How to Improve the Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability of the Grid with ACCC Conductor  

India Seeks Solution for Reducing Losses in Distribution Grid

Earlier this month CTC Global's CEO, Mr. J.D. Sitton, was invited to speak at the 2016 T&D conclave "Elecrama" in Bangalore, India. Mr. Sitton explained to the delegates the importance of leveraging modern conductor technology to increase line capacity and reduce line losses. Using a 33 kV example with an existing 105 mm^2 ACSR "Dog" conductor, Mr. Sitton showed how replacing it with high-capacity composite core conductor had the potential to reduce line losses by as much as 37%, while doubling capacity.

The line loss reduction in his 100 km example equated to a savings of over 38,000 MWh per year (>$1.9 million dollars). In addition to delivering more power to more people using this straight forward reconductoring technique, Mr. Sitton also demonstrated how line loss reductions also frees up generation capacity that is otherwise wasted supporting line losses. In the coming months, Mr. Sitton and other industry experts will be presenting a white paper to India's Ministry of Power. We will be sure to provide a link to that report when its becomes available. 

ACCC conductor for distribution grid
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ACSS vs ACCC Conductor
Why Over 150 Utilities in 35 Countries Have Selected ACCC
  • High Capacity
  • Low Sag
  • High Strength
  • Fatigue Resistant
  • Corrosion Resistant
  • Excellent Self Damping
  • Easy to Install
  • Great for Long Spans
  • Very Tough & Flexible
  • Extensively Lab & Field Tested
  • Excellent for N-1 Conditions
  • Reduced Line Losses & Emissions
  • Free's-up Generation Capacity that is Otherwise Lost


The ACCC Conductor's added aluminum content (without a weight or diameter penalty) allows it to run cooler under any load condition which translates into reduced line losses. Reduced line losses can save fuel, emissions and generation capacity.

The Bottom Line:

In more than 375 cases the ACCC conductor has provided more than 150 utilities the best economic solution for their specific project needs.  

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CTC Global's Production Facility in Irvine, California 

If you are in the area and interested in visiting CTC Global's factory in person, please let us know.  We are always pleased to host visitors. Call +1 (949) 428-8500  or e-mail


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Overview of ACCC Conductor Training, Installation and Operating Experience

With over 375 projects completed we have learned a lot. Our job is not only to help you learn the attributes of ACCC, its also to help keep your crews safe during installation. In an effort to share our knowledge base we have created a number of useful documents and training videos. To download a copy of "Overview of ACCC Conductor Training, Installation and Operating Experience"   CLICK HERE

Explore Our Video Library


Please take a look at our informative video library. You will find general overview material as well as testing and installation training videos. Please CLICK HERE

Free Engineering Manual

To help Transmission and Distribution planners, engineers, policy makers, grid operators, technicians and others take full advantage of the ACCC conductor's attributes, CTC Global has published a 250 page Engineering Manual. It offers a very comprehensive set of design guidelines, case studies, figures and facts about conductors and composite materials, and includes links to additional resources and FAQ's, To download an electronic version please CLICK HERE 
If you would like to receive a hard copy please CLICK HERE

Free Engineering Software

CTC Global created CCP to help system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic aspects of nearly any conductor type and size, so the numerous advantages of the ACCC conductor can be fully realized. The user simply selects the conductor types and sizes from drop down menus and enters the appropriate values & assumptions highlighted in the yellow boxes. The program is fully functional and uses standard industry formulas (such as IEEE 738-2006). Outputs are readily comparable to Sag10®, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs. If you'd like to watch a short training video CLICK HERE

CCP Software Alert!!!

Version 4.0 now available.
CCP V-4 offers many new features and an expanded database. It's totally free and allows you, as with previous versions, the ability to compare any conductor type or size. This includes sag, tension, ampacity, line losses and much more. It's a great means of selecting the most appropriate size and type of conductor for your project. If you don't already have a copy of CCP V-4, please CLICK HERE


CTC Global proudly works with top-tier manufacturing partners worldwide


ACCC Conductor is an internationally patented and trademark registered product of CTC Global Corporation.  The ACCC conductor is manufactured in association with more than 20 qualified and licensed international stranding partners. If you are interested in the ACCC conductor, please contact CTC Global to make sure your supplier is authorized to produce and deliver ACCC conductor in your area.  Thank You. 


CTC Global Corporation 2026 McGaw Avenue, Irvine, California USA 92614

Telephone: +1 949 428 8500 


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