As many of you know today marks the beginning of the extended stay at home order until May 30.
Executive Order 32
The new Order expands outside activities to include:
- Specific State parks to be designated by IDNR.
- Fishing and boating with no more than two people in the same boat.
- Golfing (does not include driving ranges) under guidelines provided here PROVIDED WHERE?
Requirements when you leave your home under the new Order:
- Face Coverings in Public. Individuals over the age of 2 and able to medically tolerate a face-covering shall cover their nose and mouth with a face-covering when in a public place and unable to maintain a six-foot social distance.
Essential stores
shall to the extent possible:
- provide face coverings to all employees who are not able to maintain a minimum six-foot social distance at all times;
- cap occupancy at 50% of store capacity or at the occupancy limits based on store square footage set by the DCEO;
- set up store aisles to be one-way and identify the one-way aisles;
- communicate to customers about the social distancing requirements; and
- discontinue use of reusable bags. (We got a great tip from Jen Walling of the Illinois Environmental Council on this. Ask the bagger to just place your groceries back in your cart and take the cart to your car where you can bag your items into your own reusable bags)
Non-essential stores
may re-open for the limited purposes of fulfilling telephone and online orders through pick-up outside the store.
must follow social distancing requirements and take appropriate precautions detailed in the order.
Essential services added by the new Order:
- Clarifies that greenhouses, garden centers, and nurseries may be open
- The new Order allows educational institutions to establish procedures for pick-up of necessary supplies and student belongings consistent with public health guidelines
Executive Orders 30, 33 and 34 also take effective beginning today as outlined below:
- Executive Order 30: provides further protects individuals from being illegally evicted from their homes. Individuals being illegally evicted from their homes should report this to the police and also contact a legal resource such as Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights or Legal Aid Chicago.
- Executive Order 33: reissues all executive orders from 2020-3 to 2020-31 that have been instated since the beginning of the States declaration of a State of emergency.
- Executive Order 34: suspends the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation's requirement to publish the 75 new dispensary licenses by 5/1/2020 and requires them to publish them when they are available or by the end of the emergency order.
Contact Tracing Update:
Today the Governor announced new efforts to expand contact tracing efforts across the State. Contact tracing speeds up diagnosis and will slow outbreaks if done correctly. It means you get notified if you have come into contact with someone who has been infected with COVID-19 and it enables identification of asymptomatic individuals who would otherwise be spreading the virus so that they can isolate themselves and reduce the spread causing fewer outbreaks.
Governor Pritzker also introduced Dr. Wayne Duffus, previously a senior medical adviser for the CDC who will now be joining the Illinois Department of Public Health as the State's lead epidemiologist. He will be leading the contact tracing initiative across the State. Dr. Duffus explained the process for scaling up a large scale contact tracing effort. In laying out the plan, he explained that based on current rates of spread we estimate needing 30 workers per 100,000 residents. Three categories of workers will be needed including case investigators to contact individuals after test results come back positive, contact tracers to contact individuals who may have been exposed to others with the virus and resource coordinators who will facilitate support to individuals who need to be isolated. The goal is to have a soft roll out of this program by the end of May.