MARCH 2020-First Edition
I have been the Executive Director of CPC for 12 short weeks. As I was beginning to acclimate to the workings of this wonderful organization, I am now faced with designing new ways of delivering services to moms, and our Center Coordinators are reinventing themselves to adapt to this extraordinary time. We trust in God's timing and His providence and know that all things work together for those who love Him.  

As the Covid 19 virus ramped up, we realized that we could not operate as usual, so we made the difficult decision to temporarily close our Centers. We are sad to suspend our “Earn While You Learn" programs and ask our volunteers to stay at home. However, the staff at CPC continues to serve the Greater Baltimore area in new and creative ways. Our HelpLine (410-391-3911) is receiving calls 24/7. Each call is evaluated. We assess the needs of each caller and develop a service plan. The service plans have included scheduling appointments to meet moms at our Centers and delivery of diapers, wipes, and formula to moms who do not have transportation or access to supplies in their area. Over the past week we have made 28 deliveries to clients. Also a sonogram is scheduled for another client later this week. Center Coordinators are calling our most vulnerable moms, those newly pregnant and those near delivery. Often all they want to do is talk and know that we care. The virus may have disrupted our operating procedures, which will likely continue to evolve as this crisis develops, but know that we are still hard at work. 

We have a wonderful staff that is working remotely and will continue to shine God's light on those in need. We are blessed. Thank you for following us on FaceBook and staying connected and for your continued support through prayers and giving. We will all get through this together and be better when this ends. 

For now our plan is to publish a newsletter twice a month to keep you aware of how CPC is continuing to operate, the services we are providing, and the progress of Howard St. construction. Expect the next edition the week of April 13th.

Pray for our moms and we will keep all of you in prayer.

Best, Gina
CPC Serving Our Community
As you can tell from the pictures above, CPC staff and volunteers are scheduling emergency pickups at our centers and making special deliveries to those with no transportation. Many small neighborhood stores are out of items like diapers or formula. Our resources are limited.

We need your help to continue these services. Even one bottle of baby shampoo or moisturizer can make a difference. Know that your donations will get to those in need in the greater Baltimore area. Where CPC is blessed with an abundance, we will locate other pregnancy centers or shelters in need. Your donation will be shipped to the home of our Executive Director, Gina Ruppert, and she will coordinate distribution.

If you are sitting on you couch and wondering how you can help in this extraordinary time, click on the AMAZON link below. Individual purchase quantities are limited, items go out of stock quickly, and delivery may take longer than normal, so don't hesitate. Please spread the word and share the link below with your social media network.

Howard St. UPDATE!
Construction Begins!!!
Prayers answered! Plano Coudon Construction started work at 328 N. Howard St. on Monday, March 23rd! Asbestos has been identified in the floor tiles on the first floor. The abatement crew began work on Tuesday. Above are "before" pictures of the basement and of the asbestos abatement crew at work. Once abatement is complete, the demolition work will proceed.

We are blessed that work is progressing in these exceptional times. Pictures of the progress will be shared regularly.

Please pray for a smooth, uneventful construction process and a GRAND OPENING in the Summer of 2020.

Put Howard St. on every possible prayer list!!
Turning FEAR into PEACE

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  
- Philippians 4:6- 7

According to an internet search of favorite Bible verses, Phillipians 4:6-7 ranks 10th. After the events of the last few weeks, the verse might be heading to number one. Max Lucado is a favorite Christian author and apologist. He has been featured recently on several national news programs. Max has commented that, "This strange season has introduced a level fear we haven't seen since 9/11." Many of us vividly remember 9/11; others of you were very young or not even born. We can find hope in the knowledge that out of 9/11 a stronger nation was born.

Max has some simple recommendations for those fighting anxiety or fear. He created this acronym.

C-A-L-M: first we  C elebrate God, then we  A sk God for help, then we  L eave the problem with God, and lastly then we  M editate on good things.

The prayer of all at CPC is that you and your family remain healthy and find a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Center for Pregnancy Concerns | 410-391-6699