Summer 2024

CROR Receives Grant to Explore Impact of Motivational Interviewing on Rehabilitation Outcomes for People with Spinal Cord Injuries

The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research has received a three-year, $550,000 grant to investigate whether a form of coaching therapy known as motivational interviewing can help recent spinal cord injury patients participate more actively in rehabilitation.

color photo of Linda Ehrlich-Jones - a middle aged white woman with short grey hair wearing a pink sweater with a scarf
Read More About the Grant
photo of a tall building with mirrored windows.

Meet our Partner: Northwestern University's Biostatistics Collaboration Center

The Biostatistics Collaboration Center is a valuable resource for researchers looking to gain insights into everything from disability employment to Parkinson's disease.

Learn More About Our Partnership
photo of My le a young Vietnamese woman with long black hair and glasses

My Le, Exploring Rehabilitation Research

CROR Research Assistant My Le grew up in Vietnam, where mental health issues weren't very out in the open. Le's mother's experience with counseling sparked an interest in psychology in Le that brought her to the United States for her education.

Learn More About My
a color photo of Eric Espinoza, a young Latino with long brown hair and glasses wearing jeans and a blue shirt posing in front of a yellow wall

Eric Espinoza, Reaching Out to the Spanish-Speaking Community

Eric Espinoza's experience translating for his parents led him to his current role as an outreach coordinator for the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Program.

Learn More About Eric

2024 NIDILRR Invited Lecture

The University of Washington's Mark Harniss, PhD, delivered the NIDILRR Invited Lecture for CROR's RRTC on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities on May 13. He discussed his project to develop an online decision aid for requesting a reasonable job accommodation.

a color photo of Mark Harniss, a middle aged white man wearing a collared shirt
View the Captioned Lecture 
a photo of Sarra, a young white woman in a wheelchair petting a horse

New Blog by People with SCI

CROR has collected blog posts from around the world by people with SCI sharing their inpatient rehabilitation experiences. Read the first post by Sarra, a young mother in the United Kingdom who returned to her farm after her SCI.

Read Sarra's Post

Job Accommodations Make a Difference: Data Points and Implications

On Tuesday, July 9, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (ET,) a panel of researchers from the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab will present their current research on how providing job accommodations for people with disabilities makes a difference and promotes equal opportunities in the workplace.

Speakers are:

  • Allen Heinemann, PhD, Director, Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research
  • Deborah Crown, MS, CRC, LCPC, Manager, Research Operations, Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research
  • Heather D. Evans, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Director, Disability Studies Program; Director of Research, Northwest ADA Center; Associate Director, ADA National Network Knowledge Translation Center, University of Washington

Presented by the Administration for Community Living and the Disability Employment TA Center.

Register for the Webinar

Rehabilitation Measures Database Update

There are currently 569 measures in the Rehabilitation Measures Database. Forty-one of the measures are related to employment.

In April, three new infographics were added to the Rehabilitation Measures Database:

·      Workplace Activity Limitations Scale

·      Orientation Log

·      Functional Independence Measure

Stay tuned for the next batch of infographics, which will be produced in collaboration with occupational therapy students of Susan Magasi, PhD, professor and head of occupational therapy in the University of Illinois Chicago College of Applied Health Sciences.

CROR’s Associate Director, Linda Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN and CROR Manager of Research Operations, Deborah Crown, CRC, LPCP, presented on the RMD at the Spring 2024 Association for Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education symposium. The symposium was held in Madison, Wisconsin on May 21.

On May 10, CROR Associate Director, Linda Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN, presented on the RMD as part of the Annual Stroke Course offered by the Academy at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to 20 in-person and about 100 virtual healthcare professionals. 

Graphic for Inside the Outcomes podcast - orange background with white lettering that says inside the outcomes a rehabilitation research podcast. CROR logo is in lower left corner

INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast is now on YouTube!

Our latest episode includes an interview with Monica Perez, PhD, PT, Scientific Chair, Arms + Hands Lab at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Her innovative intervention uses of noninvasive neurostimulation combined with physical therapy to strengthen connections between neurons and has led to lasting improvements in grasping and walking in some participants with spinal cord injury. 

You can also listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.  

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The contents of this newsletter were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant 90RTEM0001). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS). The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL or DHSS.