BCHA Updates
We are pleased to share with you three big wins that have just been announced this morning from the federal government, along with news that the provincial government is now accepting applications for Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant.


  • The federal government has just unveiled its new commercial rent relief program, that will provide direct support for small businesses. This Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) will be available until June 2021

  • Furthermore, the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) has been expanded, which will enable eligible businesses access to an additional $20,000. If repaid by December 31, 2022 up to half ($10,000) will be forgivable. Application deadlines have also been extended to December 31, 2020.

These are three monumental wins on the federal level that will further set our industry on the road to recovery. I must acknowledge the tireless work of the Hotel Association of Canada team, along with my provincial counterparts all aligned and working together towards this end. We are indeed pleased with the extension

Provincially, we have just received more information on the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant that was announced on September 17th. The five step program will offer grants of $10,000 to $30,000 to eligible businesses. An additional $5,000 to $10,000 grant is available to eligible tourism-related businesses that have been hit especially hard by COVID-19. Please click here for further information on this program and to submit your application. As this program was just launched today we encourage you to reach out should you have any questions.

As the provincial election is upon us, we remind our members that we are continuing to gather material that will assist in pushing the interests of our tourism and hospitality communities forward. There is no doubt that our community has been one of the hardest hit as a result of the pandemic, and it is our priority to ensure that all parties understand this, along with our goals to secure relief and support. We are closely monitoring the policy positions and promises of each party and will continue to offer updates.

This week, I had the opportunity to speak at both the Kootenay Rockies Tourism AGM on Wednesday and the Kelowna Hotel Association meeting on Thursday. I will also be presenting at the Tourism Vancouver Island AGM next week. I want to thank each organization for allowing me the opportunity to offer updates on the work we are doing at the BC Hotel Association, along with everyone who attended the events. It was my sincere pleasure to speak about our provincial hotel community and it was humbling to witness the profound support of our industry through these meetings.

We have a few exciting updates regarding our member programming. The BC Hotel Association is partnering with tourism regions across the province to attract Canadian Snowbirds – residents who travel to warmer destinations during colder months. This is an opportunity for accommodation properties across the province to gain exposure to this market and innovate their product offerings this winter. We encourage each of you to explore how to participate below.

Furthermore, our BC Wine Harvest Month campaign has kicked off to great success. There has been substantial media interest in the campaign that includes coverage in Narcity Vancouver, Castanet.com, WineBusiness.com, iNwine and Gismondi on Wine. We encourage you to also watch the Global TV commercial, listen to the radio ads, see what social influencers are saying, and read the WineBC.com Taste & Terroir blog.

Finally, I'd like to acknowledge that tomorrow, Saturday October 10th, is World Mental Health Day. This year, we have all faced a number of hurdles and the mental health of many has been put in a precarious position. We have included some resources below for you to explore that will be a first step in ensuring your workplace is fostering both the physical and mental health of all workers.

As we join our families and small groups over the upcoming weekend, it is of paramount importance we reach out to those who are isolated, and those we historically are working with, our work families. The hospitality industry is indeed a caring, and supportive industry. Let's all come together and acknowledge these are difficult times, and everyone deals with adversity in a different, personal manner. Our team at the BC Hotel Association are here to support you, our industry however we are able, we thank you for your trust, your support and for providing us your voice. 

Wishing you all a very joyous Thanksgiving long weekend with your loved ones.

Stay safe,

Ingrid Jarrett
President & CEO
BC Hotel Association
The BC Hotel Association is proud to announce our involvement with tourism regions across the province to attract Canadian Snowbirds – residents who normally travel to warmer climates during colder months. This is an opportunity for accommodators across the province to gain exposure to this market and help themselves either in the short term or as a long-term shift into this segment.

The pilot project will be live with Tourism Vancouver Island, which we are delighted to be working with behind the scenes to ensure we see British Columbia deliver outstanding snowbird experiences over the coming months.

The Campaign: BCHA will partner with tourism regions across the province and connect accommodators with the program. The tourism regions will handle the marketing and destination exposure through it's Fly West campaign while BCHA will ensure that hotels are connected via the Check in Canada booking portal. This will drive business directly to hotels reducing usage of third-party booking channels.
·       There is no cost to participate.
·       Once connected to Check in Canada hotels will provide their own specials, packages and offers on their own website.
·       The program will roll out, region by region. Please stay tuned for information specific to your area of the province.

The Opportunity: 
Step 1: Let us know you are participating by answering the short registration:
Step 2: If you are not yet signed on with Check in Canada click here:
If you are already connected to Check in Canada, no additional work is necessary.
Election Toolkit
TIABC, ABLE BC, BCHA and Restaurants Canada are among the largest tourism and hospitality sector associations in British Columbia, representing hundreds of thousands of employees and businesses throughout the province.
Together with our partners and stakeholders, we have been working with all levels of government, particularly at the provincial level, to address the enormous challenges our sector has faced since the start of the COVID-19 crisis.
With the unexpected variable of a provincial election in the middle of a pandemic, our individual and collective efforts become even more important. Informing, educating and questioning candidates of all parties on the issues and needs of the tourism and hospitality industry is paramount to government decisions on recovery efforts post- election.
This Election Toolkit is your guide to ensure our sector’s voice is both heard and understood by those running for office, and that each party is prepared to address the issues and opportunities to help tourism and hospitality rebound in the months and years ahead.

This living document can be found here.
HAC: New Support For Canada's Hardest Hit Sector
This afternoon, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced new targeted support for Canada’s hardest hit businesses. 

These measures include: 

  • Extending the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) until June 2021 and raising the current subsidy rate from 45% in November and 25% in December to 65% of eligible wages until December 19, 2020 for the hardest hit businesses. Further details will be announced for the January to June 2021 period. 

  • Expanding the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) which will enable eligible businesses access to an additional $20,000. If repaid by December 31, 2022 up to half ($10,000) will be forgivable. Application deadlines have also been extended to December 31, 2020. Notably, proof of income losses will now be a requirement.  

These measures are excellent news for the hotel sector. HAC is delighted that Government has acted quickly in direct response to our advocacy and have reversed the planned wind down of the wage subsidy rate. This program, now at a 65% subsidy rate for the hardest-hit businesses, is considerably more generous than comparable programs in the world.

The CEBA expansion is also good news and will provide our owners with additional forgivable amounts.

We know there is still more to come for our sector, and we are very pleased with these early announcements after the Speech from the Throne.

More information on how and when these programs can be accessed will be released in the coming days. HAC will provide more details as soon as they become available. 
Canada Request for Recovery Submission
Restaurants Canada have shared with us their request for recovery that was submitted in July. Please see the below link to view this submitted document.
World Mental Health Day 2020
This Saturday, Oct. 10th is World Mental Health Day. COVID19 has brought many stressors to us all and fostering mental health has become more important than ever. In hospitality, we owe it to those we work with to ensure that the workplace is an open environment where wellness is cherished.

We challenge each of you to acknowledge World Mental Health Day and to explore the following resources to ensure that you can properly ensure the health and wellness of workers both physically and mentally.
Look no further than our beautiful backyard for your 2021 adventures! The BC Hospitality Foundation is proud to announce our primary fundraiser for 2020, an online lottery, with a focus on supporting local hotels, wineries, breweries, restaurants, tourist attractions, and of course, their staff – the heart and soul of our hospitality industry. Featuring prizes from some of BC’s most remarkable destinations, we aim to fill your 2021 with safe and local explorations of our own, beautiful BC backyard.

Our beloved industry has worked hard to adapt to these trying times, with safety at the forefront of every experience, and this lottery supports the hospitality industry by endorsing a strong start to 2021!

Like many charities, the BCHF’s fundraising model, which relies almost entirely on events and social engagements, has been turned completely upside down. It is an unforgiving reality that will likely last well into 2021, and so we strategically revised our entire course of action for 2020. This online lottery will help us continue working to support hospitality workers in a financial crisis due to a health condition. Thank you to everyone for purchasing your BCHF lottery tickets and helping us finish off 2020 with determination and grace!  Good Luck!! Tickets on sale from October 13 to November 1st, 2020
ABLE BC: 2020 Virtual BC Liquor Conference
Join the fifth annual BC Liquor Conference: Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 online.

Hosted by ABLE BC, the advocate for BC’s pubs and liquor stores, this year’s conference will take place virtually!

No matter where you are in the province, tune in and get the actionable steps and knowledge you need to adapt and survive COVID-19. Plus get liquor industry data, trends, and policy updates you can’t get anywhere else.

2020 conference highlights include:

·       Address from the Hon. David Eby, Attorney General
·       Update on ABLE BC’s liquor policy priorities
·       Insights into how the pandemic has impacted liquor retail trends
·       Post-COVID profitability for bars and pubs
·       BC’s election and what the future holds
·       Virtual happy hour and networking opportunities
·       And more

The COVID-19 crisis is far from over. But together, we will weather this storm. Join us and other industry leaders at the 5th annual BC Liquor Conference, as we bring together BC’s hospitality industry and look to the future. 
Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association holds Annual General Meeting
The 43rd Annual General Meeting took place via Zoom this year on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. It was a productive two hour session of business, industry presentations, regional updates and networking. 

Kootenay Rockies Tourism would like to thank Karla Grenon, Director, Global Marketing Program, Destination BC (DBC); Vivek Sharma, Chair, Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) and Ingrid Jarrett, President & CEO, BC Hotel Association (BCHA) for taking the time to join in and share their insightful presentations.
For those who may have missed our Annual General Meeting,
a recording can be viewed here.

One of the business items was the
Announcement of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors:
CHAIR, Tom Rosner - Resorts of the Canadian Rockies
PAST CHAIR, Mike Smith - Links Consulting, Invermere
VICE-CHAIR, Mike McPhee - Island Lake Resort Group, Fernie
VICE-CHAIR, Janice Alpine - Ktunaxa Nation Council
SECRETARY/TREASURER, Kristy Jahn-Smith - Cranbrook Tourism
DIRECTOR, Clarissa Amaro - Panorama Mountain Resort
DIRECTOR, Mike Riediger, Kootenay Adaptive Sport Association, Nakusp
DIRECTOR, Andrea Ryman, Destination Castlegar
DIRECTOR, Vivek Sharma - Fairmont Hot Springs Resort
Congratulations to our two new board members, Mike Riediger and Andrea Ryman.
And, a heartfelt thank you to our two outgoing board members,
Tyler Beckley, Three Bars Guest Ranch and Doug McIntosh, Chattan Holdings.
Your continued service over many years, your guidance, perspectives and dedication to KRT and tourism was vital to our continued success and your passion for the industry truly inspiring.
Thank you to all the Tourism Partners who attended and networked
with us at our Annual General Meeting!
BCHA, Member & Industry News
Canadian 'Snowbirds' flocking west for the winter |...

With the U.S.- Canada border remaining closed, tens of thousands of Canadian retirees and other 'snowbirds' are looking to spend the season in B.C. To avoid the worst of the Canadian winter. Kylie Stanton reports

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Snowbirds unable to go south flock to Vancouver Island

Snowbirds who can't go south of the border because of the pandemic are flocking to the Island to spend the winter months. Vancouver Island RV parks are booked up and taking wait lists for the winter, because the closing of the U.S. border has...

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Ottawa unveils new commercial rent relief program

The federal government unveiled its new commercial rent relief program on Friday, one that will bypass landlords and provide direct support for small businesses. The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on...

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Ottawa extends rate of wage subsidy through to December

With the pandemic imposing new restrictions on some businesses across Canada, the federal government is extending measures to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) by freezing the current subsidy rate until mid-December.

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B.C. election delays financial aid promised to...

Funds from the B.C. government's $2-billion pandemic economic recovery plan will likely not start flowing to struggling businesses until the end of the year, a delay caused by the snap provincial election despite a commitment from Premier John...

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Member Feature
Printhink supplies virtually any type of printing, graphics, or promotional product. If you can imagine your company image on it, call them to source it for you.

Printhink offers exclusive benefits to BCHA members starting with the discounted common hotel requirements. Finding hidden money in your printing and graphics budget is what we do. Printhink combines decades of printing expertise with their extensive network of trusted specialized print partners to help save you money in your printing and graphics budget. They will also implement customized client online ordering sites to provide a complete, scalable, graphics sourcing package.

  • Discount print pricing of up to 25% off
  • FREE delivery to any property location in BC
  • FREE Ordering Site ($1000 Value) for qualified hotels
  • FREE Print Audit (uncover immediate savings and creates an annual print sourcing plan)
  • FREE Print Audit - click here for information

Learn more about Printhink Solutions here.