Cristo Rey High School Alumni News
Greetings Alumni,

I pray you and your families are healthy and safe during this challenging time. I want you to know that I am available to discuss any personal or academic concerns you may have. I also want to remind you that an Alumni Emergency Assistance Fund has been established to help our college enrolled alumni impacted by COVID-19.
Eligible alumni needs for ALL college students that are met through the Alumni Emergency Assistance Fund:

  • Food stipend as a result of dining hall closure
  • Storage unit for dorm belongings
  • Transportation to/from campus or home 
  • Change fees for previously purchased transportation
  • Technological devices necessary for online learning
  • Laptop charger
  • Temporary housing for the duration of the dorm closure as currently stated by the university

If you believe you qualify for the Alumni Emergency Fund, please let us know by completing this form or by emailing me at at
(you may reapply for funds if the period extends)
COVID-19 Information and College Resource Links

Recently issued guidance from the Department of Education clarifies that students who have a Federal Work-Study (FWS) position and are unable to work due to school closure or distance learning may continue to be paid for the FWS hours they were scheduled to work.

***This is a awesome link - Learn How to Become    article:    “Online Student’s Manual for Success”     
The United States counts its citizens every 10 years. This counting of the population is required by the Constitution in Article 1, Section 2 and is used to: 
- decide how many representatives your state has in the US House of Representatives (and how many votes in the Electoral College) and how their districts are drawn
- help your community prepare for emergency readiness needs (pretty timely) 
- determine how much federal funding your community may receive for schools, roads, and public services (hey, I use all of those things!)

You can fill out the 2020 census   here . It's one form for each household and is super easy; it just takes a couple of minutes. You were mailed a census ID that the site will ask for, but you can just click "I don't have a census ID" to work around that if you can't find it. Students, this may be something to talk with your head of household about while you're looking for things to do! 

-   Q:     I heard that there was a question about citizenship status on there. Is that true? 
  A: There is no question about citizenship status on the census. It is important for *everyone* in the US (regardless of citizenship status) to be counted for all of the reasons listed above. 
-Q: I'm not comfortable answering the question about my family's background with specific information. What do I do? 
  A: The first two times you leave it blank and try to move on, it will prompt you to fill it in. After that, it will allow you to leave it blank and move on. 
-Q: I go to college away from home. Should I be counted at home or at school? 
- A: Fill out your census for wherever you live most of the year, probably your college dorm.
Don't forget to create your profile!
The Cristo Rey Network national office, based in Chicago, is embarking on the movement’s   first National Alumni Association     to connect, engage and mobilize over 18,000 alumni nationwide  . They've launched an online portal, where Cristo Rey graduates will have the opportunity to:
  1. Access career development and job placement opportunities at Corporate Partners
  2. Build community at regional events, and
  3. Engage in peer-to-peer mentorship opportunities.
You can create your profile on the portal at   .   If you have questions, please contact Alyse Faour at  .

We hope you take part in this exciting initiative!
Follow us on social media!
Please be sure to follow the Alumni page on Facebook and Instagram. We share pictures, scholarships, and other important information.
Facebook Page:  @ CRAlumniSAC
Instagram:   @cristoreysac.alumni   
Alumni Support Program
(916) 629-4633