How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability of the Grid with ACCC® Conductor  
Colon, Panama ACCC Installation
ETESA Completes New 230 kV ACCC Transmission Line Project in Panama

With the support of EPC firm Celmec, S.A. and LIM Panama Construction, ETESA, Panama's government owned utility completed the installation of 110 kilometers of Drake size ACCC conductor on their new AES GANA 230 kV project in Colon, Panama.
ETESA selected ACCC conductor due to its high capacity and greatly improved efficiency compared to conventional bare overhead conductors. Their selection of ACCC conductor was also based on a country-wide initiative to reduce transmission losses below 4% which is helping the country secure outside investment funds. This is allowing them to build a more robust grid without burdening ratepayers. Learn more here.
Colon is a Panamanian city and sea port beside the Caribbean Sea, lying near the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal. It is the capital of Panama's Colón Province and has traditionally been known as Panama's second city. Originally, it was located entirely on Manzanillo Island, surrounded by Limon Bay, Manzanillo Bay and the Folks River, but, since the disestablishment of the Panama Canal Zone, the city's limits have been redefined to include Fort Gulick, a former U.S. Army base, as well the former Canal Zone towns of Cristobal, Margarita and Coco Solo.
The ACCC conductor used for ETESA's project was manufactured by Viakon / Viakable and ancillary hardware was supplied by Preformed Line Products PLP. ACCC conductor was selected for this new line due to the government's mandate to use the most energy efficient products available, as reduced line losses allows more electricity to be delivered at lower costs.

To learn more about How Panama is Building the World's Most Efficient Power Grid... and why it matters, please READ THIS

For more information please visit

Pengerang Power Plant Malaysia
CTC Global Congratulates PETRONAS for Completing new power plant in Malaysia

CTC Global Congratulates Petronas for completing and activating its new 400 MW Pengerang Power Plant in Malaysia. CTC Global is proud that the ACCC conductor was selected to efficiently link the new cogeneration power plant to the TNB power grid.
More about the recently completed 275 kV triple bundle ACCC conductor installation can be found in CTC Global's July 2017 Newsletter. The plant's output is expected to increase to 600 MW in the near future.

New 50 km 275 kV dbl circuit ACCC Conductor tie line in Malaysia 

For more information please visit

ACCC® Conductor Receives 3rd Party Certification for Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction Credits 

CTC Global ACCC conductor is the first electric transmission conductor in history to earn SCS certification for CO2 emission reductions resulting from improved energy efficiency. 
SCS Global Services (SCS) verified that ACCC conductor reduces CO2 emissions associated with transmission line losses by 27 to 31 percent under certain design conditions compared to conventional steel reinforced ACSR conductors, the 100-year old technology currently used in most electric transmission and distribution power lines.
To learn more Click Here
Want Answers?
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The Times of India: Staggered power supply may soon be a thing of the past: The Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (MSETCL) has planned for high ampacity power supply around Nashik city connecting seven of its 132 kV power stations to deliver quality power to the citizens: READ MORE

To review more articles: CLICK HERE
Looking for ACCC Hardware? Check out our Supplier Parts Database 
CTC Global added a new Hardware Supplier Parts Database to our website. The database will help you find all of the hardware components you need to install ACCC conductor. The database shows which hardware manufacturers offer the parts you might need in your particular region while offering many options.
Please check it out: CLICK HERE

CTC Global is Upgrading its Headquarters / Training Center
We will be sharing much more in next month's newsletter...
Free Engineering Manual
To help Transmission and Distribution planners, engineers, policy makers, grid operators, technicians and others take full advantage of the ACCC conductor's attributes, CTC Global has published a 250 page Engineering Manual.
It offers a very comprehensive set of design guidelines, case studies, figures and facts about conductors and composite materials, and includes links to additional resources and FAQ's
To download an electronic version please click: CTC Global Resources
Free Engineering Software

CTC Global created CCP software to help system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size, so the numerous advantages of the ACCC conductor can be fully realized.
The user simply selects the conductor types and sizes from drop down menus and enters the appropriate values & assumptions highlighted in the yellow boxes. The program is fully functional and uses standard industry formulas (such as IEEE 738-2006). Outputs are readily comparable to Sag10®, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs.
To request a free copy click here:  CTC Global Software
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As most of you know, CTC Global has completed well over 500 projects in 46 countries with the help of several authorized conductor and hardware manufacturing partners along with many great installation crews and contractors.
For those of you that would like to stay more closely abreast of our activities, with a little light-heartedness thrown in from time to time, please consider following us on Facebook. To access our Facebook page, please click: CTC Global Facebook
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You may have already seen a number of CTC Global ACCC conductor videos over the years that were posted on various YouTube pages. In an attempt to provide you with easier access we created a YouTube page. To access it, please click: CTC Global YouTube or visit the Video Library on CTC Global's Website


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CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide


ACCC® Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation.  The ACCC conductor is manufactured in association with more than 20 qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC conductor in your area.  Thank You. 
CTC Global Corporation 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California USA 92614
Telephone: +1 949 428 8500  

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