Member Newsletter - July 2024

Volume 4, Issue 7

A Message from Jen Belnap, CRWF President

Last Saturday was stunning and sobering. On July 13th, a 20-year-old assassin attempted to take the life of former President Donald J. Trump as he spoke at a rally in Pennsylvania. Irresponsible rhetoric from media and elected officials flooded the news cycle in the weeks preceding this event. Words matter because words have meaning.

On Saturday evening, our daughter remarked in our kitchen, “Aren’t we supposed to study history so that history doesn’t repeat itself?” This led to a discussion about assassination attempts on public figures, including the tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Our conversation went all the way back to the famous duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, which was due to words - spoken and written.

America is a beacon of hope because we strive to unify around shared values and principles like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While we differ in some areas, we can all agree to respect the rights that accompany our shared values and principles. These words are enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution. Our citizenry needs to reflect on the words we want to protect and project in our communities.

I pray that Americans will focus on honest and kind communication moving forward. We’ve got a great nation that we need to be worthy of.

In Service,

Jen Belnap

President, CRWF

Carlsbad Republican Women Federated

There will be no meeting in July

We look forward to seeing you at our August 27th Meeting

Gearing up for the General: Growing CA's Election Integrity Operation

Judy Rees – Voter Registration and Election Integrity San Diego County

We must be our own watch dogs for the Presidential Elections ... “Protect Your Vote”!

It was great to have Krista Pittman, Deputy Executive/Political Director of the California Republican Party at our June meeting to update our CRWF Members on the counties Election Integrity Program that we will be using to assure all votes are counted for the critical November 5th Presidential Election.

It’s official!  Congratulations to America. President Donald Trump has won the Republican nomination for President of the United States! The 2024 Republican National Convention got kicked-off and got right to business. President Trump did not wait and announced that his choice for Vice President is J.D. Vance, Senator from Iowa. We are off and running and we Republican’s MUST work to win this race as our county’s freedom is on the line.

Unfortunately, many Republicans no longer have faith in our voting system. Getting the word out that all registered voters must VOTE in 2024 is critical to winning this, the “election of the century”. Restoring the faith in the integrity of the vote in this election is up to you and when people hear about Trump’s Election Integrity Program, “Too big to Rig,” faith will be restored. Renamed by the states, “Protect Your Vote” you can be a part of this especially important movement to save America.  

We must be ready by the week of October 5th, when the Ballots hit the mailboxes, so choose your passion and take action. 

  • Vote Early – know your ballot and how to vote when you receive it and tell your friends about BallotTrax
  • Apply to the ROV for a job – Be the “eyes and ears” within.
  • Become a Poll Observer
  • Learn how to ballot harvest and cure the vote 

Zoom Training for Election Integrity is ongoing all summer long. Training is available online.

Interested in:

  • Ballot Harvesting? Monday, July 22, 2024 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Poll Observer? Thursday, July 25, 2024 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Volunteers go NOW to and sign up.

Remember to Save the Date!! August 6, 2024

This is all in preparation for the August 6, San Diego County session of: Gearing up for the General: Growing CA's Election Integrity Operation Training for San Diego County.

Questions? Judy Rees 619-997-2912 / - EI Officer, San Diego County Republican Party

California Legislation Report

Teri House, Legislation Chair 

To say “Win some, lose some” is an overly trite expression especially when matters are as important as legislation affecting our families and our futures. This article is following up on legislation we have discussed at our club meetings with the Wins and the Losses calculated for the current standing.

AB1955, the Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act sadly belongs in the Losses column. It has recently passed out of both state houses and is currently on Governor Newsom’s desk for signing. With Newsom’s presidential ambitions on full display, perhaps he will refrain from signing this damaging piece of legislation for now.

UPDATE: Newsom signed AB1955 into law on July 15, 2024. HUGE LOSS for California parents and guardians!

In the WIN column is the withdrawal of SB1381 from the November ballot. Newsom and his fellow travelers were supporting this proposal to create voter confusion on the Proposition to repeal Prop 47. We must continue to educate our community on the many negative effects Prop 47 has had on our state.

Another Loss is the California Supreme Court removed ACA-1 from the November ballot. This was the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative was written to restore the California State Constitution which requires a ⅔ vote to increase taxes and greatly threatens the tax protections in Proposition 13. We will hear more from this and other ballot initiatives when Assemblywoman Laurie Davies speaks at our meeting in September.

Currently, we stand at 2 Losses and 1 Win but we also stand for what is Right, Good and True. Together our club members will continue our education and activism to have the Wins outnumber Losses in November, despite the dirty low-down “legal” techniques of the Democrats. And in the words of President Trump “There will be so much winning. We will be tired of winning.” 

It’s July – Celebrate the USA!

Andrea Ryon, CRWF Membership Co-Chair

July is one of my favorite months! I love the celebration of our country’s independence!

If you know of anyone interested in joining the Carlsbad Republican Women, please send Nancy White, CRWF Membership Co-Chair, their name, phone number and/or email and she will contact them. Nancy can be reached at She will promptly let them know about our club and all that we do to elect Republicans! 

Membership Stats 

As of July 12th, 163 or 80.3 % of our year-end 2023 regular members have renewed for 2024! 

And we are very happy to have 4 more NEW members since the May 2024 newsletter, giving us 48 NEW members so far this year! Please welcome Melissa Catania, Sandy Godsey, Olivia Murphy, and Briana Rodriquez as NEW members!

TOTAL FULL MEMBERS SO FAR in 2024 = 211 members (163 renewals and 48 NEW members).

We also have 9 Associate members and 21 Spouse members in 2024. 

June Membership Contest

Congratulations to the three winners in the June Membership Contest drawing! Stephanie Griffin won $100 for referring new member Carrie Havens, Judy Rees won $50 for referring new member Brita Lindstrom, and Marijane Relth won $50 for referring new member Mary Rombotis!

If You Have Not Renewed Your Membership

If you still have not renewed your membership, please do so ASAP! We can still accept renewals from 2023 members! CLICK HERE to complete your membership application online and pay by credit card. If you have questions about the categories, please contact Membership Co-Chair, Andrea Ryon, at or 760-518-8238.


July 8th Mailing Party to Support Congressional Candidate Matt Gunderson!

Thank you to all of the CRWF members who participated in the July 8th Mailing Party to support a very important campaign – Matt Gunderson for the 49th Congressional District! 

A group of thirteen (13) members CRWF members met at the home of Andrea Ryon and worked non-stop to finish approximately 400 postcards for Gunderson. The cards will be mailed to registered voters to encourage them to vote for Matt.

Those helping out with the postcards included Laura Andert, Amy Andrews, Joann Berger, Ruth Brown, Jeordie Fellner, Pat Fields, Darlene Fujimoto, Tina Goldsmith, Christina Kitto, Tanita Neal, Judy Rees, Andrea Ryon, and Barbara Sumner. Big THANKS to all of these super volunteers!

CRWF is still on the move in July!

Judy OConnor, 4th VP – Election Integrity / Voter Registration

CRWF had a popup at the grassy knoll on the boardwalk this past Sunday. Once Kevin Faulconer heard about the event, he also joined us. It was very positive talking with people. Over a dozen people were also helped to register to vote or switch party affiliation. A booth is vital regardless of how many people we speak with. The more people see support, the more support you create. Watch your inbox for a variety of future events to promote conservative candidates. 


There were 2 mailing parties in July at Andrea Ryon and Judy O’Connor’s home. At both, we addressed postcards to support Matt Gunderson. It is so important to support conservative candidates and help elect more Republicans.  

Joining in the fun for the mailing party at my home: Joy Noonan, Pat Fields, Ruth Brown, Judy Rees, Terry House, Susan Downing. Second row: Angelie Forster, Natilee Meacham, Jeordie Fellner, Rose Ricketts & JC Mishler. Thank you to everyone for your time and help. Stay tuned for future events. More events to follow, watch your inbox! 

God Bless America, Judy OConnor


Nancy White, Membership Co-Chair 

July 1 Bruce Wilson, Julie Union

July 2 Virginia Packard

July 6 Cynthia Callant

July 7 Cynthia Striblen, Barbara Nolder

July 11 Claudia Mazanec, Kim Page, Terry Carpenter

July 12 Kelly LeBerthon, Ester Rilea, Edith Broyles

July 14 M.J. Worthing

July 15 Peggy Bartley

July 16 Suzanne Weatherly

July 17 Dawn Dickinson

July 21 Cheri LeRoy

July 22 Ann Welton

July 24 Doris Ward

July 25 Kori Jensen

July 26 Cheree Dracolakis

July 28 Joy Noonan, Deborah Pieratt, Sandy Godsey

July 31 Carrie Havens

Refer to our website for information on monthly meetings, membership, and our board of directors. Share with your friends and family when they ask about our club!

Articles for the newsletter are welcome, however,
published under the discretion of the Editor Mary Murphy Huber,
Website Manager & Newsletter Editor