Daily COVID-19 Update: Testing Kits and Housing Assistance Programs
Yesterday, Governor Pritzker provided an update on the number of tests the State is running daily, we are currently testing at a rate of 4,000 per day but within the next 10 days we are hoping to be running 10,000 tests per day. There are two types of testing facilities, State and Commercial labs which are being used to process tests.

Abbott Laboratories an Illinois based medical technology company created the first FDA approved, portable 5 minute test . Illinois is first in line to have access to these tests once they are manufactured at a grand scale, but even then they are limited to creating 50,000 a day and are needing to meet the demand of all States. Illinois National Guard has now opened its 5th drive thru testing center. Unfortunately, Federal guidelines require that these sites be monitored by their staff at all times and there are currently a limited number of staff members, these sites also have a 4-7 day turn around time unlike State labs that have a 24 hour turn around time. The Pritzker administration is continuing to push for an expansion of State testing sites and hoping to speed up the federal sites’ turn around time.

Today the Governor shed some light on the expansion of facilities and beds and announced that two sites would be reopening, the old Sherman hospital in Elgin and Metro South in Blue Island. McCormick place will be open for non intensive unit care patients, with the first 500 beds open this week with planned capacity of 3,000 by the end of April.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) continues to be a concern. As of yesterday 420,000 masks 41,000 surgery masks 22,000 gowns 340,000 gloves 108,000 goggles 3,000 shields had been shipped to 96 local health departments in the State.


On Friday, Mayor Lightfoot announced a $2 million dollar COVID-19 Housing Grant Program to assist residents who have suffered economic hardship due to COVID. The fund will award 2,000 individuals a one time $1,000 grant. Applications are due by Wednesday, April 1. You can view the application here .

COVID-19 Count as of today :

If you have questions related to COVID-19 you can contact the Illinois Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 800-889-3931
Email : dph.sick@illinois.gov

City of Chicago's Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 312-746-4835
Email : coronavirus@chicago.gov

You can sign up to get updates from the City of Chicago's Department of Public Health here .
Housing Resources
With the first of the month right around the corner we understand many are facing challenges with coming up with rent and mortgage payments due to COVID-19. Below are some resources for those looking for assistance.

Advocacy Resources:


  • You can also find an interactive list of shelters here and filter by categories.

Evictions/Foreclosures: All evictions/foreclosures have been suspended for at least 30 days in Cook County. This means that if you are unable to pay your rent, you cannot be evicted.

If your landlord is looking to evict you illegally please contact a Legal Aid Chicago , Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights or CARPLS Legal Aid 312.738.9200 Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday & Wednesday nights until 7:30 p.m.
Department of Human Services Update
The Department of Human Services has launched a newly consolidated website here with options for shelter, food and more.

DHS has been actively engaging with providers and has sent out a questionnaire in order to better understand the level of PPE needed as well as other resources. An array of guidance has also been publish on their website for multiple provides .

Childcare assistance is being provided Statewide to essential workers. For assistance on accessing emergency childcare please call 888-228-1146.

Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) has seen a large increase in federal funds due to COVID-19. One million households in Illinois receive SNAP benefits. This increase includes $300 million for the month of April alone. No extra application is required, all current SNAP recipients will automatically receive this increase.

A SNAP extension was recently approved so that re-certifications for SNAP benefits are extended automatically for 6 months for those that need to re-certify in March, April and May. Interested individuals should apply online here .

The Illinois Department of Human Services has submitted a request for a waiver to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the following:
  • Medicaid re-determination suspension so that medical benefits are not cancelled for those that do not complete their annual re-determination
  • Online use of SNAP/EBT benefits so that they can be used to make purchases

As more information becomes available on the approval of these waivers we will provide updates.
Department of Corrections
Today the administration also shared more information on Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. IDOC is expanding capacity for isolation at facilities as they can, while reviewing inmates for early release to make more room in facilities to allow for appropriate distancing.

Last week, the administration reported that all of the inmates in the Moms & Babies program as well as all pregnant inmates had been released either to home or alternative placements while they continue to review at risk populations for early release.

The situation at Stateville is becoming increasingly dire. This facility has a much older population than many others and the case count there has grown alarmingly high , with today bringing the report of the first inmate death related to the pandemic. The Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health reported that there are 12 Stateville inmates in ICU in a local hospital with 77 additional inmates isolated within the facility and 11 staff reporting symptoms and isolated. Given the capacity of local hospitals in the area, this is concerning both in terms of the risks to the population at Stateville but also the community health impact in the surrounding area if local hospital capacity is completely overwhelmed by patients from Stateville. Dr. Ezike also reported that staff at Stateville have been considering using “group quarantine” at the facility, perhaps utilizing unused portions of the facility that can be reopened in order to address the spread.

Earlier news reports raised concerns about sufficient cleaning supplies and PPE within the facilities, and this remains a concern that we are closely following. Clearly, any congregate facility such as corrections or nursing facilities present particular challenges in circumstances like these and preventing the spread when people live and work in such close quarters is much more challenging. We continue to press to ensure that staff and inmates have sufficient access to PPE and cleaning supplies as well as encouraging more aggressive use of early release, in particular for inmates at heightened risk of complications from COVID-19.
Census Information
The U.S. Census Bureau is continuing to collect census information throughout this pandemic and encourages individuals to complete the census survey. It is available in 59 non English languages and we ask all readers to complete the survey online here or call 844-330-2020. Everyone needs to be counted whether they are documented or not. To learn more about why the census matters to you and our community visit their website here . 844-330-20

Kelly Cassidy
State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640