February 2021
Building a Multiracial Democracy and a Caring Economy Through Partnerism
Partnerism and conflict resolution leader Sharon Sund and Center for Partnership Studies founder Riane Eisler collaborated to host the November, 2020 workshop as part of the Overcoming Racism Conference.

Sharon: "This workshop represents the convergence of three worlds for me. Eight years ago, I met and studied with the author and systems scientist Riane Eisler to build a Caring Economy and Partnership Society. I immediately saw that this structure would lead to overcoming racism".

Watch the video:
Facebook Live: Black History Month Dialogue
Saturday, February 20, 2021
11am PST

Join Robyn Baker, Center for Partnership Studies Associate and guest speakers including partnership education leader Khayree Bey for a discussion of Black History Month awareness and it’s importance for building a caring economic and social systems that work for all.
Riane Eisler Keynote:
100 Women@Davos 2021

Riane Eisler delivered a keynote speech as part of the 100 Women@Davos/How to Lead in a Post-Pandemic World event: “Partnerism: A New Model for Leadership- Beyond Capitalism and Socialism".

From Ignorance to Understanding

Bela Hatvany of Mustardseed Trust shares the wisdom in investing in sustainable, renewable energy as part of working towards collective partnership systems. "As we partner with the earth we will experience abundance. Domination will no longer be sensible".

CPS is excited to announce the publication of the Fall-Winter 2020 IJPS issue focused on Partnership-Based Models of Government Programs. The IJPS is a peer-reviewed, online, free-access journal.

CPS's Speakers Connect the Dots to a Partnership Future

Are you an online event host seeking engaging speakers? CPS's Partnership Speakers connect the dots to a partnership future through the multi-disciplinary lens of partnership systems. Whether your topic is shifting from domination to partnership, Partnerism and caring economy, or creating new cultural narratives that work for people and planet, we have the team ready to make your online interview or workshop a success.

Write for the CPS Leader's Blog
Your voice is valued! Contribute to the Center for Partnership Studies' Partnership Community News and Leader's Blog. The topic for the March, 2021 newsletter is Partnership Stories for a Hopeful Future.

As the world struggles to heal from the pandemic, shifts away from domination systems and rebuilds a multiracial democracy and a more caring economy, what personal or local stories can you share of heart, courage, and caring solutions? These may touch on social and environmental justice, community activism, partnership healthcare, policies that work for all, partnership parenting, and education that upholds our shared partnership future.

Submissions are due March 18. Send your blog submission (no more than 700 words) to Ann. Pending review and space availability, we'll include it in the "People Making Waves" section of the newsletter and post it on the CPS Leaders Blog with a link to the Riane Eisler CPS Facebook page.

“The arc of history may bend towards justice, but it is not
without the actions of individuals and groups coming together in better relation with one another. As a person of intersecting marginalizations
and privileges, what happens in the political and economic realms
directly impacts me, people I love and communities of which I am a part.
The great impact and beauty of collective mutual aid and healing that
I have seen first-hand inspires me to support partnership and
caring economies in my work and life”.

– Ilene Palacios, CPS