We regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel our annual Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of BCS. As you know, the COVID-19 virus is extremely contagious and can spread easily from person to person - especially those in close proximity. We don’t want to risk anyone’s health and feel it is prudent to cancel the event.

We are, however, continuing to ask for donations to support the much needed programs of the Boys and Girls Club of BCS. This event is a vital part of our fundraising efforts and we hope you will still be able to make a donation. You can visit and donate there. We’ll also be sending out a list of items next week that we planned to auction at the event. If you are interested in purchasing any of the items, those funds will also go directly to the programs for the Boys and Girls Club.

Thank you for all you do to help the children in Los Cabos. In these troubling times, it is comforting to know that our family of supporters are there for us. We appreciate you and thanks for being a part of the first Boys and Girls Club in BCS. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s Chili Cook-Off!
Following the advice of the National Board for Boys and Girls Club in Mexico, our position is to act responsibly and follow the indications for the well-being of our children and youth and that of the community.

Given the spread of the Covid-19 internationally and the estimated increase in the rate of contagion within our country in the coming weeks, we have remained vigilant to the general health recommendations (antibacterial gel, hand washing, sneezing at the elbow, avoiding contact greetings, etc.).

Always keeping in mind the safety of our beneficiaries and their families, as well as our collaborators, we consider it prudent not to neglect the speed of spread of this pandemic and take extreme precautions. Although today we understand that the mortality rate of this virus is 2% and mainly affects vulnerable individuals (elderly, with pre-existing chronic diseases and/or weak immune systems), we cannot rule out the existence of members in our community who belong to this risk population.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Public Education issued an official statement in which they decided to advance and extend the Easter holiday period, from March 20 to April 20, which leads us to issue the following recommendations:

1. The local management team of each Club will evaluate the feasibility of joining this period of suspension of activities, to favor the containment of contagion in their communities.

2. Coordinators and volunteers will start to schedule remote activities for their beneficiaries to carry out at home during the quarantine, of workshops that allow it (crafts or reading, for example).

3. We will request our beneficiary families to inform us if any of their members presents symptoms or a positive diagnosis.

4. We need to make the necessary adjustments to our plan and schedule of activities.

5. Upon the return of activities, the sanitation and disinfection protocol of our facilities will be intensified.

We will be able to reevaluate these measures as soon as the vacation period ends, as we see how the disease has evolved. We will continue to work with the National office to monitor what is required to support and address this extraordinary situation.