CRM Ascent February 2024

Converge Rocky Mountain is a movement of dynamic, Christ-centered churches. We seek to transform lives and communities by strengthening and multiplying Jesus-filled believers and congregations in the Rocky Mountain West.

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It's Time!!! Together To Transform 2024

"Unmasked-Living and Leading Authentically"

Cheyenne Hills Church

Register Today!

March 8-9, 2024

  • Powerful Main Stage Speakers
  • Helpful Breakouts
  • Celebrating Pastor Dick and Ruthie Young
  • Challenging Life Story of Tim Malm
  • Church Planter Reports
  • Honoring Chaplains
  • 2024 CRM Annual Business Session
Register Now

Backpacks, Basketball, And Changed Lives In The Philippines

A team of CRM leaders from Colorado, and Prairie Hills Church-Lusk, WY just returned from an amazing mission trip to the Philippines. CRM believes local churches, no matter their size, can make a global impact. We also believe that participation in an international mission experience is transformational in a believer's faith development. We are also committed to making long-term commitments to countries and their national church leaders. Over the last decade, CRM churches have invested in unreached parts of the Philippines and gifted Filipino leaders. We have carried out multiple trips that provided support, training, and encouragement for villagers and ministry leaders in Mindanao, Manila, Cebu, Bohol, and beyond.

On our recent visit, we took outrigger canoes to visit outer island tribes around Bohol. We interacted with children through VBS activities and passed out backpacks and school supplies. We used basketball as a bridge to connect with guys in the community, draw a large crowd, and then share the Gospel at halftime. Many team members also preached and shared our faith stories in local churches. Paul and Jan led a seminar on spiritual warfare at their regional pastor’s conference. One of our young team members also spent the day helping at a local medical clinic.

The team was amazed at the contentment and joy we found in the villages we visited. It was a life-changing trip for everyone. We want to thank all of you who supported this mission team and provided funding for the backpacks and basketballs we distributed.

CRM churches provide a variety of mission trip experiences to help believers grow. “Send believers across the street and around the world to proclaim the Gospel,” is part of our overall S3 strategy. You are encouraged to make it a personal goal to participate in a cross-cultural, overseas mission experience in the next five years. God will use it to build your faith and build your compassion for lost people around the globe.

CRM is excited to partner with...

The Madness of Motherhood

March 2, 2024, 9 AM-4 PM

Harbor Church, Westminster, CO

Moms, we see you. You are on the front lines of parenting every single day. Whether you're up nursing your baby at night, driving the drop-off lanes in the morning, processing through their college applications, or helping them navigate adulthood, motherhood is a full-time, lifetime calling. 

What if you had just one day for you? A day to gather with other amazing women and remember all that is true:  That God sees you right where you are. That you are not alone in your motherhood journey. That you have incredible value and worth. And your story, no matter what it is, absolutely matters for yourself and the next generation. The Madness of Motherhood conference is for you.

We invite you to join us for this powerful one-day event for moms of all ages and stages of parenting. We will have encouraging and equipping general sessions led by local and national speakers, incredible worship, wonderful food, gifts, giveaways, and so much more.

We can't wait to see you there!

*If you need a scholarship, please email us at 

Click Here To Register For The Madness of Motherhood

We want your Easter stories! 

It's time to celebrate! Send us your Easter weekend attendance and baptism numbers... but most of all, send us your Easter transformation stories. There is nothing better than to swap stories between churches of authentic, God-driven Easter life change. We'll send a report out the week after Easter, so plan to submit your information by April 1st. Send your Easter updates to Laura Callison at

Harvest Baptist Welcomes New Pastor

The congregation of Harvest Baptist, Boulder, CO is excited to announce the arrival of their new pastor, Kyle Bendorf. Kyle has served at several churches, including Conference Baptist in Evergreen, CO. Kyle is also part of the faculty at Flatirons Academy. Please pray for Kyle, his wife Sherry, and their daughter Anna as they begin a new ministry with the Harvest family.

Student-faculty duo research the virtual workplace

Using an Edgren Scholarship, Triston Thomas ’23, a communication studies major, and Professor of Communication Studies Peggy Kendall teamed up this past summer to research how remote workers really feel in the virtual workplace and what assumptions their managers can’t make anymore. Their research provided insightful findings—and leaves opportunities for further study—but the two say working together as a student-professor team is equally as beneficial.

“Just the constant guidance and connections she has provided for me has been a blessing,” Thomas says of Kendall. “Also, the conversations we have had just about life itself have been fun as we become closer to each other.” Having him as a student, Kendall appreciated Thomas’ ability to think deeply, ask good questions, and see things from different perspectives. Those skills really came to light during their research. “Triston saw patterns I totally missed. He used phrases and titles to describe themes that suddenly brought everything together,” Kendall says. “It was fun to have a thought partner as we analyzed our data.” Click link to read more....

Click To Learn More About The Student Faculty Duo

Let's Pray!

  • Praise the Lord for a successful, safe mission trip to the Philippines. Give thanks to all the international mission experiences CRM churches are involved in this year.
  • Praise the Lord for several churches seeking to formally affiliate with CRM.
  • Praise the Lord for powerful prayer events taking place in our churches.
  • Praise the Lord for Kyle Bendorf, (Shelley) who has accepted the Lead Pastor position at Harvest Baptist Church.
  • Pray for ministry leaders as they prepare for a busy Easter season.
  • Pray for the upcoming Together To Transform meetings. Pray that God will unite our hearts, and strengthen our commitment to reaching the Rockies for Christ.
  • Pray for our church plants as they develop their congregations and reach their neighborhoods.
  • Pray for Mosaic, Iglesia Vida Nueva, and First-Idaho Springs as they search for new pastors.
  • Ask the Lord to heal those battling physical or emotional illness.
  • Pray for churches working through conflict or determining the next steps for their congregation.
  • Continue to pray that God will provide the people and financial resources needed to build effective ministry through CRM churches.

Pray for Regional President Paul Mitton

  • TTT 2024 Preparation
  • Affiliating new churches
  • Speaking and spiritual warfare seminars
  • Converge Board Meetings
  • Protection as he travels
  • That he will stay centered on Jesus in all things, at all times.