This month: Council Highlights and Controlled Act FAQ
District 7 Election Closes Next Monday
Online voting is now open in the District 7 - Central CRPO Council by-election. We are pleased to have three candidates running to fill one vacancy in this by-election.
Click here
to read the candidate statements.
Only RPs who meet the
eligibility criteria
and primarily practise in
District 7
are eligible to vote in this by-election. Voting is easy - simply log in to your CRPO user account and click on the elections tab. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the election under Current Elections. Under
First Vote
, select the candidate that you would like to vote for, then click
. Since there is only one of the two District 7 positions open in this by-election, please
do not populate the Second Vote field
. All Second Votes will be destroyed and will not be included in the final tally.
Shelley Briscoe-Dimock, CRPO President
I began my first meeting of Council on November 21 by sharing a few thoughts on the work I am excited to be leading over the coming year, and I’d like to share those thoughts with Communiqué readers.
Registrant numbers are growing while the need for competent and ethical practitioners increases and the work of modernizing Ontario’s regulatory framework continues. In this environment, CRPO needs to be ready to adapt and respond in order to continue to regulate effectively. Over the course of the last year, CRPO’s Council started to act on the commitment to review our governance model. We contemplated how to best develop our expertise and refine our governance processes in order to continue to ensure we can deliver on our mandate of public protection.
Since good governance supports good decisions, the work ahead will call on us to articulate how decisions are made, to define roles and responsibilities, and to engage with stakeholders on all levels.
Fortunately, CRPO Council’s decision-making process has historically been one that relied on thorough deliberations to achieve consensus on the right course of action. While consensus-building requires an investment of time, it ensures that all opinions, ideas and concerns are considered. Really considering the perspectives of all our stakeholders in this way will allow Council to identify and analyze risks to a) the public, b) CRPO’s ability to regulate in a right-touch framework and c) the sustainability of the profession.
We have finalized our
strategic plan
and are developing next year’s work plans. I’ve no doubt that we are going to accomplish a great deal and I look forward to sharing our progress with you in future newsletters.
Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season and wonderful new year!
Deborah Adams, CRPO Registrar
As President Shelley Briscoe-Dimock noted in her message, Council and staff are in the midst of developing workplans that will set us up for fiscal 2020, which starts April 1. These plans will lay the groundwork for governance reform, allow Committees and staff to focus on the priorities set by Council, and will best position CRPO to report on key performance indicators.
One of the priorities that lines up with all three of the drivers of work for the coming year is more meaningful engagement with our stakeholders. I expect that this will translate into outreach that will look a little different than the consultations that we’ve done in the past. I’m keen to build on the town hall meeting format that took us to four different communities last year and allowed us to connect directly with registrants. I hope that I will have the opportunity to meet more RPs – either in person or over video conferences – as part of this work.
I also wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone the best as 2019 wraps up and we look to the start of a new decade.
The Controlled Act of Psychotherapy is Coming
As the end to the government’s two-year transition draws closer to the controlled act being fully in force as of January 1, 2020, CRPO staff are fielding a significantly higher volume of enquiries from students who are unclear about clinical supervision requirements and restrictions. Students and stakeholders involved with clinical placements and supervision can get updated, accurate information in our new
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is responsible in the event of a complaint – the supervisee or supervisor?
1. it is contractual;
2. it is purposeful (intentional);
3. records are kept;
4. there are regular meetings; and
5. there may be shared responsibility for the well-being of clients depending on circumstances and modality
Registrants are required to set out the details of their supervisory arrangements in an agreement – ideally a written one. Among other things, the agreement should address responsibility for client well-being. The sharing of responsibilities should be reasonable in light of the circumstances, taking into account a variety of factors including: the training and experience of the supervisee, the practice setting and supports or oversights within, the client population and potential population risks, among other things.
In the event CRPO received a complaint and a supervisory relationship was involved, the matter would be addressed by closely reviewing the situation and understanding the roles and conduct of the parties involved in the complaint. All of this information (and any other relevant details) would inform the degree and manner in which the parties involved would be held responsible. Note if a complaint involves cross-professional supervisory relationships, each party would be subject to the processes of their respective regulator.
See more helpful articles about your clinical practice on the
Practice Matters
page of our website.
Responding to Requests for Information
Registrants are reminded of their obligation under CRPO’s by-laws to respond immediately to College staff’s requests for information (e.g. practice site addresses). If a registrant fails to respond, a formal reminder letter will be sent. The second formal reminder letter will carry a fee of $54 +HST and will notify the registrant of their final 30 day deadline to respond or risk suspension. The fee to lift a suspension is $350 +HST. Information about fees are outlined on
CRPO’s website
and in
CRPO’s by-laws
Your current legal name, commonly used name in practice, and any previous legal or assumed names since age 18 are required under
CRPO’s by-laws
to be published on the
public register
Changing your name? Name changes must be reported to CRPO (using
) within 30 days.
A request to withhold your previous name from the public register must be made in writing (to
) and approved by CRPO’s Registrar.
Qualifying registrants writing the Registration Examination must present two pieces of government-issued photo identification on exam day that match the current legal name reported to CRPO.
User Account Tips: Messages
Messages sent to you from CRPO staff can always be found in your CRPO user account. You may not be able to reply to a specific message, but you can always draft a new message and it will be relayed to the appropriate staff member.
Education Program Recognition Renewed
The Gestalt Institute of Toronto – Five-Year Training Program successfully renewed their recognition from CRPO for another five years.
Visit our website
for more information about the recognition process, or to review the list of other recognized programs.
CRPO’s offices will be closed for the holidays from December 24 to January 1, reopening on January 2 at 8:00 a.m.
The next meeting of CRPO Council will take place on
January 24, 9:30 - 11:30
(please note truncated time) at the
CRPO office
. Want to attend? Register ahead of time and review the
guidelines on attendance
Seating is limited and so you are asked to ensure you have a confirmation before attending!
Follow our feed for the latest on new resources, Council election
updates, governance decisions and more!
Please do not unsubscribe. CRPO uses email to communicate with registrants about important College updates. If you choose to unsubscribe, it is then your responsibility to regularly check our website to keep yourself informed about your College obligations. It is the responsibility of each registrant to make sure CRPO has your current contact information, updated within 30 days of a change, and ensure that the organization you work for does not block CRPO emails.