A Message from our Board of Directors and CPC Administration
Dear CPC Supporters,

Over the last six months, many changes have occurred surrounding abortion laws and abortion access in Maryland and across the United States. These changes impact the Center for Pregnancy Concerns and the women we serve. As the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and Development Director, we want to take this time to share important information with you and ask for your prayers.

CPC has been utilizing Google advertising as one way to meet women where they are -- on their phones. However, Google recently restricted all ads for abortion pill reversal. This ban limits our ability to reach women who change their minds after taking the abortion pill. Pray that we find new ways to inform them of this vital service.

Unrelated, CPC's Google listing has received some negative reviews from people opposed to our Christian mission and ministry. To counter these falsehoods, we are asking our supporters and clients to share the truth about CPC by writing a review here.

On another front, abortion providers like Planned Parenthood are ready to launch mobile RV units to market abortion pills along the borders of states that safeguard preborn lives from abortion. We expect these abortion providers will also convert these RV units into surgical abortion sites to profit from women in crisis and destroy preborn life. Please pray that those in favor of abortion will encounter the Lord in their hearts and minds and uphold the value and dignity of all life.

On a positive note, we are pleased to report that client appointments, visits, pregnancy tests, and sonograms increased by at least 300% during 2022. Of course, our expenses have also increased now that we own our medical services facility and employ an equivalent of 7 full-time staff members. We offer thanksgiving for this growth and ask that you join us as we pray for continued financial blessing so we can sustain and expand our ministry.

CPC is looking for new ways to grow individual, church, and business support. So, in the coming days, we will begin a 4-week supporter awareness campaign with Brighter Media Group (95.1 Bright FM and AM 1230) to attract new friends to our ministry. Please pray for the success of this campaign. We are also actively applying for grants from foundations to fund our general operations budget, which is $820K for the current fiscal year. Please join us in praying for an abundance of new support.

CPC must grow and adapt as abortion practices and abortion access shift. To that end, we have begun surveying our clients to see what changes we can make to assist them better. We'd also like your input and ask that you take six minutes to complete the survey below. Based on a review of all stakeholders' answers, our board and administrative staff will begin strategizing new ways to best serve abortion-vulnerable women.

We know our mission to protect the physical, emotional, and spiritual lives of pregnant women and their unborn children is important to you, and we ask for your ardent prayers. All are welcome to join CPC online at our next prayer meeting, Monday, November 21st, at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in joining, please sign up here, and we will send you a Zoom link and reminder.

Thank you for blessing CPC with your prayers, gifts, time, and talents. We know that much work remains, but we abide in the goodness of our Heavenly Father, where truth and love always triumph.

The Board of Directors

Gina Ruppert, Executive Director

Paula Caponiti, Director of Development

The Center for Pregnancy Concerns Board of Directors: Matthew Bauer, Chair; Bryce Bauer, Treasurer; Catherine Gara, Ph.D., Secretary; Louis Breschi, M.D.; Timothy Dygert, Jr., Esq.; Amy Erardi; Ben Butanis, Fr. Brendan Fitzgerald; Jennifer Adamo, Ph.D.
CPC Donor Survey. Please choose ONE answer for each question or rank according to importance.
Our Mission

The Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns is a locally organized and funded volunteer ministry demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by providing abortion alternatives to women who find themselves in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. We service clients by addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We also strive to provide accurate and complete information on prenatal development and abortion. We believe access to this information is needed in order to provide our clients with the facts, allowing them to make informed decisions. Ultimately, we desire to protect the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of our clients and their unborn children. We also provide emotional support and resources to any woman who comes to us having had an abortion. We believe our ministry to these and all women is to share the love of Jesus Christ.
Center for Pregnancy Concerns | 443-884-9201
328 N. Howard Street
Baltimore, MD 21201