church office for more info

Volunteer at Serving Aloha

  • Wednesdays, 10 AM 1:30 PM; check in outside Women's Building
  • NEED FOOD? Walk-in: 11 AM – 12 PM; Drive-through: 12 – 1 PM

Volunteer with Community Ministry

  • Second Tuesdays, prep and cook 2:30 – 5:30 PM, distribute meals 5:45 – 6:45 PM

Readers Needed for Worship!

Worship is one of the heartbeats of our church – it is the work of the whole church community in praising God, hearing God's word to us and responding in faith. One way to help each other in our worship is by reading scripture and other parts of our service. It enhances our experience of worship when we can have different faces and voices leading worship.

If you are willing to read in a worship service, please join our pool of readers! Learn more and sign up by clicking HERE.


Virtual Aloha Lanai Zoom Online Fellowship

  • Sundays following the online worship service, around 11 AM
  • JOIN ON ZOOM (Meeting ID: 859 7383 9801; Passcode: Aloha)

Centering Prayer Meditation

  • Mondays, 7 PM • JOIN ON ZOOM
  • Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 PM • Music Building, Honolulu campus

Mindfulness Meditation with Marion

Mindful Movement with Bamboo Sticks

Men's Bible Study on Zoom


We welcome relevant news and events to share on the CUC website, e-blast, and/or to post on our bulletin boards. Please submit items to by Wednesday to be published in the following days.

Visit our website!


for your week


The Spire

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Beware of Email Scams!

Scams come in many forms, whether it's someone impersonating a church leader, or a stranger seeming to have a good deal for you on a special product or service. Please be cautious when checking emails! Know that church staff will never ask you to purchase something or give personal information. Often you can identify an email's authenticity by verifying the sender’s email address (CUC staff emails end with, but it's also possible for scammers to mimic email addresses. So if you receive any strange message at all and are ever in doubt, just delete it, don't reply or click on any links. You may call the church office (808-941-0957) to confirm.