April 2022
Every spring brings a time at the Center for Partnership Systems (CPS) when we reflect on the previous year's accomplishments and the engagement and support of our incredible CPS community.

From aha moments of inspiration to the tireless efforts of our team, we are grateful to bring in another year of doing what we love: making Partnership Systems a reality. We thank you for your continued support of our work.

If you are interested to learn more, the 2021 Annual Report is available to all on the CPS website.
Read Riane Eisler's Most Recent Op-Ed: Why Many Republicans are Putin’s Team

"The alignment of some Republicans with Putin shows that they are, in a very real way, on the same team – a team that transcends national identity. The team is Domination. While Trump might have led them to Putin, they stay in thrall to him because they share a set of fundamental values and world views."
Riane Eisler has joined Medium to share her insight and analysis of today's world. Is our modern society more oriented towards Domination Systems or Partnership Systems? Follow Riane Eisler on Medium to find out.

The International Humanistic Management Association is hosting a Lunch and Learn” virtual event with Riane Eisler on April 29th.

During the free lunch event, Eisler will address the invisible and marginalized factors that affect our worldview, and hence business, organizational, family, and social structures — all of which are interconnected. She will discuss actions we can take to shift business and social policy to take into account the economic value of caring for people, starting at birth, and for our natural life support systems.

Please register here

We hope you can make it!

Every month Sandie Sedgbeer invites guest contributors to share their personal “10 Best” spiritual books that inspired them the most on their life path. 

From well-known classics to hidden gems you might never have heard about, the “10 Best” lists can save you time and money on your journey of self-discovery.

What books do you think Riane picked?

In the episode titled "From Domination to Partnership", podcast host Clay Boykin asks Eisler to elaborate on the role men can play in switching from Domination Systems to Partnership Systems:

Podcast Highlight:
"When you have this problem that men face, I think that we are at a time when this very rigidly binary stereotype is necessary for Domination Systems because if you don’t have these rigid stereotypes, how can you rank masculinity over femininity? Yes, men over women. I mean, for millenia, men in Domination Systems have had to give nothing less than their lives because some guy on top like Putin wanted more in real estate."

David Loye, Riane Eisler's late husband and partner, was honored by the California State Senate for his many academic contributions.

Eisler calls the Memoriam from California Senator Laird honoring David Loye "a resolution in his memory in the California Senate."

For those who are interested, Eisler asks that you please share it widely, as it is a great honor and wonderful memorial of David Loye.

Peruse all of David Loye's academic contributions on Loye's website here

Want to discover how YOU can accelerate the shift from Domination to Partnership Systems?

We are living in times of great change and great challenge. Yet, across the world, people like you are rising to the call of creating a better world — a world built on peace, equality, and caring for one another and for our planet.

It is time for a narrative about human history, human nature, and human possibilities that guides us in building a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.

This course goes beyond a new story that shows the interconnections between dynamics we’ve been taught to see as separate. It will:

  • Deepen your understanding of Domination and Partnership Systems
  • Prepare you to advocate for Partnership policies
  • Show you how to apply Partnership values and practices in your own family, workplace, and community

You will gain a fresh understanding of the part you play in weaving a new human story and your essential role in the global Partnerism Movement.

The Domination System and the Partnership System are integrative categories that empower us with a new way of thinking and give names to things that many of us have felt to be true: that there is a better way of living and that this Partnership way is deeply rooted in societies that flourished in our prehistoric past.

Contribute to the on-the-ground work of building Partnership Systems by making a one-time or monthly recurring donation to the Center for Partnership Systems.

Through your donation you ensure that your voice is heard – and that it has real impact.

Please join us in making a difference. Thank you!
The Partnerism Movement is a CPS initiative to accelerate the shift from Domination to Partnership Systems. We start with a caring economics of Partnerism, an economic system that, unlike Capitalism and Socialism, values and rewards caring for one another, nature, and our collective future. We invite you to join the Partnerism Movement.