April 2021
A Message from Our
Board of Directors
Our Mission
The Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns is a locally organized and funded volunteer ministry demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by providing abortion alternatives to pregnant women. We service clients by addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We also strive to provide accurate and complete information on prenatal development and abortion. We believe access to this information is needed in order to provide our clients with the facts, allowing them to make informed decisions. Ultimately, we desire to protect the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of our clients and their unborn children. We also provide emotional support and resources to any woman who comes to us having had an abortion. We believe our ministry to these and all women is to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Dear Friends of CPC,

As the opening of Options@328 approached last fall, we, the Board of Directors and the Executive Director, recognized the need to form a strategic plan that would allow us to take full advantage of our new location, as well as the many new tools—medical, educational, and technological—that are now available to help us reach abortion-vulnerable women. We also desired to make the best use of our other locations. There are changes that result from our plan-changes we believe will save more lives. We would like to keep you current on some of the changes that will result from our plan—changes we believe will save more lives.
As part of our new strategy, all of our staff roles and responsibilities have been updated to meet current needs. The roles of our locations have shifted somewhat as well. Options@328 is our medical services facility. (Since we own the building, it will also become our mailing address.) At Options@328, we provide life-saving services—pregnancy tests, sonograms, counseling and abortion pill reversal. The center is accessible by light rail, bus lines, and car, which has enabled women to come to us from all throughout the city, the surrounding counties and even the Eastern Shore and Pennsylvania. Options@328 is open Monday through Friday, as is Planned Parenthood (PP), so that abortion-vulnerable women don't have to wait to see us. Some women have called us from the lobby of PP and we have already supported several women seeking abortion pill reversal. We are so blessed to be there! 
To further support our clients, our other locations, dubbed Resource Centers, will provide material resources and educational programs for new moms. Due to the shift in activities and a decreased need for space, our Essex location will soon be relocating nearby to Mars Hill Baptist Church on Old Eastern Ave. St. Ann’s will also serve as a Resource Center. 
As of April 1, our Arbutus location will no longer be affiliated with CPC but become one of the community resources to which we refer moms in need. Led by God’s call, our dedicated coordinator there, Allison Benson, is going to transform the location into a new ministry to serve the poor in Arbutus, supported by Matt’s House church next door. Struggling moms in the area will still be able to receive material help through Allison’s ministry and from our St. Ann’s center, and educational programs will still be available to them online. 
A lot of growth has happened at CPC in the past year, growth that allows us to reach many more abortion-vulnerable women, especially through our new abortion pill reversal service. We are confident that the steps described in this letter will further bolster our ability to fulfill our important mission. We are blessed by your faithful support and are excited for the future.
The Board of Directors
Gina Ruppert, Executive Director 
The Center for Pregnancy Concerns 
The Board of Directors
Matthew Bauer, Chair; Catherine Gara, Ph.D., Secretary; Bryce Bauer, Treasurer; Louis Breschi, M.D.; Timothy Dygert, Jr., Esq.; Amy Erardi
Our New Address
As we said above, since we own the location at 328 N. Howard St., it is now our permanent mailing address for all correspondence, billing and donations. We have notified the post office of our new address but with the current delays we are concerned that our mail may not reach us. Effective immediately please use the Howard St. address.

If you would like to support CPC, making an on-line donation will assure that the funds are not delayed or misdirected. You can also set up automatic monthly donations from your credit/debit card or your checking account.

As always, we are grateful for your faithful support.
A Powerful Message from a Donor
This note was included with a donation we recently received and the donor gave us permission to share her thoughts with you. May God richly bless her and her daughter.

"I wish I could send you money every year, but sadly, I cant.

However, since the government was kind enough to give me "free" money, I am sharing it with the Center for Pregnancy Concerns. Since the government subsidizes Planned Parenthood, I doubt it would be happy knowing their money (really ours) is going to a pregnancy center that works to prevent abortion!

Many, many years ago, my first child was born with spina bifida. At no time did we even think about letting her die, even though the prognosis was not good. Medicine was not so advanced for those babies as it is now. With prayer and a deep faith, she survived her surgeries and led a normal, healthy life! My prayers are with you and the wonderful work you do."
Virtual Baby Bottle Campaign
There's still time to start a Virtual Baby Bottle Campaign!

It's not too late for your church to start a virtual campaign. In past years, many churches organized Baby Bottle Campaigns during Lent or around Mother's Day and Father's Day. Like so many things, this year is different. Many people are not able to attend church; there is a shortage of change; and there are concerns around handling bottles due to COVID contamination. There is a solution! Your church can sponsor a Virtual Baby Bottle Campaign! For details please call Gretchen at 443-834-6715 or email at gretchen@centerforpregnancyconcerns.org.

To make a contribution now, donate below.
Prayer Request
Our beloved Carol Clews, CPC's past Executive Director, is in urgent need of your prayers. She is experience a challenging health crisis. Please pray for Carol to receive successful treatment and be blessed with complete healing.
It would be wonderful to shower Carol with cards expressing your encouragement and thoughtful prayers. She has requested only cards or notes. Please include Carol's husband Vince in your prayers.

Carol's address:
1205 Nicodemus Rd
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Center for Pregnancy Concerns | 443-884-9201