[NEW] FEMA Announces FY23 BRIC Awardees
FEMA announced nearly $1 billion in awards for 656 projects for the FY23 Building Resilience Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant cycle. $587 million is going towards Justice40 Initiative communities, where 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments go to disadvantaged communities. $127 million is going towards Community Disaster Resilience Zones. Read more here.
[NEW] Center for Behavior and Climate Change Hosts Coastal Adaptation Webinar
The Center for Behavior and Climate Change (CBC) is hosting a webinar titled “Be a Better Coastal Adaptation Practitioner with Behavior Change” on September 19, 2024 at 1pm ET. The webinar will cover motivating people to respond to adaptation messages and reduce their risk by incorporating behavioral tools into your coastal adaptation efforts. Five evidence-based techniques (social norms, efficacy, legacy motivation, nudge, and framing to reach different audiences) drawn from the latest behavioral science will be shared. The webinar is hosted by Open Communications for the Ocean (OCTO). Register here.
[NEW] NOAA Announces the NOAA Regional and State Report on the U.S. Marine Economy
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the release of the “NOAA Regional and State Report on the U.S. Marine Economy” annual report. This report examines the critically important economic contributions of the oceans and Great Lakes to the marine economy of the United States at the state, territory, and regional levels. This report includes territories data for the first time, since these data were newly added earlier this year. The economic data in this report are derived from the Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) data set found on NOAA’s Digital Coast. Learn more about the U.S. marine economy and the ENOW data set, and browse available applications, here.
[NEW] GLOS: Input Requested on Data Gaps in the Great Lakes
The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) is seeking ideas to help shape and prioritize Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) programming. They are asking for help identifying the major data gaps, data access and sharing challenges, and continuous or emerging needs for improved information that can help in managing major Great Lakes issues. The FY2024 BIL proposal is specifically calling for 1) improvements and enhancements to the observing system and 2) expanded sharing and integration of Federal and non-Federal data to inform pressing regional coastal management challenges. They are requesting help identifying infrastructure upgrades to existing systems, and/or new-to-GLOS products and partners to help address pressing Great Lakes management needs. Please reply no later than Monday, August 5, 2024. Access the request here.
[NEW] Upcoming Deadline to Request Community Change Grants Program (CCGP) Technical Assistance
To provide eligible applicants with the most effective technical assistance (TA) possible, and in light of the of the fast-approaching November 21, 2024 Community Change Grants Program (CCGP) application deadline, EnDyna, EPA’s TA contractor, will stop accepting new requests for TA after Friday, August 16, 2024. Eligible entities that are interested in receiving TA for CCGP application preparation must submit a complete TA intake form here.
[NEW] U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System is Seeking Input on Resilience Challenges for Ports
The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System CMTS) seeks information to identify what types of planning guidance, documents, datasets, and Federal funding opportunities are currently being utilized in planning for long-term environmental change in U.S. Ports; and to identify barriers to action. The information received from this RFI will be analyzed to assess whether the needs for this type of planning are being met and identify where improvements could be made. Information is requested from anyone who works in or adjacent to climate resilience planning and execution in ports (public and private). Interested persons and organizations are invited to submit comments on or before Thursday, August 29, 2024. Find the RFI here.
[NEW] FEMA Solicits Feedback on Updating the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System Mitigation Incentive Program
FEMA solicited feedback on updating the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System mitigation incentive program. The CRS offers premium discounts for NFIP policyholders in communities that implement eligible flood hazard mitigation practices. Public meetings will be held in late August. Comments may be submitted via Regulations.gov until Monday, September 9, 2024.
Biden-Harris Administration Invests $120 Million to Help Tribes Build Climate Resilience
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience (TCR) announced the 2024 Annual Awards Program request for proposals (RFP), which is open starting on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, to Federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations as defined in 25 U.S.C. § 5304(l) (other entities may participate as sub-grantees). This program will provide approximately $120 million (M) in funding in FY24 support for Tribal climate resiliency. Tribes and Tribal organizations will be able to apply for grants in the planning and implementation categories, which encompasses a range of activities affecting every Tribe, such as climate adaptation planning, drought measures, wildland fire mitigation, community-driven relocation, managed retreat, protect-in-place efforts, and ocean and coastal management. The BIA will provide technical assistance to support Tribes and Tribal organizations in applying for these funds, including an informational webinar, a grant writing webinar and virtual office hours to help answer questions. Proposals should be submitted via the website linked on the Annual Awards Program Solicitation page. All 2024 award applications must be submitted online by Friday, October 18, 2024. Read more here.
EPA Launches EJSCREEN 2.3, The Community Environmental Justice Mapping Tool & Trainings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed its annual update to EJScreen, the Agency's publicly available environmental justice (EJ) screening and mapping tool. EJScreen 2.3 makes important improvements to better meet the needs of users, including a redesigned and enhanced report, a new environmental indicator with corresponding indexes, and refreshed demographic and environmental data. The main purpose of these annual EJScreen updates is to incorporate the newest available demographic and environmental datasets. It will also features new map layers on extreme heat, modeled drinking water service areas, private drinking water wells, and EPA environmental justice grants. EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will hold multiple trainings and office hours to help users with the update.
The Chisholm Legacy Project Launches its Black Liberation and Just Transition Certification Program
The Chisolm Legacy Project is excited to announce the launch of its Black Liberation and Just Transition Certification Program. This transformative initiative prepares participants to lead climate justice efforts using the Just Transition framework, which guides us in moving from an extractive economy based on greed to a regenerative economy based on deep democracy, sustainability, and solidarity. The certificate program ensures that Black communities have access to resources, information, and organizations that support self-determination and Black Liberation. This program offers a justice-based foundation in community-based participatory research, governance, policy, practice, strategic communications, and advocacy strategy. Upon completion, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to serve as agents of change and stewards of justice across various levels. Apply here.