Gov. David Ige reinstates partial inter-island travel quarantine, Honolulu mayor tightens up restrictions as cases surge. The governor and city officials announced a number of restrictions on Thursday, August 6, in light of the recent uptick in the state’s COVID-19 cases. Read more...

Limit on gatherings to no more than 10 people approved for Oahu as of August 3, 2020. Mayor Kirk Caldwell Monday announced that Governor David Ige has approved the City and County of Honolulu’s amended order that limits indoor and outdoor social gatherings to no more than 10 people, regardless of household/living unit affiliation. This is effective immediately. Read more...

City and County of Honolulu Emergency Order 2020-22 as of July 31, 2020. Mayor Kirk Caldwell issued an emergency order that will continue through Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 3:30 p.m. Read more...
Employment Opportunities - Job Postings

Seeking on-call math instructors for BIA's Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Training program. For more information contact Barbara Nishikawa, Education Director at or (808) 629-7505

Are you hiring? Do you have job opportunities needed to be filled?

BIA-Hawaii is here to support your company by offering job postings in our weekly COVID-19 eBlast. Please submit job openings to
Fact Sheets
Hawaii COVID-19 Rules & Regulations

Chamber of Commerce Hawaii summarizes rules and regulations by island.
Addressing Labor Shortage Key to Improving Affordability, Providing Job Opportunities in Wake of COVID-19. The coronavirus has affected the economy in a number of ways — one being the housing market. Read more...

Several states have passed legislation, or have had their governor sign executive orders, granting businesses immunity from civil liability for COVID-19 related lawsuits. Hawaii is not one of the states that has taken action but it will be interesting to watch and promote. Read more...

The HEALS Act is a $1 trillion Senate coronavirus relief bill introduced in response to the $3 trillion House HEROES Act legislation passed by House Democrats in May. Both parties are now negotiating a final bill. Industry folks should pay special attention to the Safe & Healthy Workplace Tax Credit. Read more...