Welcome back to CRPO members. I hope you and your families had a safe and healthy holiday season.
I am personally excited about what this new year promises for our corner of the regulatory world. Interesting developments are happening among Ontario’s health regulatory colleges in response to greater demands for public accountability.
Those of you who attended our town halls last fall will recall president Andrew Benedetto and I discussing CRPO’s turn to right touch regulation. This is the philosophy of regulation that takes a proportionate, evidence-based approach towards how regulators keep the public safe. There are eight elements to this approach:
- Identify the problem before the solution
- Quantify and qualify the risks
- Get as close to the problem as possible
- Focus on the outcome
- Use regulation only when necessary
- Keep it simple
- Check for unintended consequences
- Review and respond to change.
Several regulatory bodies in Ontario have been turning in the “right touch” direction, and CRPO is not far behind. In 2019, as we work to articulate a strategic vision for the college that is underpinned by this approach, we will be considering how our governance practices support the right touch way. This means, for example, making sure that Council and committees are supported to develop competencies and best practices that will serve our public protection mandate, and that our policies and by-laws do the same.
I’m looking forward to an exciting year of growth and change at CRPO. I wish all of you a wonderful happy new year.