As you can tell from the pictures, progress is happening! The ugly front of our building is looking much better. We are in the process of selecting colors for the exterior and planning signage.

According to Dan Schwab, our project manager from Plano Coudon Construction , construction is on schedule. Currently, the interior is being painted; doors and frames are being installed. After all of the ceiling rough-ins (HVAC, lights) are completed, dropping the ceiling tiles will be next. Flooring will begin in about a week.

The furniture for Howard St. has been ordered, with much help from our design team at Price Modern. We are creating a warm, inviting, and comfortable environment to welcome our clients. A big thanks to Beth Wolinski and Hilary Heubeck of Price Modern. They guided us through the process and helped us make good choices within our budget and the challenging COVID standards. All surfaces must stand up to frequent cleaning. You'll love it!

Please pray for a smooth, uneventful construction process and a GRAND OPENING in the Summer/Fall of 2020.

Put Howard St. on every possible prayer list!!