Meet with your legislators locally to educate them about skin diseases and to ask for their assistance with key legislative and policy issues!

Dear Advocates,


Earlier this spring many of you joined the Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD) in Washington, D.C. for our Hill Day where we shared key messages with congressional legislators in support of people living with skin diseases. Our collective voice was loud and clear – a call for enhanced access to quality care and treatment options for the 84 million Americans battling skin diseases, alongside a strong request for increased funding to advance research and educational initiatives in the field.


From August through approximately Labor Day, Members of Congress spend time in their home states and districts in order to meet with their constituents and to learn about the issues impacting the people they represent. This is a great opportunity for you to schedule meetings with local offices to educate your legislators about skin diseases and how they can make a positive impact. You do not need to be an expert in government to be effective, you just need to be willing to tell your story!


Here is how you can connect with your legislators, share your personal story, and reiterate the importance of their support for patients living with skin conditions:

  • Identify your Representative in the House and your two Senators in the Senate using this link.
  • Call their district office to make an appointment while they’re in their home district.
  • Attend a constituent meeting (e.g., town hall, coffee, meet and greet).
  • Send a letter or e-mail with your personal story and the CSD’s legislative priorities and “asks.”


Please click here for a full list of the CSD’s legislative priorities and congressional “asks."


Finally, don’t forget to access the CSD’s Advocacy Toolkit for additional resources, including best practices for connecting with your legislator, as well as advocacy training videos. Thank you for your efforts and for your sharing your story! Your voice helps to ensure a future where all 84 million Americans living with skin diseases receive the care they need to live healthy and productive lives.