CRM Ascent May 2024

Converge Rocky Mountain is a movement of dynamic, Christ-centered churches. We seek to transform lives and communities by strengthening and multiplying Jesus-filled believers and congregations in the Rocky Mountain West.

Click here to let us know how we can serve you better

SEND Opportunity!

CRM churches send believers around the world and across the street to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. We usually do it through the efforts of local churches, partnering together, to increase our impact for God's Kingdom.

Mountain View Church, Glenwood Springs, invites you to join them as they build a partnership with "Chinle Planting Hope." This organization is committed to working together to bring hope and empowerment ​to families and communities in the Navajo Nation. An innovative project last year was the transformation of a storage container. They remodeled it, added solar power, and it now serves as a children's library.

How Can Your Church Get Involved?

  1. Contribute furniture and household goods during the spring thrift collection at Mountain View.
  2. Take a team and a load of goods down to the reservation on your own mission trip to Chinle, AZ.
  3. Help out with a work/construction project.
  4. Donate children's and adult books. (No owls or snakes, please.)

The Biggest Ask...

There is a great need for children's literacy sponsorships. If your church invests just $15.00 per child, you will provide a year's subscription to Highlights magazine. This publication has been a great tool in helping youngsters read and develop their interactive skills.

Who Do I Talk To?

Your Mountain View contact for the Chinle project is Debbie Wilde. To email Debbie click the button below.

Chinle Planting Hope is supported by a partnership of organizations, ranging from the Rotary Club to Fiesta Bowl Charities. As CRM churches get involved, we can bring a fresh expression of God's love to the Navajo nation. Who knows the opportunities the Lord may open up?

Click to Email Debbie

CRM Connect Newsletter Is On Its Way!

The spring edition of the CRM Connect is headed your way. This edition is packed with news about four new CRM church grand openings, the affiliation of The Point Church, the upcoming Converge Presidential election, and a review of TTT 2024.

If you don't receive home delivery, you can pick up a copy of Connect in your church office. If you'd like home delivery, email your address to Make sure you are up to date on events, prayer requests, and the family news of your CRM church network.

Important Webinar on the New Converge Retirement Program for Pastors and Church Staff

The Converge Retirement Program is Changing

We are pleased to have GuideStone Financial Resources as our new Recordkeeper for the Converge Retirement plan. GuideStone serves more than 20,000 churches and ministries and more than 250,000 participants nationwide.  

Art Tennille, Director of Retirement Solutions, and Dixie Beard, Sr. Business Development Manager, will be leading a live webinar for the Rocky Mountain Region on May 30th, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. MST. They will share information on the benefits of participating in the Converge Retirement Plan, discuss the new changes effective June 1st, and provide steps to get your church involved in the retirement plan.

In addition, GuideStone has created educational resources to help ministers and church staff start well, stay well, and finish well. The meeting will be followed by a Q&A session to address any questions you might have. Please make plans to join us for this important meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 895 9545 6237 Passcode: 742111

Retirement ZOOM Invite

Save The Date!

Together To Transform 2025

"For The One!"

March 15,16 2025

Speaker: Nick Hall

Nick Hall is an Evangelist, the author of Reset, and the Founder & President of Pulse, a ministry at the center of the largest millennial-led prayer and outreach efforts in the world. As an evangelistic voice to the next generation, Nick has preached the Gospel to over 330 million people worldwide. He is excited to encourage us in our efforts to reach the Rockies for Christ. Helpful breakouts will provide coaching on a variety of topics. This event is for church attendees, volunteers, staff, and pastors.

Don't miss an incredible time of worship, challenge, and learning at S2 West. Bring your team and deepen your friendships with other CRM leaders. Free dinner on Wednesday night! Take advantage of the early bird rate!!

Register for S2 West Today!

Bethel’s Seminary for Everyone Integrating Media and Arts in Preaching

Taught by Pastor and Professor Keith Loy

Bethel's June 3-28th online course is officially open for registration! Anyone interested can register to hear renowned instructors share their perspectives on matters close to their hearts.

  • We also offer a course discount of $70 per person if there are five or more participants registered from the same organization. The coupon code is SEMGROUP, which you will enter on the registration page along with your organization’s name. 
Learn More and Register for Sem Online

Let's Pray!

  • Praise the Lord for over 1,000 people who made first-time decisions for Christ on Easter weekend. Ask God to surround them with support networks to help them grow strong in their faith.
  • Praise the Lord for CRM mission teams serving around the world this summer.
  • Praise the Lord for our amazing pastors and church leaders.
  • Pray for peace in Israel
  • Pray for our new CRM Overseer board as they begin a new season of leadership and decision-making to propel our movement forward.
  • Pray for churches in transition, as they seek God's will for a new pastor.
  • Pray for all our church plants as they develop their congregations and reach their neighborhoods.
  • Pray for Grace Fellowship, Mosaic, Iglesia Vida Nueva, and First-Idaho Springs as they search for new pastors.
  • Ask the Lord to heal those battling physical or emotional illness.
  • Continue to pray that God will provide the people and financial resources needed to build effective ministry through CRM churches.

Pray for Regional President Paul Mitton

  • Attending Bethel University Board meetings
  • Affiliating new churches
  • Clarifying with staff and leaders the CRM mission, vision, and characteristics of our movement.
  • Protection as he travels
  • That he will stay centered on Jesus in all things, at all times.