CSO Newsletter
The Coastal States Organization represents the nation’s Coastal States, Territories & Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource issues.
Spotlight on Coastal Management
The Maryland Chesapeake and Coastal Service celebrated their 40th Anniversary of involvement with the Federal Coastal Zone Management Program in 2018
Maryland’s Deal Island Peninsula is home to several small communities vulnerable to coastal hazards like flooding and erosion. In conjunction with a marsh restoration project in 2012, the  Maryland Chesapeake and Coastal Service  and  Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve  partnered with the University of Maryland (UMD) to investigate resident perceptions of community vulnerability and identify acceptable adaptation strategies. Their efforts resulted in several interdisciplinary research projects identifying community focus areas, an Integrated Coastal Resiliency Assessment including a range of adaptation strategies, and the Deal Island Shoreline Project. The Deal Island project will restore 1,200 linear feet of dunes and other natural features that have seen an acceleration of erosion since the 1970s. While these projects are just one piece of a complicated puzzle to build a resilient  Deal Island Peninsula , the community now has the tools and relationships necessary to continue these efforts on their own.
For more information about this and other 40th Anniversary Stories go here:  http://www.coastalstates.org/40years/
Find more information on the work being done by the State Coastal Zone Management Programs on CSO's Publication page: www.coastalstates.org/csopublications/

Photo Credit: Maryland DNR
In the States and Regions
East Coast and Caribbean
BOEM, Carteret County Ink Agreement to Restore Bogue Banks Beaches
Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Carteret County, North Carolina, have signed an agreement to provide up to two million cubic yards of sand from federal waters for the towns of Emerald Isle, Indian Beach and unincorporated Salter Path.

According to BOEM, the project is part of the county’s fifty-year Bogue Banks Master Beach and Inlet Management Plan. Read more.

Rebuilt Wetlands Can Protect Shorelines Better Than Walls
On August 27, 2011, Hurricane Irene crashed into North Carolina, eviscerating the Outer Banks. The storm dumped rain shin-high and hurled three-meter storm surges against the barrier island shores that faced the mainland, destroying roads and 1,100 homes.

After the storm, a young ecologist then at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill named Rachel K. Gittman decided to survey the affected areas. Gittman had worked as an environmental consultant for the U.S. Navy on a shoreline-stabilization project and had been shocked to discover how little information existed on coastal resilience. “The more I researched, the more I realized that we just don’t know very much,” she explains. “So much policy and management is being made without the underlying science.” She decided to make shorelines her specialty. Read more.
West Coast and Pacific
New Report Calls for Different Approaches to Predict and Understand Urban Flooding
WASHINGTON — Urban flooding is a complex and distinct kind of flooding, compounded by land use and high population density, and it requires a different approach to assess and manage, says Framing the Challenge of Urban Flooding in the United States, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

The report calls for multi-agency and cross-jurisdictional efforts to assess urban flood hazards, advance understanding of social impacts, and effectively communicate urban flood risk. Read more.
Gulf of Mexico
UF ecologist, water resources expert is Florida’s first chief science officer
A University of Florida ecologist and water resources expert will serve as the state’s first chief science officer, a job that will consider environmental challenges including toxic algae, climate change and sea level rise.

Thomas Frazer, who has been the director of UF’s School of Natural Resources and Environment since 2012, was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday during an event at the South Florida Science Museum and Aquarium in West Palm Beach. Read more.
Great Lakes
Great Lakes already hit by climate change
The Great Lakes region already is warming and changing faster than much of North America — and will continue to do so as global warming increases.

That was the summary finding of a new report, released Thursday, compiled by 18 scientists from across the region, both U.S. and Canadian.

The scientists gathered data from a broad range of previous studies that looked at ecosystems, economics, climate, agriculture and human health. It was called the most comprehensive assessment of climate impact on the region ever compiled. Read more.
Events & Webinars
National Coastal Resilience Fund 2019 Request for Proposals
​Pre-proposal Webinar: Thursday, April 11, 2019 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST
Pre-proposal Due Date: Monday, May 20, 2019 11:59 PM EST 
Full Proposal by Invite Only Due Date: Monday, July 22, 2019 11:59 PM EST

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has announced the National Coastal Resilience Fund for 2019. NFWF will make investments to restore and strengthen natural systems so they can protect coastal communities from the impacts of storms, floods, and other natural hazards and enable them to recover more quickly, while also enhancing habitats for important fish and wildlife populations. Learn more.

FY2020 Outside Witness Testimony
Submitted by the National Association of Marine Laboratories, the Sea Grant Association, the IOOS Association, the National Estuarine Research Reserve Association, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the Coastal States Organization, Restore America’s Estuaries, and the Association of State Floodplain Managers in support of essential NOAA programs. Read it here.

Improving Floodplain Management in Mobile and Baldwin Counties
Deadline for Submission: April 19, 2019 at 5 p.m. Central Time
Details:   Help communities in Mobile and Baldwin Counties take action to address flooding vulnerabilities and mitigate flood impacts through non-structural measures. 
Funding Amount: Preferred $10,000-$25,000. Match is encouraged but is not required. Funds may be used to hire a consultant or provide staff support to complete all or a portion of a community’s project, but MAY NOT be used for construction, maintenance, or land acquisition.

At What Point Managed Retreat? Resilience Building in the Coastal Zone
Conference June 19-21, 2019 
Columbia University 
New York

"Organized by the Climate Adaptation Initiative at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, this conference will address a range of issues facing coastal communities in the United States and around the world as sea levels rise and coastal flooding becomes more frequent and intense. The science around retreat is still ill-defined, and policy discussions remain contentious. This conference will bring together thought leaders on this topic to advance the science and policy dialogue."

Coastal Management Photo Contest
NOAA announces the third annual coastal management photo contest. From ensuring public access to balancing development with natural areas, coastal management keeps our coasts thriving. For the third annual coastal management photo contest, we want to see your photos of coastal management in action. Show us your natural infrastructure projects, beautiful beaches you work to protect, recreational uses, and more! Find inspiration from the list of nine categories. Learn more.

$6 Billion in Loans Available for Water Infrastructure Projects
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of approximately $6 billion in credit that could finance over $12 billion in water infrastructure projects through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Prospective borrowers seeking WIFIA credit assistance must submit a letter of interest no more than 90 days after the Notice publishes in the Federal Register.

Delaware River Program 2019 Request for Proposals
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is soliciting proposals to conserve and restore fish and wildlife habitat and water quality in the Delaware River watershed. The Delaware River Program will award matching grants of $50,000 to $500,000 each to conserve and restore waters and habitats on public and private land that contribute to the overall health of the Delaware River watershed—as well as benefit the quality of life and economic vitality of the communities in the Delaware River watershed. Approximately $6 million in grant funding is available. Major funding for the Delaware River Program is provided by the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service and the William Penn Foundation.

DWCF Conservation Action Grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations; federal, state, interstate and local governments; Indian tribes; and educational institutions to implement on-the-ground restoration and conservation projects.

Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rulemaking: Step Two - Revise
On December 11, 2018 the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army (the agencies) proposed a revised definition of "waters of the United States" that clarifies federal authority under the Clean Water Act. The proposed rule published in the Federal Register (FR) on February 14, 2019 and will be open for a 60-day public comment period. The public comment period will close on April 15, 2019
The public is invited to submit written comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2018-0149, to the Federal eRulemaking Portal:  https://www.regulations.gov . General guidance on making effective comments is available at EPA's Commenting on EPA Dockets.

Training Opportunity
Duke University is offering an online training in Marine Planning Process (MPP) in March-April 2019. Through the course, students learn global best practices and essential skills in marine planning and leadership. This interactive curriculum is designed for professionals with interest in coastal and oceans management at all experience levels. 
Online Course Dates: March 4th - April 26th, 2019
Who Should Attend: Professionals from across the globe with interest in coastal and oceans management at all experience levels. 
Information and Registration HERE

2018 RAE - CSO 9th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and Management
Missed a session or want to learn more? Download presentations here from the 10 concurrent sessions at the 2018 Summit here.

Copies of posters presented at the 2018 Summit are now available online.
Job Openings
The views expressed in articles referenced here are those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the views of CSO.  

If you have a news item or job posting to include in future CSO Newsletters, please send an email to: gwilliams@coastalstates.org with a subject line: "Newsletter Content". Please include the information to be considered in the body of the email. 
Please note: CSO reserves final decision regarding published newsletter content and may not use all information submitted.
Coastal States Organization | 444 North Capitol St. NW, Suite 638, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-508-3860 | cso@coastalstates.org | www.coastalstates.org