COVID-19 Update: Midwest Governors Collaborating on Reopening Economy, Testing Update & City Tax Deadline Extension
Today, Governor Pritzker announced a multi-State initiative with Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky to reflect an ongoing regional collaboration to work together on a strategy to reopen the economy using a fact based, data-driven approach to relaxing Stay At Home Orders. The Governor made clear that the agreement doesn’t mean that states aren’t making their own decisions within those parameters, it reflects an agreement to work together under those guiding principles. Each state is in agreement that widespread testing both for active infection and immunity as well as robust contact tracing and treatment protocols are baseline needs for relaxing restrictions.

The briefing today included representatives of three health care organizations launching a new partnership with the state to greatly expand testing capacity on the south side of the city and the south suburbs as well as the Latinx community to begin to bridge the gap in access to care in these communities. Howard Brown Health Care, a longstanding pillar in the LGBTQ community, announced they would be joining forces with Project Vida in Little Village to stand up a Care Station in that community, noting the historic rates of lack of health coverage and the reality that the federal stimulus package explicitly excluded undocumented people who are incredibly vulnerable at this time. The Governor said that there would be more information forthcoming concerning expanded capacity on the west side of the city as well.

Last week Governor Pritzker reported that the state was falling short of our goal of being able to process 10,000 tests per day in part because bulk testing machines by Thermo Fisher had not performed up to expectations, but that the company had been working diligently to address the shortcomings. Today he shared that those machines are now running at capacity with accurate results. The State had also been struggling to secure viral transport mediums (VTM) and swabs needed to perform tests. Through a partnership with Illinois Universities across the State and outside vendors there are no more shortages in supplies for State testing sites and through this partnership we are able to assist other testing sites. The Governor stated that any labs that are having issues securing swabs or VTM should contact their local emergency management agencies so that they can be provided with additional supplies.

Two days ago the third new drive thru site for testing was up and running in Markham in the South Chicago suburbs. Over 600 specimens were taken the first day. More drive thru testing sites will be opening across the State and these sites have the ability to run up to 1800 tests per day.
COVID-19 Count as of today :

1,140 new cases, 125 deaths today

If you have questions related to COVID-19 you can contact the Illinois Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 800-889-3931
Email :

City of Chicago's Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 312-746-4835
Email :

You can sign up to get updates from the City of Chicago's Department of Public Health here .
Unemployment Update: Newly Eligible Individuals Under the Federal CARES Act
As of yesterday the Illinois Department of Employment Security has announced that newly eligible individuals such as independent contractors, sole proprietors, 1099 employees and gig workers who will qualify for federal pandemic unemployment assistance should be applying for regular state unemployment benefits even if they may not qualify. Although this is a change from earlier advice we have been given and have been relaying to our constituents, we’re hopeful this doesn’t change again. The denial those individuals receive when applying for regular State benefits will be used to determine eligibility for the federal pandemic unemployment assistance. You can read IDES full guidance here . Individuals are encouraged to create an account online to apply instead of calling. You can apply here and if you are unemployed due to COVID you can skip the Jobs Link Search sign up portion of the registration.
Tele-Town hall Tonight: 48th Ward Alderman Harry Osterman, State Senator Heather Steans and Congresswoman Schakowsky
P lease tune in on Facebook live as I join local elected officials in the 48th Ward Virtual Town Hall Meeting taking place tonight at 7pm click this link to join . During the meeting, viewers can submit questions in the comments of the video and they will be collected by staff moderating the Q&A session at the end of the agenda.
City of Chicago: Defers Tax Payments for Businesses
Today, Mayor Lightfoot announced an extension of the business tax payments to June 1. These payments had originally been extended to April 30 and have been extended further to provide financial relief to businesses. View the full release here .

Kelly Cassidy
State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640