Friday, June 21, 2024

In This Issue

Fr. Alan on Vacation

The Rev. Katie Spero at 10:45

Search Committee Update

Summer Outing with COS

Live Steam Volunteers Needed

Weekly Milestones

Weekly at COS

Around the Wider Church

This Sunday at COS | Sunday, June 23

The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

7:45a | 9:00a | 10:45a*

*these services are also streamed on YouTube.

Peter Civetta, Preacher

Sunday Bulletins Intercession List

Click Here for This Sunday's Readings

Click here for directions and parking info

News & Updates

Fr. Alan on Vacation

Fr. Alan is away on vacation June 17 – July 3. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Br. Will White in the office (773-350-6237) or Fr. Richard Wendel (773-665-0880).

The Rev. Katie Spero at 10:45 this Sunday

The Rev. Katie Spero will be Deacon at the 10:45am service this Sunday. This is Katie's first Sunday assisting as Deacon at COS so be sure to stop by and say hello (and Happy Birthday).

Search Committee Update

Thank you to the 75 members who participated in small groups over the past month, providing valuable input and feedback for the rector search process. The Search Committee is now focused on taking your comments and the data from the CAT survey and using it to prepare our parish profile. When this document is completed later this summer it will be made available to the congregation and the wider church to help inform and attract quality candidates to the position. The Search Committee appreciates your continued prayers during this time. 

Summer Outing with COS | Save the Date!

On August 25th, COSers will gather to enjoy "Sunday in the Park with Lyric" at Millennium Park. The concert begins at 7 PM, but arrive early, bring your basket and blanket (or lawn chair), and enjoy a picnic social. More details to come but be sure to put it in your calendar so you don't miss out!


Live Stream Volunteers Needed

We are looking to train a couple of COSers to run the live stream on Sundays in the event our regularly scheduled AV technician is unavailable. Anyone is eligible to volunteer and will receive training. Please help us with this important ministry which allows individuals to worship with us from their location when they are not able to be with us in person. Please contact Br Will if you are interested in learning more.

Weekly Milestones at COS


JD Miller, Katie Spero, Caroline Wilhelm, Alex White, & Katheryn Jones

Need to update your information? Email us 

Weekly at COS

Tuesday Morning Prayer

Tuesdays at 10:00am

(in-person or on Zoom)

Morning Prayer Zoom Link

Morning Prayer Bulletin


Sundays at 9pm

Mondays & Thursdays at 8:30pm

Join on Zoom

Passcode: gTyM79

Around the Wider Church

Celebrate Pride Update

The City of Chicago has imposed many changes on the 2024 Chicago Pride Parade, including new restrictions on the number of participants per parade entry. As a result, the Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches has limited its partner organizations, including the Diocese of Chicago, to bringing only four marchers who must be registered in advance. Anyone who would like to submit to be one of the four marchers for the diocese can email Jen Boyle Tucker with their name, congregation, and phone number. 


In place of marching together, St Peter’s Episcopal Church (617 W Belmont) have invited all members of the diocese to join them in their ministry of welcome and hospitality on the steps of the church along the parade route. St Peter’s doors will be open from 9 a.m. until the parade ends, and volunteers will hand out cold water, direct visitors to the parish's accessible, all-gender bathrooms, and demonstrate the diocese’s shared commitment to welcome and inclusion.


If you can join this ministry of presence at St Peter's, please make your way to the church steps on June 30 beginning at 9 a.m.

Towards GC 81

The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church is scheduled for June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The GC81 Media Hub is a one-stop website for links to livestreams in the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, including the June 22 Episcopal Revival and convention worship.

Learn more about General Convention at the media hub and see a draft General Convention calendar.

Help Provide Urgent Humanitarian Care for Gaza's Children

Amidst the unfolding crisis in Gaza, the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is the primary humanitarian organization in Palestine, delivering crucial and life-saving medical relief and humanitarian aid where it is needed most. Donations to the PCRF "Gaza Relief and Recovery" campaign aims to address urgent humanitarian needs and support long-term recovery efforts in Gaza. The funds raised will primarily focus on immediate relief, including providing essential medical supplies, food, medical treatment, clean water, and other necessities for families affected by the conflict.

Contribute Today

GC 81 Committees recommend resolutions on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

General Convention’s committees on Social Justice & International Policy recommended a series of resolutions on June 6 responding to various aspects of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including whether to apply the term “apartheid” to Israel’s disparate treatment of Palestinians and Jewish Israelis. Click here to read more about the proposed resolutions.

Love Always Revival

On June 22, Bishop Michael Curry will lead Love Always, the final revival of his term in office. The service of prayer and music will be an opportunity to thank Bishop Curry for his nine years of leadership.

A livestream will be available on The Episcopal Church’s Facebook and YouTube pages, and on the General Convention media hub

Church of Our Saviour is a welcoming and

inclusive community.

The mission of Church of Our Saviour is to nurture a vibrant Christian community, where all are welcome to embrace love for God, love for self, and love for neighbor.

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