COVID-19 Update: Returning to Session, Long Term Care Facility Update
Today it was announced that the General Assembly will convene next week in simultaneous regular session and special session to address issues related to the budget, emergency actions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and other time sensitive matters. The session proclamation issued by Speaker Madigan and President Harmon is here. The House will convene in the Bank of Springfield Center in order to maintain social distancing while the Senate will convene in the Capitol. Members have been asked to commit to being tested for COVID-19, agree to maintain social distancing, wear face coverings while in session, and submit to temperature checks upon entering the building. Similarly, while there will be provisions for public access, there will be significant safeguards and limits in place to ensure the safety of all involved.

For the last several weeks, House and Senate members have been meeting in bipartisan working groups tasked with identifying critical “must pass” legislation such as expiring programs, reviewing new bills resulting from COVID related issues, and working on the FY21 budget. These groups are completing their work this week in anticipation of a truncated session focused on these critical priorities. Similarly, the various appropriations committees have been meeting reviewing updated budget estimates and requests in preparation for a budget that looks very little like the one under consideration since the Governor’s budget address in February. Facing revenue shortfalls in nearly every category, much of the work that had been done up to this point requires revisiting.

Session is currently scheduled for Wednesday through Friday of next week, allowing sufficient time to meet the end of May deadline for passing a budget with a simple majority. In the days ahead, I will add details on measures expected to be considered next week as well as more detail on how the proceedings will be conducted.
Long Term Care Facility Update

In today’s briefing, Governor Pritzker focused on the state’s efforts to address outbreaks at long term care facilities across the state. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is now providing tests at all facilities regardless of whether there are identified cases in an effort to stop the spread in these facilities and allow asymptomatic individuals the ability to self isolate before spreading.

Since entering into a partnership with Quest Diagnostics the company has been making deliveries of more than 30,000 tests to 130 facilities across the state since May 5. The contract with Quest diagnostics requires they maintain a 48 hour turn around times for results.

The department has also prioritized PPE distribution to long term care facilities and has delivered PPE to facilities across all 102 counties in the state. The Governor announced a new initiative between the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Public Health to assist 1,200 nursing homes across the state in receiving extra PPE to ensure these facilities have a stockpile. The initiative began on April 30 and the agencies have distributed PPE to 85% of these facilities.
Fast Track Infrastructure Grants for “Shovel Ready”
Projects Announced by DCEO

Yesterday, Governor Pritzker announced that the administration will move forward with Fast-Track Public Infrastructure Grants as part of Rebuild Illinois, the state’s multi-year capital plan. This program is designed to accelerate work on planned public infrastructure projects around the state, especially in underserved areas and Opportunity Zones. The State is making $25 million available to all types of local governments in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many face lost revenues and losing the ability to finance these much needed projects.
These Fast-Track grants will jumpstart key public works projects that may have otherwise been cancelled and will help skilled labor return to the job in time for the construction season. Funds can be used to support projects such as expansions of water and sewer systems and reinvestment to modernize schools and other public buildings. 
Fast-Track grants ranging in size between $500,000 and $5 million will be awarded on a rolling basis. For this grant, 30% of application scoring will be based on community need, such as whether a project is in an underserved area or Opportunity Zone. The administration is committed to ensuring the maximum level of diversity in participation across the programs funded. That’s why DCEO will require compliance with the Business Enterprise Program (BEP) and Illinois Works, and why preference is given for projects in underserved communities around the state. To see a map of underserved areas, click  here . To see a map of Opportunity Zones, click  here
To apply for the grants, please visit the  Rebuild Illinois website . A full program Guidebook can be found  here .
To view the status of each region‘s progress towards entering the next phase under the Governor's Restore Illinois plan visit the IDPH website here .

COVID-19 Count as of today:
1,677 new COVID cases, 192 deaths
17,668 tests run in the last 24 hours
4,563 hospitalizations related to COVID-19. Of those,
1,208 in ICU
714 individuals on ventilators

If you have questions related to COVID-19 you can contact the Illinois Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 800-889-3931
Email :

City of Chicago's Department of Public Health :
Hotline : 312-746-4835
Email :
Chicago Update: Survey and Latinx Townhall Tonight
The city has launched a community survey to gauge sentiments regarding the stay at home order and reopening efforts. Click here to participate.

Tonight the city is hosting a townhall on Facebook Live in Spanish targeted at answering questions from the Latinx community. This initiative is part of Mayor Lightfoots racial equity response team's plan to address disproportionate rates of infection among black and brown communities. The video can be found on
Guidance on Face Coverings: Businesses and Consumers
The Department of Human Rights has released guidance for individuals and businesses regarding the Governor's Executive Order requiring face coverings when leaving their homes.
All In Illinois: Resources for kids
The All In Illinois campaign has launched resources to target engagement amongst kids. The site provides puzzles, interactive games and coloring pages. Visit the All in Illinois website to learn more.
Metra Station Townhall:
With Aldermen Vasquez and Osterman and Senator Steans
On Monday, May 18 at 6:30 pm Senator Steans, Alderman Vasquez, Alderman Osterman and staff from my office will be hosting a town hall to provide updates on the Peterson/Ridge station. Register to join the townhall here .
Webinar for Asian American Business Owners: Register to receive a link to participate
Join the Asian American Caucus, Illinois Asian American Legislative Caucus in partnership with the Asian American Executive Network and the Asian American Coalition of Chicago for a webinar with elected officials.

The webinar will provide information on grants, loans, and other resources for small businesses. Attendees will be able to ask questions and share their experiences navigating this pandemic. RSVP by clicking here .

Kelly Cassidy
State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640