This month: Controlled act, harassment not tolerated & more
Transferring to the Inactive Category
If you are considering a leave or find that you need to step away from practice for personal or professional reasons, e.g. sabbatical, illness, burn out, etc., you may consider transferring your CRPO registration to the Inactive category.
Going inactive is not intended for leaves less than 12 months.
If you will be transferring to the Inactive category for the 2020 – 2021 registration year, you must upload
this completed form
to your CRPO account and notify CRPO staff by
this Sunday,
January 19, 2020
. Registrants who submit forms after this date will be invoiced for the full RP annual fee at renewal.
And good news: changing registration categories is now simpler and more affordable. CRPO has simplified the process for registrants who want to change registration categories, as well as making the fee requirements more manageable.
Frequently asked questions about the Inactive category can be found
CRPO’s annual registration fees for each category can be found
Deborah Adams, CRPO Registrar
- building CRPO’s presence as a trusted authority for psychotherapy
- further developing communications to support clear, transparent and dynamic interaction with stakeholders
- strengthening operational and governance infrastructure
- collaborating with other system partners to contribute to better access to mental health services
At its March 2020 meeting, Council will be approving work plans for the coming fiscal year. We will share these with stakeholders so they are aware of where CRPO intends to direct staff and Council efforts. I would encourage you to look at these plans for opportunities to engage with CRPO and track our progress forward.
Harassing CRPO staff is unacceptable
We understand that registrants and applicants are sometimes in contact with CRPO during times of stress, such as when fees are due, registration is being renewed, or a registrant is subject to a complaint against them. CRPO is committed to working with applicants, registrants and others in a manner that is professional, courteous and effective. We expect the same courtesy in return.
CRPO does not tolerate abusive behaviour towards our staff. This includes threats, intimidation, yelling and obscene, unprofessional, discriminatory or demeaning remarks. Behaviour of this nature will be noted in the registrant’s file and could be used to inform any remedial or disciplinary action taken in future. Repeated conduct of this kind may result in the CRPO communicating with the registrant only in writing or otherwise restricting future communications.
CRPO is committed to protecting its staff from abusive or harassing behaviour.
Controlled Act of Psychotherapy Now Fully in Effect
After a two-year transition period, which the government granted health care providers, employers and others to prepare for compliance with the legislation, the controlled act of therapy is now fully in effect. This means that only Registered Psychotherapists and registrants with five other regulatory colleges may perform the controlled act of psychotherapy.
As defined in the
Regulated Health Professions Act
, the controlled act of psychotherapy involves five elements:
- there must be a therapeutic relationship between client and therapist
- the therapist must be providing psychotherapy treatment intended to help individuals improve mental health and wellbeing
- the therapist must be using a technique that is captured by the broad categories of prescribed therapies: cognitive and behavioural therapies (such as CBT, DBT, MBCT), experiential and humanistic therapies (such as art therapy, music therapy, Gestalt), psychodynamic therapies (such as Adlerian, Jungian, Reichian), somatic therapies (such as biofeedback and EMDR), systemic and collaborative therapies (such as narrative therapy, family systems theory). For a non-exhaustive list of therapies that fall under the prescribed therapies, click here.
- the client must be suffering from a serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory; and
- the client’s disorder may seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning.
District 7 by-election:
We are pleased to announce that Kali Hewitt-Blackie has been elected to CRPO Council in the District 7 – Central by-election. Kali has served as a non-Council member of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee for several years and we look forward to continuing to working with Kali in her new role as a CRPO Council member.
Thank you to all candidates who put their name forward to run in this by-election, and registrants who engaged in the election process by casting a vote.
District 2:
Congratulations to Judy Mord on being appointed to CRPO Council to fill the vacancy in District 2 – North. This position on Council became available in September 2019 when the elected registrant resigned from Council with less than 12 months remaining on their term. Rather than hosting a by-election, Council directed that the vacancy be filled by appointment.
Practice Matters: What should I call myself after submitting my application?
Only CRPO registrants may use the terms “psychotherapist,” “Registered Psychotherapist,” a variation, abbreviation or equivalent in another language (note: there are
five other regulatory colleges
whose members may use the title “psychotherapist” under certain conditions). The title Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) is also restricted and can only be used by those who have been issued a certificate of registration through the regular application route. Students, individuals fulfilling the requirements to apply to CRPO and people awaiting approval of their submitted application, are not yet CRPO registrants. They may use the titles “student therapist” or “therapist in training.”
The next meeting of CRPO Council will be Friday, January 24 from 9:30 to 11:30.
Please note the meeting is much shorter than usual. Because the meeting will be truncated, the option to attend remotely by webinar link is now being offered.
Click here to register for the meeting remotely. Still want to attend in person? Review the
guidelines on attendance and register ahead of time. Seating is limited so you are asked to ensure you have confirmation before attending.
Follow our feed for the latest on new resources, Council election
updates, governance decisions and more!
Please do not unsubscribe. CRPO uses email to communicate with registrants about important College updates. If you choose to unsubscribe, it is then your responsibility to regularly check our website to keep yourself informed about your College obligations. It is the responsibility of each registrant to make sure CRPO has your current contact information, updated within 30 days of a change, and ensure that the organization you work for does not block CRPO emails.